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Help Hope Live for Reid Mukai

“I NEED YOUR SUPPORT!”On Friday April 5, 2024, I headed to work by bicycle as I usually did in good weather. About two weeks later, I woke up in the ICU at Harborview Hospital and realized I couldn’t breathe on my own, move my limbs, or speak. It was explained that I had suffered a catastrophic spinal cord injury due to a crash on my commute that morning. I had been saved by medics who were immediately on the scene, intubated me, and took me directly to the ER. I had been through a 5-hour neck and back surgery to prevent further damage and protect life sustaining respiratory and circulatory functions. I also found out that a few days after the surgery, my heart stopped, a “code blue” was called, and skilled medical staff brought me back with CPR and other interventions. Though I was in much physical and emotional pain, I was grateful for a second chance at life.After several weeks, with the support of friends and family and the staff at Harborview, my health stabilized, and I was moved to the Trauma Rehabilitation Unit a few days before my 50th birthday. I eventually was able to breathe on my own and started speaking and eating again. I have a C4 incomplete spinal cord injury and am mobile with the use of a power wheelchair that I control with head buttons since I cannot use my hands. I was discharged from Harborview on June 18th, and still need the help of medical professionals and caregivers to continue my rehabilitation and recovery. This requires numerous medical visits and I need reliable transportation. My wife Danielle is renting a wheelchair accessible van for a week to ensure I make it to my upcoming appointments. With your financial support, we hope to purchase a van soon. A used wheelchair van with low miles is $45,000 – $60,000 and the more money we raise, the more reliable and long-lasting the vehicle we purchase will be.Though I may no longer be able to do some of my former favorite activities, I look forward to doing new things in new ways and have been working hard to recover as much as possible. We are paying out of pocket for the medical supplies and equipment, medicine, caregiving, and adaptive technology that insurance doesn’t cover. These items sustain my health, allow for some independence, and enhance my quality of life. For example, the commode/bath chair that allows “tilt backs” and meets my needs is $5700.Though uplifted by the love and support from friends and family, due to the serious nature of my injury, Danielle and I have no choice but to ask for financial help through the wider social networks we hope to reach. I dictated this message so that Danielle could post it. Your gift will greatly improve my day-to-day experience and my ability to make meaningful contributions to the world.Our family and friends are raising money for the nonprofit Help Hope Live to fund in my honor (Reid Mukai) uninsured medical expenses associated with Catastrophic Injury.We chose to fundraise for Help Hope Live in part because Help Hope Live assures fiscal accountability of funds raised and tax deductibility for contributors. Contributors can be sure donations will be used to pay or reimburse medical and related expenses. To make a tax-deductible donation to this fundraising campaign, click on the Give button. And please share my page on your social media platforms, every donation helps.For more information, please contact Help Hope Live at 800.642.8399.Thank you for your support!

Updates (1)

October 21, 2024

Hi Everyone,As you could imagine, the past six months have been challenging for Danielle and me, but one bright spot has been watching the progress of our Help Hope Live campaign. Since we’ve been so busy we weren’t able to check it often, but whenever we did, we were uplifted not just by the fundraising (which was more successful than we had hoped), but by the outpouring of love and encouragement expressed in the comments.Thanks to all of you, on October 19 Danielle and I were able to purchase the vehicle we desperately needed. It's a 2020 Toyota Sienna wheelchair van with relatively low odometer miles. This comes at an ideal time because I’ve recently started outpatient therapy visits in addition to various regularly scheduled medical appointments. Also, it will provide more opportunities to reconnect with old friends and join social events with new ones such as the folks in the Here and Now Project.Again, a sincere thanks to all friends and family (including friends and family of friends and family), coworkers, kind strangers, and anonymous individuals who supported us through our campaign. We’re truly blessed to be connected to such a compassionate community.As a token of appreciation, you're invited to drop by our place next Saturday 10/26 or Sunday 10/27 from 1:30-4PM for a slice of Hawaiian rainbow cake and a look at the van. Please contact Danielle if you need our address.Much love to all of you,Reid and DaniellePS Shout out to WATAP for loaning me a mouth joystick so I could type out this message myself.

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December 26, 2024

Reid and Danielle, we heard of you through our friends Elizabeth & Nathan’s newsletter and extend our admiration and support to you both.

Maureen Meyer

December 23, 2024

As the year comes to a close, we want to thank every person who cared, prayed & contributed to Reid's Go Fund a heartfelt Mahalo ! Thanks to your support, Reid was able to get a van that has greatly enhanced his daily life. Reid & Danielle's journey will continue to be a challenge so your continued support in whatever way you can will be greatly appreciated. Your messages are energizing & hopeful. We pray for Reid & Danielle to stay focused for " today's challenges are tomorrow's blessings." We ask our Lord to bless every one of you just as He has blessed us .
Mele Kalikimaka ame Hauoli Makahiki Hou!
With fondest Aloha,
Mom, Dad & Daryl

Florence Mukai

November 29, 2024

We are just learning about this terrible accident, Reid. You have such a positive attitude and we hope that continues. We are donating to help with your future medical expenses and hope that new van is working out well for you and Danielle. God bless you both as you figure out your new life style. Love, Uncle Tad and Auntie Jen

Tadashi and Jennifer Mukai