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Collin broke his C5 and C6 vertebrae and suffered a severe spinal cord injury while at the beach with his friends. He has very limited mobility in his arms and hands, and currently no feeling below the chest. Collin is currently working hard with the amazing staff at Craig Hospital to increase his mobility and independence. We’re asking our family, friends, and community to join us in fundraising with the nonprofit Help Hope Live to help with the rising expenses Collin will face during rehabilitation.
Collin is a bright, compassionate, and hilarious light in so many lives. He is an incredible surfer who thrives in giving back to his community; from participating in beach clean ups to sharing his love for surfing by teaching blind and autistic youth how to find stoke in the ocean. Despite this devastating injury, Collin has not let it get in the way of his positive attitude and unwavering strength. He always gives 110% to any obstacle in front of him and this is no different.
While Collin has health insurance, most costs will not be covered. Collin will be in in-patient rehabilitation for three months minimum, with a long road of physical therapy ahead. He will need a wheelchair accessible vehicle and various renovations to our home are needed to make it accessible. The road ahead is long and uncertain so we do not know what additional accommodations, tools, and services will be needed.
Donations to Help Hope Live in Collin’s name will help ease this financial burden and allow Collin to focus on a healthy recovery. At only 23, Collin has such a bright future and any support will help him to get back to independence. Collin is determined to get back on a surf board and continue living his best life!
Collin has chosen to fundraise for Help Hope Live in part because Help Hope Live assures fiscal accountability of funds raised and tax deductibility for contributors. Contributors can be sure donations will be used to pay or reimburse medical and related expenses. To make a tax-deductible donation to this fundraising campaign, click on the Give button.
For more information, please contact Help Hope Live at 800.642.8399.
Thank you for your support!
Dear Friends,
Happy New Year! Unfortunately, this year has started off in a pretty tragic way here in California. Our thoughts and prayers go out to friends who have lost their homes in the LA fires or experienced any loss of any kind. We hope this update finds all of you in good health.
Last week, I was asked to share a “Celebration” as an ice-breaker in a work meeting. My initial response was, “My celebrations would just be depressing for everyone else in this room.” But, I was immediately regretful of that thought because it discounts all the amazing progress and HARD work that Collin puts in EVERY day. And, it discounts all the loving support we get from friends like you. It’s true that everyday is a challenge and a struggle for us like Collin being in constant nerve pain throughout his body like he’s laying on a bed of nails or Collin getting dropped from his team of doctors because the insurance company won’t negotiate with the hospital group. But, we are really trying to focus less on the things that go wrong and more on the incredible things that DO go our way!
Around Thanksgiving, our friend Dennis Nelson and his construction crew finished a bathroom remodel in our house. It allows Collin to roll straight up to the sink to rinse his face and brush his own teeth (see videos) and for us to roll Collin straight into the shower because the floor is level. I almost cried the first time we used it because it hasn’t been that easy since we were at Craig Hospital in 2023! (The rental house we are in right now has a bathtub and it is quite a bit more cumbersome to manage bathroom care.) We also bought Collin a Nectar bed that can elevate his torso using the voice commands on his phone. All this independence has allowed Collin the comfort for longer stays at home in Santa Barbara. We even got out on a 2 hour bike ride through UCSB on his new scooter adaptation to his manual wheelchair.
Collin had another BIG milestone last weekend - Brian took him on a “Boys Weekend” to Mammoth for some Adaptive Skiing. (see video) As a kid, Collin spent A LOT of time in Mammoth and this was his first time back which felt so good to him. It was also the first time that Brian had travelled alone with Collin, and he managed the challenges of a hotel room for two nights amazingly. It was a huge confidence booster for Brian and an AWESOME experience for Collin to do some Adaptive Skiing on a Sit-Ski. The thing that really topped off the day was that the lead volunteer helping him with the skiing was Josh Pighetti who was Collin’s Jr. Lifeguard Counselor back from when he was a kid at East Beach in Santa Barbara. Brian and Josh’s dad were also really good friends, so the whole experience was filled with love and complete STOKE.
We feel so blessed to be surrounded by support from all of you in spirit as well as financially. Nothing is taken for granted and we want to thank all of you for bringing bits of Collin’s “old life” back to our current life. He is working so hard in Physical Therapy three times a week on top of continuing his second semester of his Master’s degree. Thank you all so much.
Much love,
The Bosse Family
Dear Friends,
We are entering the holiday season and there is a lot to be grateful for. Everyday for us doesn't get easier, but at least it gets more familiar. So, in a sense it is easier to look past the blood pressure issues when Collin has AD, the fear of skin issues when he's wearing new shoes or in wet clothes too long, or whether the spasms he has are good or bad news. Truth is, we are just rolling past the bad and focusing on the good - and there's been a LOT of that!
