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Help Hope Live for Ann Reigstad

Ann got her double lung transplant on July 4th, 2024! Ann spent 7 weeks in the hospital. Unfortunately a week after her transplant, the surgeon told her that her lungs went into a complicated rejection. She had several transfusions each week to fight the rejection. The transfusions worked and is currently rejection free! After she was discharged, she made weekly visits to UW Madison for routine check ups, then every other week, and currently once a month. She is doing well. She is still in awe about how she feels with the new lungs. This long awaited transplant has changed her life in ways that beyond what she expected.Ann is excited to be gaining strength and endurance without the use of supplemental oxygen! The quality of life that she was hoping for is slowly coming back! She can go for walks with her dog, Honor. She is looking forward to being able to travel, camping, hiking, attending concerts, going to large family gatherings, and staying healthy. Family and friends of Ann Reigstad are raising money for the nonprofit Help Hope Live to fund uninsured medical expenses associated with transplantation. Insurance helps cover most of her visits, but some medications, travel, and lodging are not. Ann has chosen to continue fundraising for Help Hope Live in part because Help Hope Live assures fiscal accountability of funds raised and tax deductibility for contributors. Contributors can be sure donations will be used to pay or reimburse medical and related expenses. To make a tax-deductible donation to this fundraising campaign, click on the Give button. For more information, please contact Help Hope Live at 800.642.8399.Thank you for your support!

Updates (19)

February 6, 2025

Yesterday was my 7th month since receiving my new lungs. I feel blessed that I was chosen to receive my best and biggest donation - LUNGS. Each month, on the fourth, I take time to think about the trauma the my body endured to live longer. I am feeling well, but my sternum still. hasn't fused together. I will have a CT scan tomorrow (2-7-2025). I have made a commitment to the post transplant routine. Yes, it takes time out of my day, but very well worth it. I just returned from a trip to Florida with a good friend of mine. We drove there and back. The first week was cold and rainy, but the second week was beautiful! All of the donations made so far, are going to be used up to compensate for hotel stays in Madison, some medications, and travel. With this said, I certainly welcome any donations. I take one medication that costs $8,000 a month. I am on a transplant assistance program, but I was informed today that will end in September and my insurance will not cover the cost. I will reapply for the assistance program again, but there are no promises that I will be accepted.Im looking forward to warm weather, flowers blooming, and being able to go for walks with my dog, Honor. I have to wait for my sternum to heal.

September 8, 2024

My last update was on August 2nd. Many different things had transpired since then. My worst night was on August 7th. Not only was I dealing with severe constipation, I received an email from a good friend that his daughter had been put in hospice. All medical treatments had been exhausted to help her. This beautiful girl was a former student of mine with multiple disabilities. After she graduated, we would hang out either at my house or hers. We would do crafts, make pizzas to eat, exercise, and/or talk about the days we had in physical education class back in the day. I also had videos of the all of the students in her class doing a variety of group and individual skills. She passed one day later.

On August 15th, I was excited to hear from my team that I could be discharged to go home. It was my birthday weekend. I would be home, two of my three boys would be home, and my parents to celebrate my discharge and my birthday. It felt great to sleep in my own bed! I, however, woke up with a headache that progressed during the day into a migraine times 2! I called the nurse on call and with her recommendation, my mom drove me to UW Hospital emergency room. I was given all sorts of medicine and was released at 5 in the morning to go home. No sooner did we leave the hospital and I started throwing up. I got home, sat on the couch to rest, and drank a little water to help with my dehydration. The water did not stay down. I was feeling awful so another call to the nurse on call sent me back to the emergency department. It was a long day of being nauseous and very uncomfortable in a tiny room in the E.D. At some point in the evening, I was admitted to the hospital. I was extremely dehydrated and nauseous with the headache still lingering. To make matters worse, the nursing staff gave me lasix (the pill that makes you pee). This medication was on the discontinued list, but they gave it to me anyway. This led to havoc on my kidneys which led to 4 more days in the hospital.

I am happy to say, I came home on the 23rd of August and have been home ever since. On the 23rd, my oldest son, Casey, flew home from Florida and my middle son, Braden, came home from Madison. My youngest, Declan, is still at home while working on an apprenticeship. So, all 5 of us were home for the first time for a very long time.

I went on my first trip to my parents lake house near Minocqua over Labor Day weekend. It was a wonderful time with family. Breathing fresh air, taking pontoon boat rides, taking my dog to the small dog park in town, and challenging myself with walks (without oxygen) up some hills that I needed 10L of oxygen in the past.

I have had weekly check ups with my team including a 6 minute walk, medication checks, spirometry testing, blood work, and finally a meeting with the doctor and my coordinator. Everything has checked out so far.

I cannot drive yet so I rely on my parents or Steve for transportation back and forth to Madison. Tomorrow, 9/9, will be my second time driving there for an appointment, a stay in a hotel, and a 7 a.m. appointment for a follow up infusion (the 5.5 hour one). The bills are adding up, but I feel fortunate to be able to see my son, and my brother and his wife (at times) while I am there. Steve's Aunt lives in Madison too so we see her from time to time as well. The ultimate best is getting a good bill of health and am able to come home! I continue to be in awe about being able to breathe so well! It is truly amazing!!

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August 5, 2024

Hi Ann, congratulation on your new lungs. My prayers are with you as until you have lung issues you do not realize when you cant breathe nothing else matters.
I was diagnosed with Pulmonary Hypertension and Pulmonary Fibrosis in Nov. 2022 tested for double lung transplants in Chicago but, was told they were not able to deal with current heart issues. I was sent to Cleveland Clinic who could better handle both issues. Then before I could get there Dec 2023 I had a merkle cell carcinoma removed from my finger. As its a skin cancer I have to be cancer free for 2 at 74 years old im not sure that will be possible. It makes me happy to see others fighting the good fight and as they say Keep Hope Alive..Best wishes and my prayers to you for a good revovery.

Mike Lessner

July 12, 2024

We are very glad to hear that you are doing so well. We wish you all the best. Jeannie and Arthur Waldman

Jeannie and Arthur Waldman

July 8, 2024

Best wishes for a quick recovery, Ann! We are thinking of you. The Tates

Paula Rohs