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Help Hope Live for Tona Rivera

Hello. I am 44 years old. I was born with Cerebral Palsy, as the umbilical cord was around my neck at the time of my birth. No oxygen was going to my brain. I had to stay at the hospital for two weeks because I had to be on machines. The doctors told my parents I was not going to live, or if I did, I was going to be like a vegetable. They were wrong! Here I am enjoying life! I’m very thankful for being here.I am an artist and paint with my left foot. I am the Founder and Executive Director of Every Ability Plays Project. We purchase special playground equipment for children with special needs, and for their neighborhood parks, homes and schools. Our organization website is if you would like to see what we do.I have started a campaign with Help Hope Live because I am in need of help getting a new accessible van. Because of my family home situation, no bank let us take out a loan to get an accessible van. Any help from donations to assist me in getting an accessible van would be of such great help and so much appreciated! Thank you.You can donate to this campaign by clicking on the Give button. Thank you very much for your support in advance.For more information, please contact Help Hope Live at 800.642.8399.Thank you for your support!

Updates (4)

February 5, 2025

January 16, 2025

Hello Everybody!!! Today I got twelve Botox shots in my legs which helps me not to be so tight. We decided to go on zTrip so that my sister and I wouldn't have to stay at the clinic for an hour and half waiting for Sun Van. Today's zTrip ride cost $110 for round trip. BUT, that is not the main reason I am posting this update on my campaign fundraiser tonight. The main reason why I am posting on here is because after I got twelve Botox shots, my doctor asked me if I would be interested in going to two conferences this year. One of them is in June in Phoenix, Arizona about pain for people with disabilities. I said yes to that one for sure. The other one is in New Orleans in September. Of course, I told her about the conference in Las Vegas ( The conference in New Orleans is going to be on women's health and Cerebral Palsy. I suffer a lot from my women's health issues. When my sister and I got home from the clinic, we told our mom about these conferences. Our mom gave me all of her support like she always has. She even said if the conferences in September are a week apart, we could drive from New Orleans to Las Vegas. More than ever, I really need a new accessible van. Your support would be appreciated so very much. Thank you very much!

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October 16, 2024

Toña is awesome and a van would just help her be awesome all around the city and state!

Jami Petner-Arrey

September 2, 2024

You are a very inspriring person. Best of luck on reaching your goals.

carole levitt

August 25, 2024

Love you, Toña! Thanks for all you do to make our community stronger. ❤️

Marla Wood