For the past 6 months Collin has been attending every event possible to get back in the ocean: Waves4All, Stoke for Life, Life Rolls On, Ionis Day at the Beach, and Access Surf Hawaii. Yep - Hawaii! His rehab hospital (Craig Hospital) organizes trips for their graduates and when we were in the hospital, we could only dream of the day when Collin had the strength and ability to take a trip. That time came last month when Brian, Collin and I flew to Oahu for our first trip NOT to a hospital. It was scary having to pack all the medical needs and buy things like a travel commode chair in order to care for Collin outside the comfort of our home. But we did it! We learned so much about ourselves and what Collin is capable of...He and his sister LOVED to travel together before his accident and this trip showed us that they WILL be able to do that again in the future. And, of course, the warm air and water of Oahu was just amazing for Collin who is always cold because of his SCI. We really appreciated the support from the Recreational Therapists who came with us from Craig, the other former patients and their families, and the staff from Access Surf. It was great to also see cousins who he hadn't seen it about five years - awesome!
The stoke continued when we got home to San Diego. Challenged Athletes Foundation holds an annual CAF Community Weekend of events. This year they are almost at their goal of raising $1.5 million for children and adult athletes with special needs. For the past two years we have been blessed with the love and support of Team Santa Barbara Strong. They are one of the top fundraising teams for CAF and are all local triathletes, cyclists, IRONMAN men and women who have really rallied around Collin and our family - truly showing us what an AMAZING town Santa Barbara is! This year they worked with CAF to gift Collin the funds for an adaptive surfboard of his own!! (Thanks Jon and Joe!) This was presented to him onstage right before the CAF triathlon start... who knows? Maybe one day Collin will be competing in that as well!
One of the beautiful things about our Craig trip to Hawaii was meeting the fellow patients who also went on the trip. In talking with one of the other quadriplegics on the trip, we were able to learn about a motorized adaption to Collin's manual chair that works for people without function in their hands. We found a local vendor about 2 hours away and just last week went up there and bought it! It cost about $5,000 but thanks to friends like you, we are able to give Collin a growing sense of independence. He still needs a good manual chair that is fitted for him, not the demo model chair he is still using, but that will come in time. His goal is to ditch the cumbersome power chair so that he can be more "low profile" in his manual chair and do things like roll up and fit under a table at a restaurant.
Please enjoy the attached pictures and videos of Collin's latest adventures. You can tell by the size of his smile that he is really trying to embrace life! I love the picture on the beach at Rincon with the many Santa Barbara friends who continue to support Collin along with his SDSU friends and others in the SCI community. This network of friendship that is sticking by his side means THE WORLD to him. We all feel the love and wish that for everyone this holiday season and beyond. Thank you, thank you, thank you! We can't say it enough.
Much love,
The Bosse Family
Dear Friends,
Well, here we go... truly back in the "Real World." Just under a year and a half post-injury and Collin is going back to school today at the University of San Diego for an MBA (Master of Business Administration). He has applied, interviewed and received grants from USD, Swim with Mike Organization, and the Department of Rehabilitation. We will still need to pay about $15,000 in tuition, but Collin has found the lion-share of funding needed to pursue his goals and we couldn't be MORE PROUD of him!!!
On this first day, he super excited but also SUPER nervous... because with a Spinal Cord Injury there is SO much more involved than just getting over some jitters about going back to school. I thought maybe an explanation of what it takes to get him up and ready each day might illuminate all that is going through his mind. I woke up at 5:45 am to chug some coffee so I could start waking him up with his meds (for bladder spasms, nerve pain, and blood pressure) at 6:00 am. By the time I detach the night-time leg bag, switch the anchor for that to the other leg, secure him evenly in a sling and hoist him into his commode chair it's about 6:25 am. He spends an hour in his commode chair, periodically manually stimulated, to take care of the morning business we all do in about 10 minutes each day. The difference is Collin has to hope he gets it all out so his body doesn't experience an "invol" (aka shit his pants) during the day. By 7:30am, I'm rolling him in the commode chair to the bathroom and locking that into a sliding track system to get him into the shower. This process has to be fast because with an SCI, you are cold all the time and so he gets the chills easily. After the shower, I need to empty his leg bag of urine again because he is chugging coffee by this time to wake up. So then it's back to the bedroom and the sling to lift him out of the commode chair and laying him back in bed. I finish drying him off, replace the dressing on the suprapubic tube that comes out of his body just below his belly button, and dry his crotch and in between the toes to avoid moisture buildup. Also, after showers his leg bag is soaking wet so we insert it into a black, moisture wicking cover so his leg doesn't stay wet and it won't get his pants that I put on him wet. By this time it's 8:00 am, we are racing with the clock to get his underwear, socks, and pants on him while he's still laying in bed. When you're flat on your back and trying to put underwear or pants on you have to pull them up your leg and then do this back and forth rolling action to get the pants up and over each hip and butt, making sure the material is all flat and not bunched up because this could cause an episode of AD (which is that possible heart attack situation he's already once experienced!) Then it's back to wrapping him in the sling and hoisting him up yet again out of bed and this time into his power chair. A bit of deodorant, a nice shirt, and some cool shoes and he's ready for breakfast. By this time it's 8:15 am and his caregiver has arrived. While Collin finishes eating and brushing his own teeth (which is a great skill he's gained over this past year- YAY!), his caregiver is getting his computer, Kindle, stylus, and water put in his back pack that he keeps on the back of his chair. By 8:40 am, he's ready to go!
