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On June 7, 2023 the Clark DeForrest family went through an unthinkable tragedy. Their three-year-old son, Zeke Clark, was involved in a catastrophic accident. In an act of miraculous STRENGTH and SHARP THINKING by his loving Dad, Jonathan Clark, the expeditious and swift actions of his two oldest siblings-Cameron (16) and Chloe (14), and his Mom-Zeke’s life was miraculously spared.
With the calm and supportive follow-up care of the on-site rescue team, Zeke and his Mom were thankfully able to be helicoptered together directly to Wilmington, Delaware. It was quickly discerned at the hospital that with the extensive tissue loss that is common in accidents like his, there would be no way to salvage his limb. In the past week, Zeke has undergone numerous surgeries including the initial full amputation of his lower right leg, below his kneecap. He will still receive more surgeries due to the nature of his “dirty wound”. This will all help to insure the removal of debris and avoid potential infection.
As Zeke’s health becomes more stable and we receive more information from Zeke’s care team, we will post updates on this page. Zeke will have a very long road to recovery and finding his “new normal”. Our immediate knowledge is that he will wear a series of prosthetics for the rest of his life, and will need access to modified equipment in order to live a vivacious and active life. A life those close to him know he is destined for.
Zeke’s Mom, Maria Clark DeForrest, would like to express how immensely grateful and thankful she is for the outpouring of love and support that everyone in her neighborhood, community, Church, nurses, surgeons, doctors and support team at the hospital has showed her family. “That night, I was worried about every other child of ours in some capacity or another. The last thing on my mind was worrying about Jonathan and Zeke doing their normal yard duties and favorite past-time as father and son. It was only by a miracle and the GRACE of God that my husband was given not only the physical strength to do what he did, but also the spiritual aptitude afterward to be mentally and spiritually stronger than ever-all to be the father and husband that our family needed to survive this.”
Those who know them well know that Jonathan (Dad) and Zeke (3) share an incredibly unique and powerful father/son bond. The kind of bond that not many fathers get to experience. Their connection is so intertwined and special that Zeke’s Mom’s first and main concern is just making sure they both have the time to process, heal, and mourn.
We know that God used Jonathan as a tool that night to HEROICALLY save Zeke’s life. While there is a long road ahead for Zeke and his family, we want to provide them the financial means to take each day without added financial burden, so they can resume a new normal as smoothly as possible.
A little about the family’s youngest son, Zeke Montgomery-his name means “Strength of God, Power of Man”. Zeke is the fifth youngest of a family of six children. He has two older brothers, two older sisters, and a newborn baby sister named Blake. Both of his parents are self-employed, small business owners and it is our hope to raise funds to set up Zeke and his family for the special care and tools he will need to be able to overcome his injury and thrive. As he is a young and growing boy, Zeke will need on-going medical care, new prosthetics, continually changing equipment, a home that can meet his physical needs, long-term physical therapy, and continued support. This is a lifetime commitment for the family, requiring extraordinary and increasing expenses.
By instruction and strong suggestion directly from the Nemours Children’s Hospital (A.I. DuPont) of Wilmington, Delaware, the family is working congruently with the HelpHopeLive.org to raise a lifelong campaign fund for little Zeke (3). Not only will this support Zeke’s ongoing medical care and provide rehabilitation equipment and adaptation requirements for their home, but it will first and foremost help Zeke and his family heal in mind, body, and spirit. Please help us support Zeke so that he can thrive and continue to be the AMAZING little boy that he is!
Our Family Song
“Ain’t no stopping us now, we’re on the move”
By McFadden and Whitehead
HelpHopeLive.org assures fiscal accountability of funds raised and tax deductibility for contributors. To make a tax-deductible donation via check or electronically to this fundraising campaign, click on the Give button.
Help Hope Live at 800.642.8399
Zeke had the opportunity to throw the First Pitch on Opening Day for the Phillies 2024 Season (and he crushed it!). Thank you to NEMOURS for this amazing opportunity! He was joined on the field by his ortho surgeon and she, along with the rest of his amazing support team, (physical therapist, prosthetic specialist, plastic surgeon) all stayed to watch the game with us/him.
