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Hello, I am Krishna Marcoux and I am in desperate need of a kidney transplant. I want to thank you for taking the time to learn about me and I sincerely appreciate any help you can offer.
I am a mother of three children, two of which I was blessed to meet through my involvement as a foster parent. My husband Ron and I have been married for 15 year and are blessed with children who are thriving and growing in their love for each other and for God.
The past year and a half has brought some difficult challenges. Ron and I were chosen to be foster parents to a child who needed a kidney transplant. I received my first kidney transplant in 2009 and was considered a great fit due to my experience with the surgery and the medication. We safely transported our child to and from dialysis three times a week until one glorious day we received the call that our child was getting a transplant. Surgery went well and to this day, everything is going fine. Well, almost fine.
Just a few days after our child received their gift of life, my transplanted kidney went into severe rejection. I have been on dialysis for almost a year and a half now. During that time, I have had numerous problems with my dialysis access in my arm and a total of 7 surgeries this past year alone. It was a complete role-reversal. My child was well, but I was suddenly in kidney failure. My duties as a mother and caregiver for a newly transplanted child did not stop, along with the unique challenges foster parenting brings. Although I have given every ounce of effort that I can, I am sometimes tired and unable to live the full and healthy life that a healthy kidney brings. I look forward to the day when I could be fortunate enough to receive a second transplant.
My doctors have cleared me for surgery and I am blessed to have so many people testing to be a live donor. My medical expenses are covered; however, my donor will be unable to work for a period of time during recovery though household bills will continue. We are raising money to help the donor with these and other expenses as well as some increased expenses of our own.
To help with the financial burden of both myself and my donor’s uninsured expenses, a fundraising campaign in my honor has been established with HelpHOPELive, a trusted nonprofit organization that has been providing community-based fundraising guidance to patients and their families for more than 30 years. All donations are tax-deductible, are held by HelpHOPELive in the Great Lakes Kidney Transplant Fund, and are administered by HelpHOPELive for transplant-related expenses only. Please, consider a contribution.
For credit card contributions, please click the yellow Donate Now button.
I am so thankful to have family and friends who have supported me through all of the twists and turns. The outpouring of love has been touching to say the least. I am steadfast in my commitment to raise awareness of this devastating disease as I push on to the finish line with your help. Thank you from the bottom of my heart and God Bless You.
Krishna (812-592-3386 or [email protected])
I'm sitting at my hotel in Des Moines, Iowa after a long day of pre transplant work up. I'm exhausted, but I know that listing out here, although it's far from home, is what needs to be done. I'm doing the right thing.
I am officially listed back on the transplant list!!! I am so blessed to have such a wonderful support system.
Thursday is my last day for hemodialysis. I am so excited to begin peritoneal dialysis. Thanks to everyone for your support.
We are also scheduling some great fundraisers that will be taking place in April and May. I will release details as it gets closer. Thank you for you support.
On February 12th, 2016, I was fortunate enough to be approved to do peritoneal dialysis. The port was placed and is healing very nicely. I have been practicing with my nurse for the last week and it is going very well. March 10th is my last scheduled training day. I will then be able to perform my pd dialysis in the comfort of my own home. I'm looking forward to having more time and the freedom that comes with pd dialysis. Thank you to everyone for you support in my journey.
On October 3, 2014 I learned that my kidney transplant had failed. I am so incredibly thankful for the fact that it lasted almost 6 years. That is 6 years more that I would have had. I am now back on dialysis and am currently doing my workup to get back on the transplant list.
In My Own Words
I have been married to my husband, Ron Marcoux, for 9 years. After being diagnosed with kidney disease in July 2001, I was told that having a child would be out of the question. In 2006 I had a partial hystorectomy and was told that solidified the fact I would not have children. However in August of that year I found out that I was pregnant with a beautiful baby girl. She was born in March 2007 by emergency c-section 5 weeks early. She weighed only 2 pounds and 10.1 ounces and 16 inches long. Amazingly though, she spent only 13 days in the NICU. She was sent home at 3.5 pounds. She is a joy and inspiration for me everyday of my life. In January 2008, I was diagnosed with Thyroid cancer. This was quite a shock. It was a difficult time because my daughter was so young and I was unable to take care of her without assistance. After the shock of that, I was diagnosed with end-stage renal disease in August 2008. This led to several surgeries to implant a dialysis access site to hold me until I received a kidney transplant. Fortunately, because it was difficult for the doctors to place my access, I did not have to start dialysis. I had my transplant on July 31, 2009. Due to the expense of my transplant and the anti-rejection medications I must take, I have been trying to do fundraisers to raise money to absorb some of the expense. If anyone would like to help with this or has any ideas please contact me by leaving a message on my page at www.transplantfund.org and search for Krishna Marcoux. Thank you for your help and Support.
Marcoux Doing Well
Benefits Set To Help 2 Stricken With Illness
Parish Messenger
BenefitKrishna Marcoux, a life long resident of Jennings Co., needs a kidneytransplant. She also needs the help and prayers of family, friends, andthe community. We here at Sardinia Baptist Church would like to inviteyou and your friends to attend our Krishna Marcoux Benefit which willtake place on August 1 at our church, which is located at 16262 S. St.Rd. 3, Westport, IN at 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. There will be food, fun,games and music for all.
Community Support Helps put Puzzle Together: Fundraiser Set To Help With Transplants Costs
IU Senior from Greene County Gives Gift of Life with Kidney Donation
Community Support Helps Put Puzzle Together
Hey Krishna!!! I knew that face when I saw it!! We worked at BK together back in the day. I was the nut in the kitchen doing all the prep when they first opened. I sincerely hope you find a kidney sweetie!! I'll be praying for you and sharing with everyone I can!! Love girlfriend!!
Laura H.
I love you, Krishna and continue to pray for you. Roberta Wood
Roberta Wood
I hope you find a kidney soon. Good luck.
I agree with Ashton. Wow, your story gave me chills.
What an inspiration you are. You children are lucky to have such a strong role model in their lives.
Ashton Sizemore
Blessings from California....
Katy Mannell/California
My daughter is also waiting for a kidney. It can be so frustrating at times,keeping your faith and optomism helps. Best of luck.
Marsha Miller Belding,Michigan
Krishna we wish you the very best of luck.It is wonderful to see you are hanging in there :) Our prayers go out to you and your family.
Cheryl Hunt Birch Run, Michigan
Hi krishna, Iam waiting for a kidney transplant to. I was born with one kidney and no bladder. Iam hanging in there too. I wish you all the luck in the world. It is so frustrating. If you would like to respond I would apprciate it.
tina marie reynolds
I really hope all goes well for you
a friend in North Vernon
good luck
Make checks payable to:
Help Hope Live
Note in memo:
In honor of Krishna Marcoux
Mail to:
Help Hope Live
2 Radnor Corporate Center
Suite 100
100 Matsonford Road
Radnor, PA 19087
Donor preference is important to us. Please specify in writing if you wish for your name or donation amount to be kept private.
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