So, that's where he's at as I write this. He has a 9:00 am start time, and I'm betting his morning routine is like no other of the students he will meet today. Nor will they be sitting in class like Collin wondering how their leg bag of urine will get emptied at the break, or if they will have an "invol" and have to go home, or how that Kindle and computer will get out of the backpack and actually on the desk in front of them, or how they are going to eat lunch at the break, or.....? The list goes on. But, the most AMAZING thing is that even with this long laundry list of "What about this...?" or "How am I going to manage that?" Collin is GOING FOR IT!!! Like I said we could NOT BE MORE PROUD OF HIM!!!
Thank you all so much for your support of our INCREDIBLE son!! His bravery and strength is a result of the safety he feels. And you all have had a MAJOR role in helping us provide that safe living space for him. We can't thank you enough. As you go through your day today, with all the challenges any day brings to anyone, please send your thoughts, prayers, and good vibes Collin's way. And know that we all appreciate it SO VERY MUCH!!!
Much love,
Bosse Family
(PS - In these pictures Collin is in his manual chair... it's just some $400 floor model we bought used. But, he's ready for a new, well-fitted manual chair with some power assist wheels. That costs about $20K total so that is another something we will look to use the HHL funds for since insurance only provides a new chair every 5 years. He will be so stoked to get rid of his bulky power chair!)
Dear Friends,
Happy 4th of July!
It is hard to believe that a year ago today Collin and I were facing his fast-approaching Discharge Date from Craig Hospital and were so scared to enter back into the "real world." We had just purchased the mobility van and were venturing out to explore Colorado in our last days. Well, that turned out to be a comedy of errors - we got stuck in the van during a storm throwing down hail the size of billiard balls. We had gone to the iconic Red Rocks Amphitheater to see Blues Traveler with another Craig patient and his parents who were also from San Diego, thinking it would be nice for the boys to feel somewhat "normal" while they were only thinking about what all their able-bodied friends were doing partying in Pacific Beach back home.
So, we get to Red Rocks and it's a beautiful, sunny day which quickly disintegrated to an announcement to leave and wait in our cars until the storm passed. As the entire venue evacuated, we all packed into the van: Collin in his power chair, Tanner in his manual chair and us parents. We couldn't get the ramp up, but at least we were protected from the hail. Finally, we got the ramp closed and waited out the storm. When it looked like the skies had cleared and people were heading back into the venue, we all decided we could rejoin the crowds and enjoy the concert... and then oh crap... the ramp won't go down. I had a sudden jolt of fear which quickly dissipated into a laugh because of course we had all been through worse challenges in the past 4 months. It was comical that here I had 2 boys in chairs, 6 inches off the ground, and I couldn't get them out of the car... Welcome to your new life!
After pushing a bunch of buttons, manually opening and closing everything, calling the poor guy from Mobility Works on his holiday to walk me through how to operate the ramp, it finally went down! We went back in to enjoy the concert when about 5 songs in here came another hailstorm... By this time, Tanner and his family had given up and driven back to the hospital. Collin and I tried to ride out the storm in the Visitor Center, but not knowing if the ramp was going to work again and the late hour (it was approaching 11:00pm) and the fact that we were getting crushed in the corner by all the concert goers cramming into the Visitor Center for shelter, we decided to swim upstream and try to get out and to the van. So, it's pouring rain and Collin had just gotten his power chair which costs about $20k and I was NOT going to let that get ruined, I covered him in a poncho that the Rec Center gals at Craig had let us borrow. It was blowing wind so hard, I didn't even bother with an umbrella and just let myself get soaked as we made our way back to the van. Well, by this time someone had parked so close to us, I wasn't going to have enough room to even try to get the ramp down without backing up a bit. The problem was that the Uber drivers had already started to queue up in the lot so I had to ask them to make room so I could back up a few feet to try to get the ramp out for Collin. Meanwhile, he's getting pelted by rain as I hop back in the car, reverse a bit, and hold my breath as I press the magical VMI button which causes the ramp to engage... IT WORKED!!! THANK YOU GOD. Collin quickly rolled in, I pulled back into the spot, and we sat there pulling off our drenched clothing, crying/laughing with relief and exhaustion. I white-knuckled it back to the hospital in the storm because Colorado roads are not well lit and streets were totally flooded. After getting Collin dried off, through his night care, and in bed, I remembered I had some apple pie in the refrigerator - and gosh darn it- I was determined to eat apple pie on the 4th of July!!
