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Hello my name is Keyiara but I go by Key, I am fundraising for a double lung transplant. It all started with me finding out I had lupus which was a hard case to solve that ended up with the lupus attacking my lungs. I was 23 years old when I found out I had lupus I am now 26 years old and the lupus has taken a toll on my lungs that has caused me to have Interstitial lung disease fibrosis at the lungs. I’ve had very limitations to enjoying the things I enjoy doing resulting me having to be on oxygen 24/7. I’m looking for a turn around in my life as I used to enjoy playing basketball and working out on my free times at basketball tournaments as a good exercise on my days off from work. I would really like to enjoy my life again and be able to do the things I love with no limitations. I believe that at every tunnel there is light you just have to believe and have faith in God and never give up on yourself keep fighting.

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June 18, 2023

Dear God,

I lift Keyiara up to you in prayer for your healing touch to come to her body. I also pray for the medical team caring for her. I ask that you bless their work and guide their decisions. I pray that you give them the wisdom to effectively treat her illness. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

Felix Williams