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Meet Patti: A Heartwarming Caretaker and Baby Whisperer in need of a Liver Transplant

In March 2023, Patti was diagnosed with liver cirrhosis from nonalcoholic steatohepatitis, a condition that turned her world upside down. As a lifelong giver, she now finds herself with the uncomfortable necessity of asking for help from others.

Updates (29)

March 7, 2025

7/06/2024 + 272 days.Today is 8 months since my mom’s liver transplant. The day following my last post, she was released from the hospital. The doctor has since stated that he does not believe that she did experience rejection, but instead her body reacted strongly to the liver biopsy she had had the Friday prior to going into the hospital. This is really comforting news, because once someone has rejection, the likelihood of rejection occurring increases.A couple of weeks following her release from the hospital, her white blood cell count decreased quite significantly. In order to prevent her from going to the hospital, I was able to arrange with the liver transplant coordinator to get her medication outpatient. At first Walgreens was going to charge over $380 for it (with insurance), but was not going to get it in time. I found a pharmacy that had it in stock. There it ended up being $100 cheaper, and I got there with 11 minutes to spare after work so she could get started as soon as possible. Her white blood cell is now back in a normal range, but she still needs to be cautious regarding her immune system. It was scary for a second there, so I am glad she was able to not have to be admitted and is improving. My mom has continued to gain her strength back. She has been able to go on walks with me throughout the neighborhood and enjoy the shift in temperature. She rarely needs to use her cane now, and her physical therapy may end in April with how well she is doing. She has been able to help more and more around the house and it is just so nice to have her feeling more and more steady on her feet. All of the messages, donations, phone calls, and support does so much for her heart. We seriously offer the deepest and most expansive gratitude for your continued support. I honestly don’t know how we would’ve gotten through this time without it.

February 6, 2025

07/06/2024 + 214 days.This has been an impactful month for my mom and her liver. For the past couple of months, her doctors have been noticing my mom’s liver numbers become slightly elevated and so they wanted to do a biopsy to check for any signs of rejection. On January 24th, my mom got a liver biopsy and then the following Monday she got her weekly lab work. Before the biopsy results came in her numbers skyrocketed, so she was admitted to the hospital to be treated on January 29th. They did a whole work up and she showed no signs of infection. The biopsy results came back inconclusive with no clear signs of rejection. One thing that has been important to learn in this journey is that rejection does not mean a whole new liver, it means they need to adjust the medication and give her a medical intervention. They treated her like she had rejection with three days of intense steroids which caused a whole new set of side effects, which she is currently being treated for. She is still in the hospital currently and the doctors are working to get her stabilized. The doctors are working as a team to figure out the best level of anti-rejection medicines as well as the best balance of other medications. It has been difficult at times to keep hope, but on Tuesday of this week, we saw my mom’s hepatologist who said that rejection and infection are most common within the first year and they will be monitoring her closely to help reduce the chances of it occurring again in the future. As disappointing as it is, we may never know the true cause, but they are leaning towards the biopsy being the agitator.My mom has done a great job of advocating for herself during this visit. She has asked to stay in the hospital, several times, to make sure she is truly stable before coming home. I am incredibly grateful for this as it alleviates any pressure from me to manage a complicated medical regimen on my own.My mom thrives off of connection and words of encouragement, so I really thank you for all of your messages during this time.

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January 16, 2025

Thinking of you Patti and wishing you a continued journey of healing and strength.

Warm Regards, Judy

Judy Desouza

November 6, 2024

Prayers for Healing Patti. Hope you get stronger every day. Love Judy Scribner Desouza

Judith Desouza

September 17, 2024

Dear Patti - I didn't know about your medical problem until today (September 17th, 2024). Sorry you've had to go through this. But I'm glad there was a solution. At one point a few years ago I thought I was having a similar issue. Had a liver biopsy done due to some odd lab tests, and after the biopsy was diagnosed with that non-alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver. Then, it all changed and went back to normal. I've worried about it ever since then - but my primary care doc doesn't seem to think it's a big deal. Anyway, I wish I could donate more to help you out. I may be able to do it again at some point. Please, if you want to, be my friend on FB. Or send me an email. Wishing you the best, always. I'm sure Dad and Barb are looking down on you every day & sending their love to you and your girls.

Christie A Adams