So, as I sit here today, with what is (so far) a much more mellow 4th of July (knowing that that could change in the blink of an eye), we wish you a very HAPPY 4th of JULY!!! Our family is filled with gratitude for all of YOU who have supported Collin during this past year. He continues to work SO HARD every day to develop new strength and abilities. He has gone surfing twice now, and we realize that our next fundraising goal needs to be for an "off-road" power chair that will allow him to get over the sand to the water's edge and easily access the surfboard, as well as be used on trails for hikes. This will really help Collin join our active family in all our outside endeavors.
We want to leave you with this link that features Collin on ABC Nightly News. The segment is entitled "AMERICA STRONG" and that truly is what Collin embodies. On this national holiday, we want to thank all of you for your continued support. Copy/paste this link into your web browser (or see the home video below):
Much love,
The Bosse Family
Dear Friends,
Our prayers were answered last weekend! COLLIN WENT SURFING!!! He had so many friends on hand to help and support him from his PT gym Adapt Movement and the group called Waves for All. Everything went well with his morning routine, blood pressure, etc, so we went for it!! We borrowed the helmet, the life jacket, the booties... try putting those on paralyzed feet! But, it helps protect the skin on his feet. Some of you have asked, "What happens when he falls off?" And, yes, it's what you think... he just holds his breath, facedown, and waits for someone to get to him. Thankfully, his lungs have recovered from the initial tragedy and he can again hold his breath really well- which is what saved his life over a year ago! But, Collin's bravery and determination is so inspiring to watch.
I think Brian and I were more nervous than Collin who was just SO STOKED to taste and feel the ocean water again. He had THE BIGGEST smile on his face!!! Brian and I cried as the volunteers were paddling him out to the waves because this is such an emotional journey. The dark, dark days 13 months ago when we were just trying to make sense of our new reality seemed so distant last Saturday... the skies cleared, the warm sun came out, Collin was surrounded by love and support of his friends, and the beauty of all the volunteers and families sharing the stoke for him/us is hard to capture in words. Collin was already trying different boards and the guys from Waves for All were already talking about different shapes and features that would work for Collin's abilities. We can't wait to buy him his first board!! https://www.10news.com/news/local-news/paralyzed-san-diego-state-graduate-surfs-again
In other news, Collin has continued to show extreme grit and determination off the beach. He helped his friend Colin make a video for Google that features innovative new software that will help quadriplegics navigate their email, the web, games etc. Also, in the spirit of not letting life knock you down too long, Collin applied and was accepted to two MBA programs for the fall! He is working on getting some grants and scholarships that will hopefully cover some of the cost at either SDSU (his alma mater) or University of San Diego (where Summer just got her law degree). Going back to school will allow Collin to continue his PT sessions 3 times a week, which has proven to be so important for his mental well-being, as well as all the physical gains he has made that allowed him to ride those waves last weekend!
Thank you all so very much for your kind words of love and encouragement! Our family is humbled by all the support. We really thank God that he's put all you great people in our lives.
Much love,
Bosse Family
Holly Bosse (You)
4 mins
Now over 365 days ago Collin’s friends saved his life…On Sunday we celebrated the strength of our family to make it thru this past year. On Monday he was surrounded by love, strength and healing from family at his PT gym Adapt Movement in Carlsbad. We are so BLESSED to have this community in our lives
Also, Michael Chen from ABC 10News San Diego did a one-year follow up report on Collin to show how much progress he has made.
The support from both the San Diego and Santa Barbara communities are simply amazing. There are two upcoming fundraisers in Santa Barbara next weekend: a Pickleball Tournament and a Munkafust Concert at M Special Brewery during the UCSB All Greek Weekend. We are so thankful that people continue to support our journey.
And, life truly is such a journey in which we continue to experience highs and lows... Brian and I are blessed to have just celebrated our 27th wedding anniversary. But, we sadly said goodbye to Brian's father a couple weeks ago. We know that Dean will be looking down from heaven, paving the way to progress for Collin in the future.
We really appreciate all the love and support and are ready to take on Year TWO!!
