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Deborah Macholl
HelpHOPELive Southeast Kidney Transplant Fund

Family and friends of Deborah Macholl are raising money to pay for uninsured medical expenses associated with her kidney disease and future kidney transplant. Deborah has polycystic kidney disease (PKD), is now on dialysis and is on the waiting list for a kidney transplant through Ochsner Foundation Hospital. Our hope through fundraising is to raise awareness of becoming an organ donor and to raise funds for only medically-related expenses (a future transplant, a future living donor expenses, expensive autoimmunosuppressive drugs and other medically-related expenses.)


September 27, 2009

I know your comfort, strength and perseverence comes through your faith, hope and trust in the Lord. I just want you to remember that I am standing with you and contunially lifting you up to him in prayer. "Blessed is he who trusts in the Lord."
(Proverbs 16:20)
Love Ya, Wanda :)

Wanda Rester, Covington, LA

August 6, 2009

Hi Debbie:
I don''t know you, but I received an email with your link attached. Just wanted you to know that you will be in my thoughts & prayers. In addition, I am also a PKD patient with Stage III Renal Failure. Please know that you are not alone in this battle! Should you need a friend, please feel free to email me @ [email protected] . Keep smiling!!!

Allison Danos, Mandeville, LA

August 5, 2009

Debbie: You''re in my prayers.

Linda Nichols, Mandeville, LA