God is Great! Merry Christmas to all who have helped us get through these last 6 months.
Today marks 6-months, post-accident. The Doctor’s told us could possibly be walking by this time and he is not only walking but he is climbing and jumping and full of life! We are setup to get him fitted for his next prosthetic. We are eager to see the progress he will be able to make during this next phase. Merry Christmas, from our family to yours.
8 weeks of intensive rehab completed! Zeke has made remarkable progress in this short amount of time. Jonathan and the OT/PT team at NEMOURS have done an amazing job supporting his Rehab process. I had the opportunity to join them for the first time today and am so proud of everything they are doing to get Zeke back on his feet. He now has built up great endurance (which is the first step) and while he doesn’t always follow the PT/OT script for the day (still a 3yo boy!) you can always guarantee that you’ll be chasing him around the rehab floor doing something fun and breaking a sweat yourself! He is still on his learning leg while he continues to strengthen his quads but we will hopefully be transitioning to the next leg soon.
Coming up on 8 weeks of Rehab under his belt and making great strides with his “learning leg”…this larger leg has more coverage area to absorb impact and help with the initial tenderness and sensitivity that comes with putting pressure on his residual limb. We’re all in great spirits and looking forward to the Holiday Season. Thank you for all of the continued support and prayers!
And so it begins! First day of Rehab
A great day at NEMOURS. Zeke just got fitted for his prosthetic today. Cheyenne and Bryan from Fox Philly joined us to document the process and we’re so thankful for them joining us to share our story. Next steps are for the prosthetic to be made and for rehab to start in mid-September. At that point, Jonathan and Zeke will be making their way to Wilmington 3x a week for his intensive rehab. Thank you for your continued support. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers as they start commuting. One step closer to our baby getting back on his feet.
Zeke had a meet-up with his Team at NEMOURS yesterday. We received some really great news and some tentative next step details. The great news first. The flexrods that were stabilizing his femur fracture are indeed going to be able to be removed. Praise God! There were so many variables going into it, including the possibility of them having to stay in forever and getting surgery after surgery to maintain them as his body and bones grow. But alas, they will be removed in about 2 years. We’re very pleased with this update! Secondly, we’ve started the process of preparing Zeke to get fitted for his prosthetic. The Team is over the moon pleased and surprised with how much progress and healing he has made and they have high hopes for his rehabilitation process. He will start the preparation process by wear a shrinker (essentially a compression sock) to help his swelling subside and prepare him to get fitted for his prosthetic. His residual limb is still very sensitive and it will be a gradual process to work him up to the smallest size shrinker that he will need to be on. Additionally, there is still some scabbing so he isn’t quite approved yet to go in the sand, dirt or ocean but we’re all very happy with his progress. We thank everyone for your continued support and love seeing everyone as we slowly have been making our way out and about more to community events and being able to enjoy little bits of summer with him. Until next time…Happy Summer!
When Zeke returned home from the hospital he recalled the events of the accident. I was nervous but my mom-heart wanted/needed to know the details. He said he was trying to jump onto the bench of our picnic table. This information didn't change anything for anyone else in our family but it really helped me to have closure.
Children are naturally curious. This curiosity just had major consequences but in that moment of recalling what happened he was able to really see the full picture and it has helped him to process and move forward.
Yesterday at the State Fair Zeke and Jonathan went to this section of the fairgrounds. I was nervous. Blake and I took a break in the shade and they bounced around from equipment to equipment beeping the horns of the little tractors, sitting on the lawnmowers, and Zeke was able to be JOYFUL about the things he has always loved so much. This was the picture I took after they were done at this section and we starting making our way back to the Ferris Wheel.
Recipe for trauma-proofing your kids
willingness to do something before you're ready
Zeke and Jonathan had their first trip back to NEMOURS today for an outpatient surgery to remove his staples and to check on the progress of his femur heal. The progress report from the doctors were all positive! Everything is looking GOOD! When Zeke returned home I asked him how his day was and he said, “it was fun!” Thank you for all of your Prayers and well wishes for today! They are home safe and in good spirits!
Welcome Home Zeke! After 17 days at NEMOURS (A.I. DuPont) we were finally able to bring Zeke home.