Much love,
The Bosse Family
Happy Spring... Happy Easter... but mostly, Happy (almost) One Year to Collin, our family, and all of you for the INCREDIBLE support you've given us this past year. On April 8, 2023 Brian and I received the phone call that I hope none of you ever have to receive. And, Collin's life was forever changed. As we roll up to this anniversary, our family is hunkering down and celebrating the fact that Collin is ALIVE, that we are as STRONG a family as ever, and that we are eternally COMMITTED to making sure Collin has the BEST life possible. And, that brings me to YOU. Thank you all SO MUCH for your financial support and words of encouragement this past year. It has made so much possible for our family to provide Collin with the physical therapy, devices, and in-home care needed to help him build strength and independence.
Collin's life is full of challenges. Last month, the tube he has coming out of his bladder (called suprapubic catheter) got kinked and he almost went into cardiac arrest (called "autonomic dysreflexia"). With such an elevated blood pressure and the "burning liquid" feeling he had wracking his head, Brian and I ran for the nitroglycerin paste and applied it multiple times to his chest. Thankfully, we got the bp down but it left him with a residual pain for about a week. With this as our life now, we all just kinda accept it, learn from it, and move on to whatever the next day will bring.
Collin's life is also one of small gains that are adding up to big wins. He has no new feeling, but with tools and continued strength building he is able to accomplish more and more. He overcomes challenges with a sense of calm determination that is jaw-dropping in how inspirational it is. I thought one thing that might typify this is his ability to feed himself. So, I've added these videos to show his progression in the past year. He has gone from the ICU (not able to lift his arms), to a moment in the Craig Hospital cafeteria (he figured out he could lift his hand to mouth with a brace and hit-or-miss accuracy), to now using an adapted fork with his fingers! That simple fork and spoon cost $75 but thanks to your donations we didn't blink at purchasing a couple of them, especially if it meant more independence for Collin.
So, I hope this gives you a sense of how appreciative we all are for your support this past year. And, it shows that you have truly made a difference in all of our lives. From the bottom of our hearts, THANK YOU!!!
Much Love,
Bosse Family
WOW!!! Collin and I just spent a week back at Craig Hospital in Denver. It has been such a journey since we first went to Craig back on 4/20/23. At first, we had high hopes that he would walk out of that hospital upon discharge. What we quickly realized is that we were far from that goal and set our sights on learning about his bowel program, his suprapubic bladder care, and keeping his skin healthy from sores. This past week, with Collin 10 months post-injury, he got lots of compliments from his PTs, OTs, nurses, and doctors about his vibrancy, strength, and over-all health. As a family, we want to thank ALL of you and share in this success of continued health!
Because of your donations, we are able to focus Collin's recovery on LOTS of Physical Therapy, Counterstrain brain therapy and laser therapy to promote cell regeneration and healing. We continually pray for a reduction in the swelling of his spinal cord, and were happy that one of his tests showed improved twitching in his triceps... the therapies ARE working!!! Thank you! Thank you!! Thank you!!!
Of course, we are an active family, so the Recreational Therapy was our favorite part of the week. Collin was actually able to walk 640 steps in a robotic device called an Eksoskeleton! It made my jaw drop on the floor to see him navigate the walker and to see him at his full 6'2" height walking 4 laps around the gym. We had sessions in the pool and Collin was able to swim with minimal flotation devices and also able to make himself stand in the water, which shows developing core strength. And, he had some fun testing out a mountain bike which took some wrist skill/strength to navigate. Mostly, it was a wonderful reunion with his friends who were also in the hospital at the same time as Collin. They also arranged the same week for their check-ups so it was great for the boys to be together and for us parents to hug, cry, and bond some more.
We cannot thank you all enough for your generous donations. YOU are a direct correlation to Collin's progress. We are continually blown away by the support we are all receiving. And, it makes us so grateful to have such kind people like you in our lives.
Bosse Family
HAPPY NEW YEAR to all our family, friends, and supporters!
It is safe to say that 2023 has been the hardest year ever for our family. To be blunt, we are exhausted. But at the same time we are more determined than ever. Collin is working SO HARD on his recovery - it is the most inspirational thing we've ever witnessed. And, it is all thanks to YOU. We want to thank you all for your generous support that allows us to pay for SCI focused Physical Therapy, Red Light Laser Therapy, Counterstrain brain therapy, and servicing our mobility van. Brian and I are still juggling work commitments between San Diego and Santa Barbara which means that in the new year, we will be adding the cost of home care for Collin. That's a daunting prospect both in cost and emotion. But, we feel blessed by your donations that will help us afford the safest, kindest people to trust with Collin's care.
We want to leave 2023 behind with a few cool pics and vids of Collin's journey. He is working on his standing balance with fewer and fewer supports, his upper body strength continues to build, and he is getting out and about in the community through Challenged Sailors and the SD Boat Parade with the Waves For All organization.
Lastly, it was this time last year that Collin was out in the line up with all his buddies - surfing the massive swell. This year, Collin embraced his passion by taking his new camera out to film his buddies. He said, "If I can't be out there, it makes me feel (almost) as good to film my friends getting the rides of their lives." Collin's love of surfing and his friends is so evident in everything he does.
