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Lessons with Lucas

Meet Lucas Ellis, a remarkable four-year-old boy from Memphis, TN, whose indomitable spirit has inspired all who know him. Lucas’s journey began on July 6, 2019 when he was born with a rare spinal cord injury that severely impacts his physical mobility. He spent his first 30 days in the NICU recovering from respiratory distress induced by his condition, and was later mis-diagnosed with Spastic Quadriplegia Cerebral Palsy. For nearly three years, Lucas received treatments based on this diagnosis, all while his devoted parents sought answers through various avenues of medical investigation.

Updates (2)

November 30, 2023

Thank you Nix Family for your Giving Tuesday letter campaign to support the continuing out-of-pocket expenses regarding Lucas's care! We are so very appreciative of your love and desire to help Lucas. You have given our family a huge measure of relief and joy to be able to provide the necessary therapies for our son. This gift of your time and resources means the world to us and we thank you from the bottom or our hearts!

So many have reached out to ask if you can donate after Giving Tuesday, the answer is, "YES!" Help Hope Live was covering credit card fees for donations made on Giving Tuesday, that is the exception to Tuesday, November 28th. Each time $820 is reached, another day of combined occupational and physical therapy is covered. This is the daily cost of the three hours Lucas is in OT and PT 'training' for neurological recovery. It is rigorous 5 day-a-week therapy for a four-year-old, tiring and repetitive, but Lucas never complains. He sees the improvement in his abilities to achieve simple tasks and is encouraged to work even harder.

Our lives and Lucas's life will be forever changed by the generosity of so many caring friends. Thank you, thank you!

To all

September 27, 2023

Lucas is continuing in his daily therapies at Frazier Rehab thanks to all our wonderful and loving friends, and friends of friends! We are beyond grateful as his progress in breathing and strength grow. Lucas hasn't been hospitalized in months, he is fighting off simple infections that repeatedly took him down. His physical improvements are measurable, the thanks we feel is immeasurable. Our hearts are full at being able to provide these life-changing therapies for our son.

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December 29, 2023

Mark and I are praying for you precious Lucas!

Alice Nicholas

November 29, 2023

Lucas is the luckiest little boy to have you two as his parents! We love y’all and continue to cheer Lucas on!


Lindsey and Jack

Lindsey Harris

November 29, 2023

Hugs and hugs to you and your sweet family!!
Julie and Ken Gresham

Julie and Ken Gresham