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Meet Patti: A Heartwarming Caretaker and Baby Whisperer in need of a Liver Transplant

In March 2023, Patti was diagnosed with liver cirrhosis from nonalcoholic steatohepatitis, a condition that turned her world upside down. As a lifelong giver, she now finds herself with the uncomfortable necessity of asking for help from others.

Updates (23)

September 7, 2024

07/06/2024 + 61 days.

It’s been two months since my mom’s liver transplant. Two months of healing and growing.

This whole experience has shown how weird time is. Some parts of this journey feel like parts we’ve walked for so long, while others feel like — how did we get here so fast?

My mom continues to receive feedback that she’s exceeding expectations. Our next doctors appointment with the liver transplant team should be the last biweekly appointment before they will shift to seeing her monthly. She’s continued to receive weekly (sometimes multiple times a week) physical therapy. She’s upgraded to a cane from a walker, and has increased her balance significantly. Prior to transplant, my mom had experienced a lot of muscle wasting (a symptom of liver disease), so gaining her strength back will take time. She sometimes wants things to be happening faster, but that’s when I have to remind her that it’s only been two months. Two months since every phone call was an electric shock to the system wondering if it’s “the call.” Two months since she could barely walk from one side of the house to the other. Two months since she could barely eat and I would have to battle her to have a full meal. It’s only been two months and all those things have changed. It’s only been two months since those things have changed. Time is weird.

I’ve returned to working full time with checking in with her throughout the day. In less than two weeks, Shauna will visit for the first time, and it will be nice to have her here. She was traveling previously and with how immunocompromised my mom has been we wanted to make sure everyone was safe.

We continue to be grateful for all the donations that continue to come in. The lifelong medications my mom needs to be on cost hundreds of dollars a month. I am grateful for her quality of insurance because one of the medications with GoodRX was $1300. My mom’s rate was about $100. I can’t imagine having to make the choice between getting life-saving drugs and bills for people without her quality of insurance. This has been an illuminating experience in many ways.

We continue to find opportunities to laugh and connect. Thank you to everyone who has been on this journey with us and continue to support us near and far.

August 26, 2024

07/06/2024 + 49 days.

It’s been a month since my mom has gotten home. During this time, she’s continued to work on healing and gaining back her strength. She has physical therapy come to the house currently and has been doing her exercises without them as well. Continuing her rock star status, she has taken it upon herself to make herself breakfast daily now and take her morning medicine.

We have enjoyed getting back into a rhythm. Monday mornings are lab days, Wednesdays we see the liver transplant team and physical therapy and other appointments during the week, and weekends are for resting. The liver transplant team are feeling like she’s pretty well managed, so have chosen to see her only biweekly instead. Last Wednesday morning was our first day “off.”

The week before last my cousin visited which allowed me to return to work with the ease of knowing she was monitored and loved. Last week was my first week fully working and caretaking alone. There are some days that I handle caretaking and the overwhelm better than others, and I’m thankful for my mom’s patience as I work to juggle it all.

It’s still a delight to have her back and to get back into our times of connection. To think that in five months we went from finding out she needed a transplant to being one month post-rehab is incredible. I was describing to a client the experience and named it as “world-blowing.” As opposed to earth-shattering when everything feels like it crumbles, I feel like my whole world got blown in a whole new direction incredibly quickly. I’m still gaining my grounding. We both are in different ways.

Thank you for continuing to donate! It’s helping so much during this time.

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September 17, 2024

Dear Patti - I didn't know about your medical problem until today (September 17th, 2024). Sorry you've had to go through this. But I'm glad there was a solution. At one point a few years ago I thought I was having a similar issue. Had a liver biopsy done due to some odd lab tests, and after the biopsy was diagnosed with that non-alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver. Then, it all changed and went back to normal. I've worried about it ever since then - but my primary care doc doesn't seem to think it's a big deal. Anyway, I wish I could donate more to help you out. I may be able to do it again at some point. Please, if you want to, be my friend on FB. Or send me an email. Wishing you the best, always. I'm sure Dad and Barb are looking down on you every day & sending their love to you and your girls.

Christie A Adams

August 9, 2024

Dear Patti,
We are so glad you are being well cared for by family and doctors, after many years of caring for others! Best wishes for a quick and smooth recovery.
- Dave and Leslie

David and Leslie Clark

July 10, 2024

Love and prayers Patti

Lisa Gutman Dusselier