And on that note, we hope everyone has a healthy, safe, and HAPPY 2024. We look forward to keeping you updated with Collin's progress. And, again, THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts for all your love and support.
Much love,
Bosse Family xoxo
With Thanksgiving coming up next week, we wanted to say that our family is SO VERY THANKFUL for all of YOU. Your generous contributions have allowed us to continue with intense physical therapy for Collin 3-4 days a week. He continues to build strength and balance as each week passes. Many of you have seen the Help Hope Live article posted this week, but we wanted to share it to everyone in case you missed it. It is a very honest explanation of what life with an SCI is all about. (You might need to copy/paste this link into your browser.)
And, last night we went to a fundraiser and were part of a beautiful video for Collin's PT gym, Adapt Movement. Please watch the video to get a sense of how great the rehab gym is and where your contribution money is going. Again, we all really, really appreciate you! MUCH LOVE xoxo
Hi Everyone... We wanted to give a quick update to show you the hard work Collin is putting in at his 2 different PT gyms. Unfortunately, these places are not covered by insurance so your donations continue to go a long way towards helping Collin recover. While he still has no new feeling, his strength and balance is growing everyday. At Adapt Movement, they've got him on the treadmill. At VIP Neurolab, they use electro-stimulation to build his ab strength and have put him in the Lokomat machine to work his legs. We appreciate you all so much for making these opportunities possible.
In addition to physical strength, Collin is working to stay mentally positive and really attacking his PT on a daily basis. This mental fortitude is a direct result of his athletic past. And, it was an honor to complete the 30th Challenged Athletes Community Challenge 5k last weekend. What an amazing organization - and we really appreciate the support of Team Santa Barbara Strong!
Much love from our family to all of you for your continued support, thoughts, and prayers❤️
It’s warming up next week…please go to YOGURTLAND (Goleta) to support Collin in his Physical Therapy goals. We REALLY appreciate the Oh family for sponsoring this … Isaac was Collin’s roommate when the accident occurred and has been an AMAZING friend throughout his recovery. Thank you ALL so much!!!❤️ please share, print the flyer found in the photo album, and go enjoy a sweet treat next week!
September marks National Spinal Cord Injury Awareness Month. Designated in 2013 by the U.S. Senate, a lime green ribbon raises awareness of the severity of spinal cord injuries, advocates for those living with them, and advances research to cure paralysis.
Here is a great article about Collin and his friend Tanner... Both SDSU grads, Both CRAIG grads, Both WARRIORS learning to deal with a life of tetraplegia... Thank you all SO MUCH for your support!!! GO AZTECS!!! ❤️
Copy/Paste these into your URL browser:
Thank you to everyone who came to the Concert for Collin and the Running of the Guards! Both events were a great success and a lot of fun! Getting back to Santa Barbara for the weekend was so important to Collin and he loved seeing everyone. Huge thank you's to Fox Wine, Lisa, Cesar, Topa Topa, Rich Hanna and Rick Hubbard!! For those in Santa Barbara, the Ferro Family & Kyle's Kitchen has graciously decided to donate 50% of profits from today's purchases to Collin's recovery if you show the flyer in the photo folder or enter the promo code 'BOSSE' for online orders. As the Kyle's Kitchen slogan goes - "Eat Great Food. Help Great People."
Collin has been settling into San Diego and heads to physical therapy multiple times a week. There is a really great community of SCI patients in San Diego and Collin has met some amazing people. He was also able to get to his first Padres home game since his injury! While Collin has to wait a year from his injury to start participating in adaptive sports, he was able to watch his new buddies' adaptive surf session and is frothing for his return to surfing!
Our family truly can't thank you all enough!! Thank you for following along with Collin's recovery and supporting him as he navigates this crazy new life. We are learning and adapting every single day! While this hasn't been easy, the support and love from those who know Collin (and even those who don't!) has been overwhelming in the best way. We appreciate you all so much!! I encourage you all to look at your favorite activities/restaurants/shops/homes and see how they may or may not be accessible for wheelchair users, what you find may surprise you!
Goodbye Craig, hello California!
Holly and Collin arrived in San Diego last week and received a great welcome by many of his friends! He's already back at it and had his first physical therapy session at Scripps Encinitas this week!
Collin will be road tripping back home to Santa Barbara this weekend to be a part of the Concert For Collin where Glenn Annie will be bringing down the house at Fox Wine on Saturday (7/22) from 1-5 pm. Grab a drink (or several) and enjoy the great summer weather. Thank you to everyone who bought pre-sale tickets! Tickets will be available at the door via cash, check or Venmo! T-shirts are still available at https://www.bonfire.com/collinbosse/ , the next wave will ship August 4th.
