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Help Us Take the Steps to Get Kaija Walking Again

Last year was a time of celebration. Kaija had just finished high school and was looking to pursue a career in Physical Therapy. She was blessed with an opportunity to attend Berry College (Rome, Georgia) and meet lots of new people who helped start her off strong toward her goals.

Updates (39)

July 16, 2024

BACK HOME - Update 1

We have survived our first week back at home! A lot of adjustments, conquering fear, figuring out new normal(s), but above all we have enjoyed just being home. I am glad that before discharge we thought through different scenarios and put some action plans in place, and I believe we were able to avoid 3 ER trips already. There is no improvement in Kaija's physical condition, but mentally it has been easier at home to focus on something else than this sickness.

We got home right on time for Dave's Birthday. That was blessing in itself!! We were super excited to be together to celebrate Dave.

Kaija and her dad have spent countless hours designing Kaija's Space and it is coming together beautifully. They both are very creative and talented in interior design. They have also implemented some technology to give Kaija sense of independence. This has been the best distraction we could have asked for. Our new Handicap Ramp in the back of the house is also working beautifully. Thank you, Carmel Baptist Church!

Another project that Kaija has been working on (her mind and creativity never cease to amaze me) - for the last 8 months the only clothing that Kaija has been able to wear (due to Allodynia, severe neuropathic pain in her skin) is hospital gowns. We also discovered that there is not a big market of cute hospital gowns geared toward younger generation. When Kaija's good childhood friend and her mom (who is a very good seamstress) came for a visit Kaija had a proposition to start a new line of gowns. We will call this project - Love Over Limits (LOL Gowns).

There is one more project that we have been working on - Love Over Limits Lights (LOL Lights). Last December when we got admitted in the hospital in Los Angeles we spent the whole Christmas season there. In one of the update's I wrote: "Hospital stay during Holiday season can be quite depressing. Christmas cheer not always reaches the rooms of the patients. The other day when I stepped out to get some coffee from the cafeteria the hospital lobby was so beautifully decorated, but not all the patients can enjoy that beauty. It truly felt like a different world out there. But acts of simple kindness help Christmas Magic happen - one of the sweetest doctor's on Kaija's team brought few decorations for Kaija's room this morning. And let me tell you, a simple string of lights changes the whole atmosphere and lifts the spirit not only for us but for everyone who enters the room. Light has such power! (John 8:12)." That day we knew that we will want to pay it forward. We will be collecting battery powered string lights to send it to the hospitals (we will start with the ones we were admitted at) for those patients who will be staying in the hospital over Christmas. Stay tuned for more info on that. We would love for you to be part of it.

As you can see it has been a busy week!

As far as the next steps : this week and next we are doing some follow up appointments with our outpatient doctors. We also have some outpatient possibilities with Duke and Mayo, it just takes forever to get to see the right doctor. We are also exploring some maybe not so conventional medicine approach. We will see what works! Not having any improvement for this long is honestly very depressing and discouraging, but for some reason we are put on this journey and some of the doors God still keeps closed. All we can do is take one day at a time and walk it faithfully and we choose to focus on something else. We will choose Love Over Limits!

Thank you all for praying us through!

June 4, 2024

Hospital Again - Update 3

Today is Day 50 in the hospital. Referrals to the Mayo Clinic has been filled out by our doctor requesting a transfer. Please join us in prayer for open doors and for those who are reviewing Kaija's case, may we find favor in their eyes.

Last two weeks have been very hard. About 10 days ago doctors told us that this transfer to Mayo may take a while, so they wanted to see if it would be possible for us to go home for a little bit while we wait. They worked hard to put the plan in place with all the meds and nutrition and equipment. We as a family were hoping to be under one roof again. At one point we even had discharge papers in our hands and everything changed in a split second. And really since then we just have not had a good day - we are struggling to control the convulsing episodes, struggling to control the pain. Kaija still tries very hard to communicate but it has become harder and harder to understand.

I took this picture the other day (see below in Photo Albums) that breaks my heart to pieces. Kaija was in so much pain, crying , but she asked for a hug knowing that the hug (us touching her) will increase the pain, but she chose to endure the pain just to feel the hug.

This week seems to be total emotional roller coaster, we go from complete heartbreak to trying to celebrate Dave (his graduation is June 8th.) With everything going on Dave chose not to have graduation party (just family dinner), but if you feel led to send him a card or a video message, I know, it would greatly encourage him.

Thank you again for every prayer you pray for us, over us and on our behalf! We are forever grateful!

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February 7, 2025

Praying for strength and healing.

Barbara Miller

December 26, 2023

This is for Kaija because I see the pain every day in Julia's eyes.

Gay Gasperski

December 17, 2023

Hey Kaija! Im praying for you every day. You are such a wonderful friend and I know how strong you are and you will pull through this with the Lord in our side. May He bless you and your family ❤️

Elise Tuz