After 12 days, they were finally able to completely close Zeke’s wound in surgery.
We are currently working on trying to switch him to oral pain medications so that he can get his PICC line removed (harder than you realize with a 3-year-old who doesn’t want to take his medication).
But….we are one step closer to bringing him home and we’ll take the progress! All of your thoughts, prayers, shares, donations mean the world to us. We have been healing and processing this all and the support of our community is what is getting us through this.
(Picture from Day One in the Pediatric ICU)
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Annabel Kerin
Alex Scott
Love Beachapalooza!
Erik Camac
kathy scott
Iron-Leg Corp is very happy to support Zeke and his family for any upcoming needs Zeke will have.
Iron-Leg Corp
Looking forward to seeing you at Beachapalooza!
Tim Davis
Iron Leg Corp is happy to support Zeke in his medical needs.
Iron-Leg Corp
You go Zeke! You are one strong and determined little boy!
Thank you to the Millsboro haunted house
Mary Costa
Pamela Waltjen
God Bless you Zeke!!
Happy to support Zeke and your family, and looking forward to the behind the scenes tour at Funland!
Michael Potter
In honor of Zeke - beachapalooza 23
Emily Bernet
Go Zeke!
Ellen Spell
We learned of your experience through Beach a Palooza. Healing and love to your entire family.
Krista and Stuart Griffin
Beachapalooza donation
kathy scott
Schultz Party Donation
Jessica Tyndall
We were made aware of Zeke's story by the Schultz family and Beachapalooza. Our prayers are with Zeke and the Clark family.
Tim & Karen Davis
Tim Davis
We’re all pulling for you, Zeke!!! Hope to see you at Beachapalooza!!
The Denneys
Karen Denney
Praying for Zeke and his family as he continues to recover and improve. I was made aware of Zeke through Beachapalooza by the Schultz’s family
Linda Perry
I was referred to this campaign by the Schultz Family's Beachapalooza invitation and wanted to offer my support to Zeke and his family. I wish them continued strength and resilience, and I pray for Zeke's speedy healing and recovery.
David Antczak
With love and prayers ❤️
Jay & Darlene Rooney
Wishing Zeke well from a St. Peter’s parishioner.
David Hogue
Get well soon
Brenda Christie
Praying for your dear Zeke and your family. What a miraculous blessing that your family knew exactly what to do in his time of great need. God bless you all!
Nicole Minni
Gods blessing on your life!
Jeff Scott
Zeke’s mom was the photographer at my brother’s wedding on 6-3-23, just days before his accident. He is going to need a lot of care and the family has a lot of emotional healing to do. My thoughts are with your family at this time. I wish Zeke a speedy recovery.
Jennine Gibbons
WE LOVE YOU SWEET ZEKE! Sending lots of love and prayers to the strongest, most brilliant little dude.
Lina Jaffe & Patrick Finnerty
Stay strong, Zeke!!
Kenneth Riedel
May God bless this family and hold each of them in the palms of His hands.
Madeline Moses
I was talking with your Grandma, Cathy.
I can tell that she loves you very much. God Bless you through your journey.
Praying for your sweet boy for full recovery and healing and to the family for comfort, peace, and understanding.
Robin Palumbo Thompson
Our hearts go out to you all, especially Zeke.
With much love,
M & S xoxo
Marian Downie
This story brought a tear to my eyes. What a wonderful boy and such a great family and community! Despite the horrific story’s background, it actually feels like a positive news item- highlighting the resilience and family coherence of this small boy in such a world filled with corruption, despair, disgust and sadness. Don’t get me wrong; I am saddened that he suffered such a grave injury but his journey has highlighted for us all that read about him and his family that wonderful people do exist out there and bring inspiration (rather than disheartenment) to us all
William Goldman
I recommend that you find a Shriners children’s close to you where you can get the world class medical care and support that your family will need at no out of pocket cost to you. They do everything from future surgeries to prosthetics to therapy, and even have child life specialists.
Mike ouellette
Wishing you all continued love and strength through this challenging time.
Marcy and Khalil Saliba
Marcy and Khalil Saliba
Rooting for Zeke and you all as recovery continues.
