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We are hopeful for a liver transplant for non-resectable colorectal cancer liver metastases.

Updates (3)

June 14, 2023

The transplant was a success! I am home now after 11 days in the hospital post liver transplant. I am doing well and followed closely by my transplant team. So many restrictions, instructions, boundaries and rules about being isolated and taking upmost precautions with my health for the next 90 days! As you can imagine, the stress about incoming and upcoming medical bills is high. My deductible is not yet met. There will be additional bills coming from anesthesia. My medications will be $1200-$1600 per month just to cover the anti-rejection meds. Wow! But I need them to live and will need to take them for the rest of my life. Please consider a donation to help with medication costs.

May 27, 2023

The transplant surgery has been moved up! I will now have my transplant on Wednesday May 31st.!!! I am busy preparing for that. Also so very grateful to my donor who is willing to move it forward and adjust everything in their life to make it happen. It has been moved forward because of recent concerns with the tumors in my liver and possible progression of disease. I’ve battled cancer for nearly 3 years or longer. I’ve taken on 69 rounds of chemotherapy over 33 months. I’ve been worked up for a liver transplant for 2 years. So, this needs to happen in the best interest of my health. Soon I will be on the other side!!!

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May 26, 2023

God be with all of you. We send our love, our prayers and all our good thoughts your way.

Tami Garrow

May 24, 2023

Love you so much Natalie!!! Praying all goes well for you!

Nanalie Knotts

May 20, 2023

You got this, girl! You are a FIGHTER!!!

Rita Jensen