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Family and friends of Scott Linscott are raising money to pay for uninsured medical expenses associated with transplantation.

Scott chose to fundraise with HelpHOPELive (formerly HelpHOPELive – The Leader in Fundraising Assistance and Support for Transplant and Catastrophic Injury) in part because HelpHOPELive provides both tax-deductibility and fiscal accountability to contributors. Contributors can be sure that funds contributed will be used only to pay or reimburse medically-related expenses.

Updates (6)

January 7, 2020


How thankful we are that things are continuing well. Though we have had a few common, small scares with fluctuating liver numbers and lab reports, life is good. We, transplant recipients, get nervous whenever our numbers fluctuate. But, altogether, life is incredible and we are very blessed.


March 28, 2017

It's a wonderful life!

May 7, 2017 marks my five year liver transplant anniversary. Since my transplant our family has added 2 grandchildren with a third on the way.

We have been blessed to photograph destination weddings at several locations around the country all the way to Hawaii! I have also travelled to Guatemala twice to work photographing the work of a non-profit working with 8000+ children trapped in poverty.

To mark my third year with a new liver I completed a 180 mile, 3 day bicycle trek across the state of Maine.

Today, the only evidence that I had a transplant is the side-effects of the medicines I will take for the rest of my life.

Medical visits include blood labs every three months ($1200), dermatology scans every six months to watch for cancer, annual checks at the transplant center, and now a yearly heart check.

So far, everything has gone great!

We are so very grateful to all who have helped us on this journey. Though we lost our house, our savings and our retirement funds, we are now rebuilding and moving forward.

Life is great!

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September 26, 2011

Spreading the messgage-Love you