Tracy Milcendeau
Sending supportive thoughts to all of you!! Zeke sounds like such a strong resilient little boy and he certainly seems to be surrounded by an ocean of love.
Karen Barwick
Zeke you're a super hero. Rise above all obstacles. God bless you and you're family!
Praying for all the Clark family. Go Zeke!!
Zeke has such an optimistic attitude that he'll be able to do anything he sets his mind to. I wish Zeke and his beautiful family a lifetime of love, happiness and fulfillment.
Beverly Stewart
Sending love to your family ❤️
Erin Shivone
Our 4-year-old daughter was in a horrific car accident last year and spent about three months at Nemours. She continues physical therapy. There is no doubt the love of family and the support of the community helped her, and will help your son, immensely. Wishing you all the best. - Corey, Shannon and Meadow McNaught
Shannon McNaught
Our prayers are with you and your family as you help your son heal.
Linda Slacum
Holding you all in our hearts at this difficult time.
The Connelly Family
Kathy Connelly
Sending lots of prayers for you Zeke & your family. May God grant you a speedy recovery!
Idalis Nwobu
Fiona Curry
Thinking of your sweet family!
Donna Long
Thinking of you all!
The Burtons
We’re thinking about and praying for all of you! If you need anything at all, please let us know.
Christine Sutton
Ashley Breeding
Sending you strength, hope and love. The Valis/Gillis Family
Ashley Valis
Thinking of all of you!
Kristen Baker
Continued prayers for Zeke and his crew! Love and hugs, Jess and Mike Keating
Jessica Keating
Love and healing prayers, sweet boy, and your crew, Maria.
Tairen McCollister
Prayers for Zeke and his family's healing. Isaiah 40:29
Susie and I are thinking of you Clark Deforrest family! We love you!
Joel Crooks-Deforrest
My sincerest thoughts and prayers go out to Zeke and his family.
Constance Malin
Keeping Zeke and his family in our prayers.
Donna and Stan Mikolajczyk
I am a friend of Diane Rogers who let me know about Zeke. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Jan
Jan McKenzie
Maria- Praying for your sweet boy and all of you!
Amanda Kilby
Wishing Zeke and the whole family the smoothest recovery possible. You all are in our prayers daily.
Karen Hill
Thinking of you guys and wishing Zeke a very speedy recovery!
Nate and Taylor Gillan Marketich
Ray and I keep you and your family in prayer. Together you'll get thru this with hope and faith.
Teri Ayoub
Ali Bednarik
Sending prayers for healing and strength for this little boy and his family.
Prayers to Zeke & his family. God is turning it all into good!
Daisy Tillman
Sending our love and prayers. The Tobias Family
Sandra Tobias
Sending prayers and strength to Zeke and the whole family
Annette & Dave Martinelli
Annette Martinelli
Hope for the bright future❤️
With love and prayers The Mallin Family
Jeanmarie Mallin
Sending love and strength to your family!
❤️ The Burris Family
Taryn Burris
Sending strength to your family.
Barbara Steiman
Sending prayers and strength to get through this unimaginable situation.. we love you guys!!
Megan Harns
Megan Nehrbas
Sending infinite hugs! Zeke and the entire family will continue to be in our thoughts & prayers! XO
Cori Moore
I’m so sorry. Peace be with you and your family.
Lana Washburn
Our hearts and prayers are with you as you navigate through this difficult time. We love you, the Dunne Family
Kat Dunne
Sending you all love and prayers for strength ❤️
Heather Stachlik
Sending lots of love to Zeke. We love you Maria!
- Megan, Tom and Agnes
Megan Radebaugh
Sending love and hope to your family! You’ll be in our prayers for a successful recovery, in every which way. May you give yourself grace as you navigate the road ahead.
Elisabeth Hall
Thinking of your family and wishing you strength. You are surrounded by a community that loves you. Xoxoxo Shawn, Merritt and Jack.
Merritt Cooch
Many prayers are coming your way. My heart truly hurts for you all!
