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Dear Friends and Community,

We come together today to rally around Chris Forristal, a beloved husband, father, and an extraordinary individual who has been dealt a challenging hand. In 2017, Chris was diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), a progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects motor neurons, leading to muscle weakness and eventual paralysis. There is no cure for this disease.

Updates (8)

August 23, 2024

It's almost back to school time for our house. And with that comes more updates for all of you.

First, we continue to be amazed and grateful for each of you and your ongoing support. Thank you!

Second, as you know, the van is here but has found it's way to the shop already to get the lift fixed. Thanks to Chris's mom for helping coordinate it on our behalf.

Third, big news: we've are working to get the bathroom modified. As you know, this campaign is to help raise money for the van and the bathroom modifications. So, if you find yourself with spare change, we would be so appreciative as we can honestly say every dollar contributed is going to help these two big expenses in our lives.

Our friends and family continue to help organize around us so we can spend time together as a family. Thank you! And just know how much we appreciate all of you and how you are helping us with the big and small things in life. We appreciate it.

August 8, 2024

It has been a busy summer! We have had a steady stream of visitors spending time with us and enjoying the Montana summer. And, we've cherished each of their smiles and visits.

We've officially taken the van coast to coast! We had a great family vacation in Washington. You'd be amazed how much can fit into the van (look at the pictures to see our packing skills!).

The van's had a few hiccups and quirks we're working through. But, it is such a blessing to us. Taking the power chair places has been really good for all of us!

We continue to appreciate every token of support and every dollar you've contributed. We remain incredibly grateful for all of the support.

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December 21, 2024

Love you guys

Sheila Benner

December 19, 2024

7th grade will always be one of my favorite years because of our crazy crew. It's nice to know those friendships can last a life time even when we lose touch for a bit.

Our prayers are with you and your precious family as life starts to look a bit different. I have often admired your strength and wisdom, and have no doubt you will continue to go through this with strength and dignity.

Oltmans Family

September 30, 2024

Continuing to send you support from afar!

Emily Cropper