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Chad was born with his urethras tied together in a knot. At the age of three he had surgery to re implant his urethras in the correct place. From the age of four to thirteen he would go on his birthday to see the nephrologists so they could verify the functioning of his urethras. All good until his 40’s and his kidneys started having problems and found out both kidneys were failing. Started dialysis in California but we could no longer afford to live in California, so we moved to Cheyenne Wyoming. A much slower pace of life and we love it. Chad has continued with his dialysis and now ready to get him a replacement kidney. Chad has no other medical conditions so all looks good. Well spoke to soon. Chad now has massive calcium build up around his kidneys and other organs. This means he needs a live donor. Diana is seeing if her kidneys are a match.

Family and friends of Chad Angulo we are raising money for the nonprofit Help Hope Live to fund uninsured medical expenses associated with transplantation.
These include, gas, lodging, food, tolls, living donor cost, co-pays, laundry etc and help with our cat Jazzy when we are gone.
Please know that we understand that times are tough and appreciate you.

Updates (14)

January 16, 2025

Went for Chad's three months update a few weeks ago. He is doing great! He is able to stop taking one of his meds good news Thank you for the donation on Christmas Chad and Diana

October 9, 2024

Chad doing great, walked on his own. Hopefully tomorrow he can come back with me:)

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October 17, 2024

We are are sending huge prayers and blessings for a quick recovery and we hope to meet you soon.
Jocelyne and Wayne OToole
(Jacob’s parents)

Jocelyne OToole

August 4, 2024

Wishing nothing be the best and a bright future.

Cindy Moore

August 1, 2024

Chad - we are sending good vibes on your journey to a successful recovery and strong comeback!

Christina Forbes