Thank you all for the continued love and support!! After three months of hospital living, this past week has meant more to our family than we could express. We could not be more grateful for all of the help, comfort and strength being sent our way!
Hi Everyone! We have some big announcements!!
On July 22nd from 1pm-5pm there will be a benefit concert for Collin at Topa Topa Brewery and Fox Wine in the Funk Zone! Glenn Annie will be playing! Come by for a few songs or the whole afternoon! Tickets are $20 and can be purchased with card in advance or with cash/Venmo at the door. If you get tickets in advance through the link, the purchase is tax deductible. More details can be found at the link below!
Concert/Tickets: https://events.helphopelive.org/event/5868/signup/
If you can’t make it to the concert, or just want to rep Collin, you can now purchase t-shirts! Huge thank you to Dawson Dewan for designing them! The shirts will be produced in waves and be sent directly to you 7-10 days after each “wave” closes.
T-Shirts: https://www.bonfire.com/collinbosse/
Hope you all had a great Fourth of July! While being in outpatient, Collin has been able to get more time in the hospital pool and try out some adaptive bikes! We are so grateful for everyone’s continued support and dedication to Collin. His ability to adapt to this new life has blown us away. We couldn’t be more proud of him and our community!
Let us know if you have any questions about the concert and/or t-shirts!
Thank you to everyone who came out to Reef and Run in Santa Barbara! Whether you were there for Collin, Nick or just to work out in SB’s wonderful weather, the positive energy was palpable. It was a beautiful night and dolphins even joined in on the swim! Special thank you to Jane Cairns for organizing such a great event! She has been a wonderful friend to our family since she met Brian at UCSB.
Nick was an incredible role model for Collin; his work ethic, positivity, and kindness had such an impact on Collin (and the community at large!). Now more than ever, Collin has been exemplifying the spirit of Nick and we are so grateful the Johnson Family shared Nick Nite with us. Collin has moved into the outpatient facility at Craig Hospital, where he and Holly are preparing for life outside of the hospital. While leaving the safety net of Craig Hospital presents its own challenges and increased costs, we could not be more excited to take this step towards getting Collin back to California! Although he has no new movement or feeling, he is building his strength and meeting everyday with fierce determination to make life his own again.
Thank you all for your support and keeping up with Collin's Road to Recovery!
Collin’s spirits remain high and he is continually learning how to adapt to the limited strength and mobility he has. His manual wheelchair skills are improving and he was recently able to get back in the water for the first time since his injury! Such a great experience for a guy who has spent most of his life in and around the water. Summer, Griffin and a few buddies came out for a visit. We tackled the public transportation system, taking the bus and train for an afternoon in Downtown Denver. It was a great weekend with a lot of laughter and certainly got everyone excited for Collin’s eventual return to San Diego. Another SDSU grad arrived at Craig recently. While the boys didn’t know each other before their injuries, they’ve become fast friends and are already figuring out which bars in Pacific Beach are wheelchair accessible- some things never change!
Thank you to everyone who reached out about our hunt for an accessible apartment, we were able to rent a place just down the block from Summer and Griffin! We are also in the market for a mobility van!
To all of the Santa Barbara based folks- Sign up for Reef and Run on June 22nd! It is Nick Nite in memory of Nick Johnson, and the incredible Johnson family will be donating funds raised towards Collin’s recovery! (https://reefandrun.org/events/)
Hi Everyone!
Collin is making great strides at Craig Hospital. He got his neck brace off and is improving his manual wheelchair skills. There have been so many fun outings, from the Denver Zoo to Rockies games to mastering the Denver public transportation system. Maybe most importantly- he can eat burritos unassisted! Collin was even nominated to be the lead mentor for the young adult patient group. While he remains quadriplegic with no real use of hands and no feeling below chest, we are so impressed with his adaptability and fortitude in the 7 weeks following his injury. His humor and positivity are unwavering, giving those around him so much strength.
We are in the process of looking for housing in San Diego once he leaves Craig Hospital, so if you know of any accessible units please let us know! We’re all looking forward to having him back in California, but we couldn’t be more grateful for the staff and care of Craig Hospital. Thank you all for your continued support, keep sending good vibes his way! We’re working on a few fundraising events so stayed tuned, but in the mean time enjoy these photos :)
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Yogurtland Goleta loves Collin!
Praying for you all.
Jen Holdren
Friend of the Hoyer Nielsen's, thinking about you and admiring your determination.
Nannette Erdtmann - de Groot
The many participants in the REEF & RUN summer ocean swimming event support Collin Bosse !
Reef & Run LLC Reef & Run LLC
Gods Peace!
Wishing you, Collin all the best. Sending love, from my children, Bird and Cherry
Katie Vining
Tha KS to Roger Lim for bringing this story to our community so we can help!
