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Help Kathleen Breathe Free

*If my husband gave you a card that landed you on this page, this is the reason he wears a mask: to prevent him from bringing any germs or viruses to me; I had my transplant July 24th 2023 and am totally immunocompromised.

Updates (71)

July 17, 2024

July 17, 2024. Another great day! Kathleen went to the gym yesterday, and did 1 mile on the NewStep and 1/2 mile walking the track. Her O2 stayed up, the lowest was 89%, which is not bad. She's also working with free weights at home, and taking her O2 off for 90 minutes at a time at least once each day. We had our son and his children over Sunday for smoked ribs: Kathleen helped a lot to get everything ready, and it was a wonderful day. It's so nice to see her making such big strides in the recent weeks, walking, driving, participating more and more in the daily routines of life! All of her tests and vital statistics are in the good range, or moving towards that point! And her apatite is returning quite nicely. The transplant doctors have released her from weekly clinic appointments, her next one is 60 days out! The time between lab work (blood draws) is also increasing. This may not seem like a big deal, but it means we have so much more freedom in our plans.

On another very important note, she looked up campsites she wants to visit; and Monday night we made reservations for two trips the first part of August. It's exciting to know we are able to get back to RVing, it has always been an important part of our lives together. When I think back to pre-transplant days, I am amazed at the difference. I thought, prior to transplant, that we would never get to this stage, where she is very mobile, very alive, and has such a positive attitude. It's been worth all the effort!

And on a minor note, I turned in my two week notice yesterday. I am retiring on July 30th. When we started this journey to transplant, I was not sure I would be able to retire (insurance vs medical bills) but now I am more than ready!

Thank you for all your continued concerns, prayers, and donations.

Her excited husband, Bob

July 7, 2024

Kathleen Continues To Surprise!

Friday, July 5th, Kathleen drove to the gym and did 1/2 mile on the new step machine, then another 1/4 mile on the track! Her stats all continue to be in the ranges that the doctor says are acceptable.

And Thursday night, she had her O2 off for about 90 minutes. When I asked what the driving force behind all this was, she said it wad time to move forward and get off the oxygen, and the only way to reach that goal is to push herself!

It's Sunday morning, so thank you God; and thanks to all of you for your prayers, concerns, and donations!

Her excited husband, Bob

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November 2, 2023

My prayers are with you.

Eric Jones

September 22, 2023

Good luck and god bless.


July 29, 2023

Meghan is such an amazing daughter and has been my friend for decades. I wish you the best in your journey.

Rebecca Day