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My husband Rivean is in need of a heart and kidney transplant.

Rivean’s health issues started as a teenager when his kidneys failed and he required extended hospitalization and dialysis. Although he was told he would be on dialysis for the rest of his life, he was able to make a full recover and live a normal, full life. He worked extensively in conservation for the Bahamas Environmental Research Center and Forfar field station on Andros Island, his home. Eventually he attended Hocking College in Ohio and returned home to work for the Bahamas National Trust and served as a local councilmen in Staniard Creek. His enthusiasm and passion for Andros are known to all, as is his famous smile!

Updates (4)

February 10, 2024

February 4, 2024

Just before 3 p.m on Friday 2/2, we were told Rivean had a suitable match.

True to form he was wheeled down the hallway singing along to “Three Little Birds” and smiling , with lots of support from all of the nurses as he was rolled by.

9 pm he was in the operating room, and by 5:00 am on the 3rd, he had his brand new heart!

Rivean was taken of of the ventilator yesterday (2/3) around 5:00 pm. Lots of medication changes throughout the night, but he remained stable and they were able to manage his pain very well.

By this morning he was up into the chair and enjoyed his usual breakfast. Physical therapy came in and he was able to walk in the hallway. He did get somewhat lightheaded but he made 2 small laps which is pretty amazing considering he was just a little over 24 hours post-op.

They have been able to wean him off of the medication that was keeping his blood pressure stable and the pacer that was regulating his heart is now programmed to kick in only when it needs to.

His kidneys have taken a hit, but that was something that was expected- hoping they remain stable.

Lots of staff has come in to congratulate him- they have gotten to know him well over the last couple of months. We are blessed and grateful that he has such an amazing medical team.

Now , the real hard work begins. He will be in the hospital for a few weeks and then, he will be local so that he can continue to receive medical care and therapy, and during that time he must have a caregiver present 24/7. I hope to remain with him for the duration. Currently I am trying to secure lodging and hopefully we will have some good news on that front tomorrow.

We are so grateful to the donor, and keep their family and friends in our prayers.

Thank you all for the continuous outpouring of love and support.

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January 19, 2024

You got this Rivean! Keep smiling that beautiful smile.

Janie Brooks

December 29, 2023

SFM is forever ❤️ Hoping for the best possible outcome for you, Shannon, and Rivean and your lovely family.

Jane O’Leary

December 23, 2023

Sorry to hear about these health issues. Wishing Rivean a speedy recovery!
