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Family and friends of Drew Young are raising money for the nonprofit Help Hope Live to fund uninsured medical expenses associated with transplantation.

I was diagnosed in 2019 with a kidney disease called IgA nephropathy. The doctors said it was most likely from the flu that caused an autoimmune response and over time both of my kidneys became so inflamed they could not properly filter the toxins and waste in my blood.
I was in kidney failure and on dialysis.
Over the past year I started to feel the side effects of kidney failure. I’ve lost weight, had constant fatigue, not sleeping well, nausea and vomiting.
I went to college for exercise science and it got to the point I had to leave my job as a personal trainer because I was just too tired and weak.
Even though this is happening my goal is to start the nursing program August 2024.

Updates (4)

June 7, 2024

8 days post transplant and I feel great. I can't really remember the last time I've felt this good.

I've had 2 clinic appointments, the first one was Monday where I got an infusion called Simulect (Basiliximab). It's an immunosuppressant so my body accepts my new kidney. My appointments consist of lab draws, seeing the pharmacist, and then the transplant PA. I'm still losing weight so they have been giving me fluid boluses to help with dehydration. At today's clinic appointment they tweaked my medications. My Envarsus/tacrolimus (anti-rejection) was increased, a medication to increase my phosphorus was added since its trending low and another blood pressure medication was added.

All in all I'm doing really well!

June 3, 2024

6/1- I got discharged this afternoon! Even though I'm eating every meal, I've lost 5 pounds since yesterday. My new kidney is a beast lol. So before I can go home, they had to give me a couple bags of fluid through my IV.

My nurse went over all the new medications that I will be taking.. there's now 12.

Anti-rejections meds, antivirals and antibiotics- since I'm at a greater chance of getting sick, blood pressure meds- my BP is still pretty high, and a couple for pain and other random things.

I'm happy to be out of the hospital and able to walk around outside. I'm staying with my Mom since she lives closer to the hospital since I'll be having daily clinic appointments for a week. On Monday I'll get my labs checked and get another infusion to suppress my immune system so my body can accept my Mom's kidney. I also have a home health nurse that will be coming to check my vitals and incisions everyday.

Till then I'm just going to rest, eat my protein and drink my fluids!

Again, thank you everyone for the support!

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