Warner Center Pickleball
In awe of the strength of this young man! Sending positivity for continued healing and recovery.
Jessica Kinnahan Foley
Thank you for letting us all help in some way. Much love.
Cathy Kim
Sending prayers and support that you improve each day and that your amazing smile continues to bring joy to those fortunate enough to meet you!
Nancy Cphick
Keep up the hard work. We are all so proud of you!
Eizabeth Thompson
You are inspiring! xo, Bridgit
Bridgit Hanshaw
Keep up the hard work and stay positive!
Marcie and Ed
(Friends of Kerry and Ben)
Marcie and Ed Rhee
Love you guys
Sarah Knecht
I am so proud of his progress
Jean White
2023 Running of the Guard (ROG) donation in support of Collin Bosse.
Keep up the good work, Rich and Rick!
Rich Hanna
Best wishes f for you Collin, from the bottom of my heart, to yours.
Susanne Rich
Collin, we hope your road to recovery continues to progress in a positive way. Our community showed up in a big way to support you through the fundraiser we held at Kyle's Kitchen. You and your family have our ongoing support!
Much love.
Kyle's Kitchen
Awesome event — have a great time, Collin, and Bosse’s!
Max Mead
Collin, your strength and courage are an inspiration to us all. Grace and I are with you all the way!
Sarah Knecht
We are with you, and your family. We love to see you in good spirits.
Sending love and hugs,
Laura, Sergio, Natalia and Miranda Valdes
Maria Heredia
Hi Bosse Family, we are thinking of you and praying for Collin. Love Jennifer and Jason Siemens
Jennifer Siemens
Continue bringing the Bosse spirit ! Xo
Monica Mayer
Your family is in our prayers. All the best for a fast recovery!
Lucia, Marco and the girls.
Lucia De Miguel
Team Kato is with you Collin!
And sending tons of love and healing your way to you and Team Bosse!
Myla Kato
Thinking of you Bosse Family! - Teresa Morin (USD Law 2023 with Summer)
Teresa Morin
We are praying for Collin and the Bosse family. Much love, Dave and Dena Plane
Dena Plane
We wish Collin the very best with his recovery!
Tyler Riddell
Hang in there. You are surrounded by much love and devotion.
Marisela Salinas
Prayers for the whole family!
Kevin Akeroyd
Huge love and support to you Collin and the entire Bosse family !
Stephen MacIntosh
Get well soon Collin
Cynthia Swistek
You are, in fact, the Bossees of us. We love you and your family and know you will continue to love and support one another through this time. Please let us know whenever we can lend a hand or shoulder!
John & Olesya Thyne
Your family is in our prayers.
In support for Collin Bosse, for his medical expenses, and in hopes for a speedy and best recovery
Marsha Granese
Sending you and your family love and support.
Kristin ( Bashore) Allemann
Kristin Allemann
Collin and the Bosse Clan -
Your spirit and love for each other is truly inspiring and beautiful. Sending my love and healing thoughts to you all as you begin this new journey together.
Michelle Mapel
Sending you much love, support, prayers. Collin is the strongest person we know.
Love, the Hoyer-Nielsen’s
Renee and Rune Hoyer-Nielsen
Love you guys ! ❤️
Holly Cicoletti
Wishing love and peace for the entire family and healing for Collin. ♥️
David & Joy Yun
Our thoughts and prayers are with you and Collin for a brighter day ahead.
Mike ana Holly Brown.
Mike Brown
Thinking of you, Collin,and the entire Bosse family. My thoughts and prayers are with you during this time of recovery.
Sue Gray
Sending so much support to all of the Bosse Family. I think of you all often and know that your beautiful bonds will get you through this painful time.
Lizzie Cannom
Elizabeth Fong
We are holding your family in our hearts. Sending love and peace and a whole lotta fight.
With love from,
The Tanowitz Family
Kelly, Barry, Kyler and Carly Tanowitz
Sending love to the amazing Bosse Family.
Anne-Elizabeth Sobieski
Cheering you on as you go! With much love Ben Jessup and his family.
Ben Jessup
Collin and Bosse family - we are sending you good vibes and lots of love and encouragement. Big hugs. Love from the Greathouse family
Karen Greathouse
Collin, Out family is praying for you to make a full recovery and be surfing in no time ❤️ You are so positive and strong and your family is incredible! Keep being positive and the healing will come! The Burns family, SB
Erin Burns
Make checks payable to:
Help Hope Live
Note in memo:
In honor of Collin Bosse
Mail to:
Help Hope Live
2 Radnor Corporate Center
Suite 100
100 Matsonford Road
Radnor, PA 19087
Donor preference is important to us. Please specify in writing if you wish for your name or donation amount to be kept private.
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