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Dear friends, we write to you to tell you a story of a beautiful boy who faces a terrible fight against a neurodegenerative disease.

His name is Benjamin Bustos Fierro, he is from Cordoba, Argentina and is 9 years old. Our son was born with a diagnosis of Adrenoleukodystrophy. ALD is a disease of origin neurometabolic which affects the substance whitethe myelin. Once it is activated, it begins to damage it voraciously, time is crucial and if Benja is not acted quickly, he runs the risk of not being a candidate to receive the bone marrow transplant he needs, because if the brain damage is greater, said treatment is not recommended because the expected results would not be beneficial and this would unfortunately lead him to suffer deterioration of all his vital functions in a short time. That is, it would take him to an irreversible vegetative state. Benjamin had been monitored through brain MRIs since the year and that was done every six months. Unfortunately, in mid-January we received the report of his latest study, which confirmed that Benja’s disease had been activated. That is why we find ourselves in a race against time. We have to take our son to Minnesota, United States, to the Masonic Children Hospital, because it is the most specialized center in the world that offers real possibilities of life due to the vast experience they have in treating children with this disease. In our country, all children transplanted for suffering from this pathology unfortunately died. That is why we are forced to resort to the solidarity of all of you to be able to raise 800,000 dollars, which is the cost of the treatment, a more than considerable amount. In Argentina many people are collaborating so that Benja can travel to Minnesota as soon as possible. Not only in our country, but people from many other countries want to collaborate so that this urgent need becomes a reality. This is why we appeal to all the hearts of solidarity who want to take part by adding a grain of sand so that Benja continues to be a light for his entire family and for those who know him. Benjamin is a very happy boy, he is the youngest of five siblings. He is very affectionate, generous, likes to share and is a lover of animals. We ask you to help us save the life of our son, with your grain of sand we can make what he urgently needs come true. Each donation, regardless of its size, will directly finance his medical expenses, which include preparation, conditioning, transplantation and special care inherent to the post-transplant process, a crucial stage of it. How so also hospital stays, medications and continuous care.
Donations can be made through the Help Hope Live platform. We ask you to spread and share with family and friends this solidarity crusade for Benja. Please join us making a difference in his life. We want to extend our deepest gratitude to each of you for accompanying and supporting Benja. God bless you !

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September 10, 2023

Ánimo mi querido Benja!!!

Martha Tobar

August 22, 2023

Dale Benja, que de esta vas a salir bien!!! Exitos

Gustavo Canete

August 18, 2023

Que campeón sos Benjamin!
Todo va a salir bien. Mucha Fe!
Nikko, Lucca Sergio y Marcel

Marcel Camblor