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I was diagnosed in 2019 with a kidney disease called IgA nephropathy. The doctors said it was most likely from the flu that caused an autoimmune response and over time both of my kidneys became so inflamed they could not properly filter the toxins and waste in my blood.
I was in kidney failure and on dialysis.
Over the past year I started to feel the side effects of kidney failure. I’ve lost weight, had constant fatigue, not sleeping well, nausea and vomiting.
I went to college for exercise science and it got to the point I had to leave my job as a personal trainer because I was just too tired and weak.
Even though this is happening my goal is to start the nursing program August 2024.
On May 29, 2024 I got my kidney transplant, from a living kidney donor, my Mom.
This is where I ask for your help. Although I have Medicare, I am still responsible for 20% of medical bills. That includes the transplant and medications I will be taking for the rest of my life along with my donors testing cost and hospitalization. There are also outstanding home dialysis bills that I’m responsible for.
(Kidney transplants cost on average around $400,000).
Every little bit helps and I appreciate all the support thus far. Please continue to keep up in your thoughts and prayers.
Drew has chosen to fundraise for Help Hope Live in part because Help Hope Live assures fiscal accountability of funds raised and tax deductibility for contributors. Contributors can be sure donations will be used to pay or reimburse medical and related expenses. To make a tax-deductible donation to this fundraising campaign, click on the Give button.
For more information, please contact Help Hope Live at 800.642.8399.
Thank you for your support!
8 days post transplant and I feel great. I can't really remember the last time I've felt this good.
I've had 2 clinic appointments, the first one was Monday where I got an infusion called Simulect (Basiliximab). It's an immunosuppressant so my body accepts my new kidney. My appointments consist of lab draws, seeing the pharmacist, and then the transplant PA. I'm still losing weight so they have been giving me fluid boluses to help with dehydration. At today's clinic appointment they tweaked my medications. My Envarsus/tacrolimus (anti-rejection) was increased, a medication to increase my phosphorus was added since its trending low and another blood pressure medication was added.
All in all I'm doing really well!
6/1- I got discharged this afternoon! Even though I'm eating every meal, I've lost 5 pounds since yesterday. My new kidney is a beast lol. So before I can go home, they had to give me a couple bags of fluid through my IV.
My nurse went over all the new medications that I will be taking.. there's now 12.
Anti-rejections meds, antivirals and antibiotics- since I'm at a greater chance of getting sick, blood pressure meds- my BP is still pretty high, and a couple for pain and other random things.
I'm happy to be out of the hospital and able to walk around outside. I'm staying with my Mom since she lives closer to the hospital since I'll be having daily clinic appointments for a week. On Monday I'll get my labs checked and get another infusion to suppress my immune system so my body can accept my Mom's kidney. I also have a home health nurse that will be coming to check my vitals and incisions everyday.
Till then I'm just going to rest, eat my protein and drink my fluids!
Again, thank you everyone for the support!
I got the ring the bell!
I was able to start walking the halls, got some IVs removed and was able to see my Mom. I'll be here for 3 days so they can monitor my kidney levels and start all the teaching.
I will be on medications for anti-rejection for the rest of my life. These medications- prednisone, cellcept and tacrolimus, will cause my immune system to drop and make me more susceptible to infection. They told me I have to treat everyday like COVID now.
I also have to make different dietary changes, like no more raw sushi/fish, unpasteurized cheeses, no buffets or any places where food is open (jersey mikes, salad bars, chipotle) and all my fruits and veggies need to be sanitized.
My blood pressures are pretty elevated so I'm restarted some of those medications again. I'm still in pain but able to move better.
Transplant is done!
Only issue I had was during the process of getting put under, I had an anaphylactic reaction to either ancef (antibiotic) or rocunonium (paralytic). Although I've had these before, you can develop an allergy after the second exposure.
They said my blood pressure dropped very low, my heart rate jumped to the 200s and I started wheezing. Epi had to be given and my surgery was delayed for 45 minutes to be stabilized.
But after all said and done the surgery lasted 3 hours and my kidney is working! I even got my dialysis catheter removed. They did had to place a stent in my ureter to make sure my kidney drains to my bladder efficiently.
Everyone that comes in says "you got a GREAT kidney", from all the doctors, to the nurses, to even housekeeping.
I'm making crazy amounts of urine! The first time in a year.
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Help Hope Live
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In honor of Jonathan Drew Young
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Help Hope Live
2 Radnor Corporate Center
Suite 100
100 Matsonford Road
Radnor, PA 19087
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