Accessibility for all: Helping people connect with who and what matters most
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What started as a joyous family occasion ironically ended up being the biggest challenge of my life. Family and friends had gathered from long distances to attend a momentous 50th birthday celebration for my niece, who had defied all the odds of a life-threatening illness, while wheelchair-bound with cerebral palsy.
After a beautiful celebration and a day of fun activities with the grandkids, my wife, daughter, and grandkids headed for the long drive home the next day.
The next thing that I knew, I woke up, hanging upside down and listening to the frantic sounds of my grandkids crying as people were trying to get us freed from our wrecked car. My first thought was for my family. I prayed that my wife, daughter and grandkids were safe. After someone said that I might have a spinal injury, I was airlifted into a helicopter.
I found out later that the grandkids were basically untouched, my daughter had some cuts, and my wife suffered a broken pelvis, ribs and arm which she now has almost fully recovered from. I was told that I had passed out for some unknown reason. The car had swerved side-by-side and flipped the median three times. It was a miracle that my family wasn’t hurt worse.
After emergency spinal fusion surgery, I was later transported to Frazier Neuro- Rehabilitation Hospital for 5 weeks. I am now at a nursing -rehab facility, anticipating a soon-release to a home that will accommodate my wheelchair and more importantly, to be near Frazier Outpatient Rehabilitation Center. This is so that I can resume the rigorous targeted therapy that gives me the best chance of regaining my abilities.
In the not-too-distant future I’ll be going home to a new home. We had to sell our existing home because it wasn’t suitable for wheelchair use. Once home I’ll need daily nursing care but plan to do outpatient therapy at Frazier.
My goal is to be standing, playing golf, and running with the grandkids. I know these are lofty goals, but I will give it everything I can.
So far, I’ve learned to feed myself, use a stylus to type, started to move my legs and am working on regaining strength. It’s pretty humbling to be lifting 2-pound weights but it’s great progress from where I started.
I’m bound and determined to keep making more and more incremental steps.
Donations will allow me to get home healthcare, transport, and accommodations so that I can access the critical targeted and timely rehabilitation that Frazier provides. I have insurance but it does not cover all the medical expenses associated with a spinal cord injury. I need intensive physical therapy and more.
My family and friends are raising money for the nonprofit Help Hope Live in my honor, to fund uninsured medical expenses associated with Catastrophic Injury.
I chose to fundraise for Help Hope Live in part because Help Hope Live assures fiscal accountability of funds raised and tax deductibility for contributors. Contributors can be sure donations will be used to pay or reimburse medical and related expenses. To make a tax-deductible donation to this fundraising campaign, click on the Give button. And please share my campaign page n your social media platform. Every little bit helps!
For more information, please contact Help Hope Live at 800.642.8399.
Thank you for your support!
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I know it\'s been a long time (50 years) since we have had any contact but I\'m very sorry to hear about your accident. It sounds like it was a pretty terrible crash. From your write up on Help Hope Live it looks like you have a very positive attitude as you face the challenging recovery in front of you. Want you to know that you are in our thoughts and prayers.
If you are up for a quick visit, Louise and I will be in Louisville for a wedding on April 27th and would like to stop by and say hello. Let me know if that would work for you.
Stay strong and best regards.
michael fazio
To my ATO little brother,
It is a shame that after five decades it took a car accident to get us to reconnect. It has been great to talk to you and email again. You and your family are going through a tough fight. I know the Rick I remember will get through this. Hopefully we will see you and Robin walking through the front door of 10 Regent St. at Homecoming this fall!
Tom Weil \'71
Thomas Weil
Here’s another of your ATO brothers who happened to pick up the WPI alumni news!
So sorry to hear about your accident. But I am inspired by your fight to get back. I know you will.
Fifty years and many miles between us, but still my brother.
Harvey Vigneault
Harvey Vigneault
Keep your spirits up to be with those grandkids.
Your ATO little brother
Rich Ventre
WPI class of 74
Richard Ventre
Like Scott, I saw the note in the WPI Journal.....thanks for giving us a link to
hear your story. I want you to know that I\'m thinking of you and hoping that as you proceed with your rehab you can continue to draw the strength and inspiration that\'s on display in that story.
This is coming from 50 years down the road, but it doesnt feel like that.
your old roommate,
John Burke
My worthy brother, Rick
Whoa, just got my WPI rag and saw the news. So sorry to hear. Here\'s hoping to feeling better. Stay strong.
ATO \'74
Scott LePage
Hope you are doing better buddy
Paul Hare
It is a privilege to have this opportunity to support this campaign in honor of my friend Rick who I pray and trust will make the recovery he deserves. Fight on Rick!
Mike Taylor
WishingbTuvk a speedy and complete recovery!!!
Lots of love!!!
Gail Stone
From a Jazzr pal of your dear wife, a fan of Harvey's Cheese, and an admirer of your
courage - determination!
Sue Judah
Get better Rick!
Brink Spruill
Rick, all of us at Woodhaven are wishing you only the best and hope to see you soon.
Lisa LoBue
Best of luck. Keep up the good work.
Mary Ann King
Mary King
Stronger every day, Rick! Sending all our love to you and the fam. xx, Hannah, Anthony & Arlo
Hannah Wilson
Love you Rick
Jayne Hampey
Good luck to Robin and her family.
Becky Gray
Wishing you a quick recovery!
Vickie Kirby
Uncle Rick, We are sending you love and healing thoughts. We hope that brighter days come soon. xoxo Amy, Dave, Mia, and JJ
Amy Rodriguez
“It’s always darkest before the dawn” Thinking of you and sending all of our positive energy your way. You’re tough as nails and you got this, we’re all behind you!
Ryan + Jordan
Ryan Mutch
Keep that beautiful attitude and spirit you have Rick, you are conquering one mountain at a time. Sending you and Robin positive mojo.
Kathy & Mark
Kathy & Mark Cichocki
I wish you a speedy recovery
Chris Wright
We love the Urjil family and you are a special part of the family. Your determination and positive attitude is such an inspiration to us all. We’re rooting for you and I know you are going to recover, slow and steady!
Much love!
Jill & Addie
Jill O
We hope you continue on the road to recovery and that things might move along a bit faster.
Your wife snd her family have always held a special place in my heart. ❤️
Best to you and yours,
Gail (and Bruce)
Gail Stone
You got this, Dad/Grampy! We love you so much!
Ashley, Brent, Harvey, and Milo
Wishing you a full recovery. Keep your head up you can overcome this!
Trevor and Bianca
Trevor Mutch
Make checks payable to:
Help Hope Live
Note in memo:
In honor of Anthony (Rick) Urjil
Mail to:
Help Hope Live
2 Radnor Corporate Center
Suite 100
100 Matsonford Road
Radnor, PA 19087
Donor preference is important to us. Please specify in writing if you wish for your name or donation amount to be kept private.
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