Donna Means
Our prayers are with your family. Please know you can call on us to help in any way. With love, Dianne and Dan Rogers
Dianne Rogers
Sending all of you prayers, love, hope and support! We love you! The Jaffé Family
Gerry Jaffé
Thanks for giving us the opportunity to help! Sending light and love from the Thompson family
Catherine Thompson
I am honored to make a donation for Zeke.
James Pratzner
prayers for Zeke and his family!
Rick and Cindy Kienzle
All our Love & prayers.♥️
Lisa Scott
Sending caring thoughts for Zeke and your family's healing journey
anne love
Thinking of you and your family especially Zeke. My thoughts and prayers are with you all.
Regina Dodds
Sending strength to Zeke and his amazing family in this difficult time. Our prayers are with you.
Sending love to you and your family ❤️
Jenna Hayba
Sending Zeke and your family strength as you navigate through this difficult time ❤️
Melinda Dubinski
Sending an abundance of supportive healing energy to Zeke & your family. Keeping you all close at heart.
Jude Block
All of St Peter's Church is praying for Zeke and his family!
The Rev Jeffrey Ross
Prayers from New Jersey!
Molly Whitehouse
Praying for a great outcome. Thanks Ash for posting.
Gary Bosco
Sending all our love and prayers❤️
Kristie Pataki
Our thoughts and prayers are with Zeke and the entire family.
George Kluchnik
Sending all of our love and prayers to you and your family ❤️❤️
Emily Sherman
You are deeply loved and supported!
Megan Honeysett
We are sending all of our love and strength to you all. The BarSloans.
Meghan and Oman BarSloan
Sending much love and prayers -the Obiedzinski family
Anna-Maria Obiedzinski
This is a wonderful family. I have always admired their love and commitment. I have committed an amount each month to support Zeke. All my love and prayers for them.
Stephanie Whitcomb
Praying faithfully for Zeke’s recovery and the whole family.
Dorrice Burns
Thinking of you all and sending strength and love.
Kala Haller
Praying for sweet Zeke and his family ❤️ Lots of love xo
Alex Scott
Praying for Zeke and his family and sending them wishes of peace and comfort during this difficult time.
Marie Pendergast
I’m praying for you and your family
Karen Sandoval
Many prayers and positive thoughts for Zeke’s healing and strength to you all.
Shelley McAuliffe
Wishing Zeke and your entire family strength as you navigate this unbelievably difficult time. ❤️
Chelsea Fitzgerald
Sending all my prayers and support- having been in a traumatic situation with my own child, I know how much they meant to me. You’re in an amazing hospital- I know they’ll take wonderful care of your sweet boy and your family.
Wendy Rogers Palermo
Wishing you strength, peace and healing during this difficult time.
Angela Hastings
Sending prayers
Melinda Schaeffer
Sending you all so much love.
Kelley Gable
Thinking & praying for Zeke and your entire family ❤️❤️❤️
Caroline Hagan
We send our love and support to Zeke and the rest of the family.
Melanie Meibaum
Thoughts and prayers with you all in this difficult time.
Augustus Nsiah
Sending love & prayers to all.
Rebecca Panichelli
Praying for your family and your sweet boy
Ann Truant
Sending love and strength to Zeke and the family
Bianca Ellis
Prayers for Zeke and his family.
Jane Brown
Please reach out. We are on Elm drive with kids and I’m a teacher who is off in summer so we are here!!!
Becky Bishop
Maria & Family,
Sending all of our hugs and prayers for your little guy and the rest of your family ❤️
Summer McMenamin
Sending support for all of you to take all the time you need to heal, recover and find your new rhythm.
Cate & Jeff Evans
Continued prayers for you all. We live two houses away from you. Been thinking of you all. Please let us know if you need anything!!
Susan Calhoun
Sending all of our love and prayers!
Gabrielle Lougheed
Thinking of you and your family Maria. Sending you so much love and strength. Danielle & Kyle O’Neill
Danielle Oneill
Kaitlin and Matthew Englebert
Make checks payable to:
Help Hope Live
Note in memo:
In honor of Zeke Clark
Mail to:
Help Hope Live
2 Radnor Corporate Center
Suite 100
100 Matsonford Road
Radnor, PA 19087
Donor preference is important to us. Please specify in writing if you wish for your name or donation amount to be kept private.
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