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Terry Agena is a vibrant 61 year young man. In the prime of his life. Hard working, running heavy equipment, and the big boy toys, loves life, boating, fishing, 4 wheeling, NHRA drag racing.

Spending time with his children, step children and 10 grandkids. But as time went by he was finding it harder to do the things he enjoyed. He was finding it harder to breathe and get around. He was eventually diagnosed with COPD and stage 4 emphysema. As the disease progressed, and a lung function of only 17%, he no longer can do any of these things that he once enjoyed. He’s strapped to an oxygen bottle 24/7, and has to sleep with a bi-pap and on medication, it has gotten so bad that he can’t help his wife Sherri bring groceries in, he no longer can enjoy the things he use to. Can’t even visit his grandchildren because of the elevation changes.

Updates (5)

November 10, 2023

Well folks

Terry did have his double transplant on October 12,WOW… what a journey! He is doing good. Out of the hospital but still having to stay close due to continuing labs and other treatments. Hopefully he will be released to actually come home!

He is on no oxygen and doing well with that!

The anti rejection meds are still messing with things so the docs are trying to regulate everything. It will be an ongoing process for a bit.

Thank you ALL for everything you have done.

October 8, 2023

We have not reached our 2500.00$ goal yet that is required by the transplant center. However, the transplant center realizing how imperative it is that terry gets on the list ASAP, they went ahead and put him on the list for a double lung transplant knowing we will achieve that goal. Thank you all for donations, kind words and prayers. I will update as time goes by. Again… THANK YOU!

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September 14, 2023

Love you Brother!


August 15, 2023

Praying for Gods will. ❤️

Trent Burke

August 14, 2023

Sending prayers and hugs to you, Terry.
Warmest Regards,

Jeannette Phelan