Accessibility for all: Helping people connect with who and what matters most
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Family and friends of Jamie Carlson are raising money for the nonprofit Help Hope Live to fund uninsured medical expenses associated with Catastrophic Illness.Jamie has chosen to fundraise for Help Hope Live in part because Help Hope Live assures fiscal accountability of funds raised and tax deductibility for contributors. Contributors can be sure donations will be used to pay or reimburse medical and related expenses. To make a tax-deductible donation to this fundraising campaign, click on the Give button.For more information, please contact Help Hope Live at 800.642.8399.Thank you for your support!
Next quilt that is up for auction. https://www.32auctions.com/organizations/116186/auctions/175925/auction_items/5897981
We are so close if you know anyone needing a quilt quilted. All my quilting funds have gone into the fundraiser. #quiltingforawheelchairvan
I want to thank everyone so much for the donations. As of end of may I am having to take a little break from work because doctors found a tumor in my leg. I am having surgery in June to have it removed. We are quilting like crazy to do quilt auctions for the fundraiser. I am keeping my head up that everything is going to be okay.
Hi my name is Jamie and I have cerebral palsy from the waist down. I was born with cerebral palsy because my biological mother made bad choices with substances when she was pregnant with me. This caused brain damage that caused my medical condition. Thankfully medicine and technology has helped me live my life the best i can.
Over the course of my lifetime I have had 22 surgeries to try to help with my cerebral palsy from the waist down. 8 years ago I was informed I would need to be in a wheelchair full time for the rest of my life. And we know there will be future surgeries as well.
I have never let the need for a wheel chair limit my abilities to do things for myself. However it has limited my ability to use a car. My car has hand controls so that I can still drive myself however there is still a need when it comes to a vehicle.
My wheel chair comes apart into 5 pieces. 2 wheels, the back support, the cushion and the base. To get this into my current vehicle I must take these parts off and lean my chair all the way back and lift them into my passenger seat. Sounds like a lot of work right? It is. Now add in any kind of weather and the amount of effort increases 10 fold. Imagine trying to get in and out on your own in the pouring rain for anything. You get soaking wet multiple times.
Currently i use my vehicle to basically only go to work and back home. This limits my ability to take part in any kind of social functions, see family or friends. Did you know that most Lyft/Uber or other ride share services do not serve wheelchair users?
I would love to be able to have a vehicle I can just roll into and go places. I love to quilt and sew and go to workshops but am very limited as of right now.
Sewing has become my passion since I have been in the wheelchair fulltime.
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A small contribution in efforts to help reach your goal from @elliethequilter. Cant wait to see the knotty quilt when it's all done!
Edward Perez
Sunflower and blue quilt
Jamie Carlson
Carma's Quilts
John P Lujan
christmas quilt
mary carol sullivna
Frog quilt
Jamie Carlson
Christmas quilt
Jamie Carlson
Jamie Carlson
Tula Quilt
Kristin Carden
Crown royal quilt speedy
Jamie Carlson
Cat eye quilt
Ariel Jones
Local quilter
Jamie Carlson
Thank you for saving a lifetime of memories for our family.
Joe Rohr
Harmonie Proctor
Woman at the craft show
Jamie Carlson
Tabke couple gave 40 bucks
Jamie Carlson
From Trey at NEWBY Vance Mobility Sales & Service.
Trey Rixleben
Post office donation
Jamie Carlson
Tik tok gifts
Jamie Carlson
Tik tok donations
Jamie Carlson
Love you girl
Make checks payable to:
Help Hope Live
Note in memo:
In honor of Jamie Carlson
Mail to:
Help Hope Live
2 Radnor Corporate Center
Suite 100
100 Matsonford Road
Radnor, PA 19087
Donor preference is important to us. Please specify in writing if you wish for your name or donation amount to be kept private.
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