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Help Alex Race Back to Life!

Alex is a 33-year-old newlywed from the NE Ohio area. On April 10, 2024, he went in for what was expected to be a routine hernia surgery. To Alex’s family’s horror, the surgery was far from routine. As it turns out, there was no hernia, but rather fluid buildup from undiagnosed congestive heart failure. Immediately after the halted procedure, Alex was rushed downtown to the cardiac ICU. After numerous tests and what felt like an eternity, the doctors advised that Alex’s only option was a heart transplant. To prepare Alex’s body for a transplant, the doctors were striving for his heart functions and pressure numbers to fall within a specific range. Even with plenty of rest and time, his numbers were not falling where the doctors would like them to be, this resulted in countless IV drips, oral medications, heart catheters, blood tests, ultrasounds, X-rays, and much more. Over time the seemingly ever-changing medications started to take a toll on his kidneys and the doctors started to become concerned about their function. This resulted in the difficult decision to implant a BiVAD on May 7th, 2024. The implantation of this device was no small feat, it required full open-heart surgery and an extremely tough recovery. Now Alex is at the point of waiting until a heart becomes available, and he will not be able to return home and must stay a patient in the Cardio Thoracic ICU.

Updates (3)

June 6, 2024

After 56 days in the hospital, Alex is home!! (6*5*24)

May 18, 2024

Alex received his new ❤️ on Wednesday, May 15th!

Photo Galleries (2)

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June 13, 2024

Keep on Keeping on! It takes a village and you have one!

Daniel Oana

May 21, 2024

Alex - keep the faith! Keeping you in our prayers.

Kenda & Jeff

Kenda Kline