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Help Mark Breathe Again:
Support His Road to Recovery

Family and friends of Mark Forgue are raising money for the nonprofit Help Hope Live to fund uninsured medical expenses associated with transplantation.

Updates (2)

August 16, 2024

It has been 5 weeks today since we got the call that lungs had become available for Mark. Since then he’s been through some very difficult complications and we’re still in ICU. He’s been receiving fantastic care with amazing teams of specialists all working together to help him. Mark has been so courageous throughout this journey. Each day, we have so much to be grateful for, in-spite of so many setbacks. The prayers, thoughtful words, kind gestures, amazing gifts have all been very much appreciated and needed sources of loving support. We are deeply touched and grateful. Hopefully, in the weeks ahead, we’ll see more improvements and fewer setbacks. Thank you all from the Forgue family for your love and support.

August 9, 2024

We would like to thank everyone for the kind words, and generous donations and offers of help. We are nearing a month of being in the hospital, and we would not have made it this far without your support. We still have a long road to go and are grateful we have such a loving community to lean on. Mark has had some slow but steady progress in the right direction and were hoping to be taking him home this week, but unfortunately his breathing and strength have declined over the past few days. He was moved back into the ICU this morning and was taken for a procedure to clear out and test some secretions from the lungs, as well as examine the incision site. They are already treating him for possible infection, and he will be sedated and intubated through the weekend. While this is somewhat disheartening, it is not unheard of and we are hopeful that he will get some good rest this weekend and get back on track.

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September 16, 2024

Sending love to you!

Nicole Houmann

August 26, 2024

Our love and prayers are with you for Healing and with you and your Precious Family for Strength. God Be With you all. Love and hugs.

Cathy LaBash

August 22, 2024

Sending lots of love to all of you and praying for a complete recovery.

Mary and Pete Samuelstuen