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Help Robert Get Back In The Game

Robert Arlt has been a vibrant and active father for over 30 years dedicating his time and energy to raising his boys and supporting them in all their endeavors. In 2004, Robert’s world changed when he was diagnosed with diabetes. Despite his efforts to make lifestyle changes to improve his health, in the years following 2004, additional health complications began to arise. This took a toll on Robert’s energy, ability to play sports with his children, and ultimately on his kidneys. Robert was eventually diagnosed with Stage four kidney failure and received the news that he would need a kidney transplant to survive. Despite these hardships, Robert’s spirit remains unbroken, and his determination to regain his health and active lifestyle is unwavering.

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March 27, 2024

Sending love, support and prayers to your entire family.

Andre Brown

March 14, 2024

Hope it helps

Draic Sacks

January 4, 2024

Get well soon and good luck. Hope the family is well.

Trevor Cantrell