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After four years of battling cardiomyopathy and congestive heart failure and enduring multiple hospital stays and treatments, Anthony’s heart has reached a critical point. His diagnosis was upgraded to end stage heart failure on 8/3/2024, and he was hospitalized at Froedtert Medical Center in Milwaukee where he is currently awaiting a heart transplant. Currently, he’s listed as Status 2e for a heart transplant, a position that brings hope but also uncertainty as he waits for the life-saving procedure.
Anthony is an avid gamer, and loves to play both online games, role playing games (like D&D) and board games with friends and family. He is into all things fantasy and magic. He also really enjoys Legos. He’s been limited in his abilities due to his condition and spends most of his time at home. Cheerful and helpful, he has been a bright light in the lives of everyone he has known.
Before this latest hospitalization, Anthony had just achieved a significant milestone—he graduated from Preble High School and was accepted into UW-Green Bay. He even took Advanced Placement (AP) courses and passed the tests! He has high aspirations to use his heart failure journey as a catalyst in life – and wants to pursue an advanced degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences, in hopes to work on teams that research and develop new medicines for people with heart failure.
He has big dreams of moving to Seattle to continue his education, with a bright future ahead of him. However, these plans are now on hold as he focuses on the most important fight of his life. The hospital has become his new reality, and while he is no stranger to these surroundings, the weight of this battle is taking a toll on his spirit. Anthony is struggling to cope with the relentless challenges of hospital life. The discomfort, uncertainty, and emotional strain are ever-present. His days are filled with medical procedures, evaluations, and the constant reminder of the gravity of his situation. As his health continues to be closely monitored, Anthony remains in the ICU, where he is receiving intravenous medications to support his failing heart.
Despite the efforts of his medical team, the journey ahead is daunting, and the need for support has never been greater. We are fundraising to help cover the significant expenses that come with a heart transplant. These include not only the medical and prescription drug costs, but also the costs of relocation. Anthony and his mother, who is his main support person have had to upend their lives for a second time and have moved to Milwaukee temporarily. His mother is having to take unpaid time off, still maintain the home they have in Green Bay, along with the costs of living away from home for months. There are also various needs that will arise post-transplant, such as therapy expenses, transportation expenses and other unforeseen costs.
Your support can make a tremendous difference in easing the financial burden during this critical time. Additionally, you can lift Anthony’s spirits by sending cards, pictures, and notes of encouragement to fill his room with the love and positivity he desperately needs. Every contribution, no matter the size, will help Anthony and his family navigate this difficult journey. Whether through donations, visits, or heartfelt messages, you can be part of Anthony’s Wall of Love. Let’s come together to help Anthony focus on healing and to remind him that he is not alone in this fight.
Family and friends of Anthony Mead are raising money for the nonprofit Help Hope Live to fund uninsured medical expenses associated with transplantation.
Anthony has chosen to fundraise for Help Hope Live in part because Help Hope Live assures fiscal accountability of funds raised and tax deductibility for contributors. Contributors can be sure donations will be used to pay or reimburse medical and related expenses. To make a tax-deductible donation to this fundraising campaign, click on the Give button.
For more information, please contact Help Hope Live at 800.642.8399.
Thank you for your support!
Update on Anthony:
Whew, what a week it has been. Anthony's officially 9 days post transplant!
On Sunday we had some complications and Anthony started having some siezures. The immunosuppressant drugs he has to be on for anti-rejection have been putting some stress on his body, and he developed a condition called PRES. We caught it very early (mostly because mom watches him so closely and notices any changes right away) and they believe it will resolve in time without causing any major issues later on. He had to be monitored by EEG for a couple days, is now followed by Neurologists and has to take a couple anti-siezure medicines for a while but he has been siezure free for days! Thank the heavens. Of everything we have gone through on this journey, the images of him siezing have not left my brain space. That was definitely the hardest of all for this mom to handle.
He has been recovering smoothly since then though, and other than some fatigue and mild hallucinations (the shadow people scale the walls) he hasn't felt too shabby. If anything, he's feeling the best he's ever felt in his life and we know that will continue and get even better as time goes on as his body adjusts to the new heart and all the medicines it takes to keep it beating strong.
And it IS BEATING STRONG!!!!! I had the pleasure of getting to watch his first echocardiogram and his ejection fraction with the new heart is 54%! From less than 10 to 54... just an incredible feeling. He's worked so hard to survive in active heart failure.... to be told his heart is NORMAL, and healthy, and working perfectly... to not be in active heart failure anymore... it's music to our ears. We've spent many days experiencing all the emotions - but mostly pure joy.
Yesterday Anthony walked in the hallway for the first time since transplant and today, we got to get outside for the first time in weeks. It's been a week of "firsts" again, and each day brings more things he can do and accomplish.
He's still struggling with swallowing food and water safely - being intubated 4 times in less than 2 months is very traumatic to the esophagus and pharangeal muscles. He has been working hard with speech therapy and has high hopes to graduate into small amounts of food and water soon. Right now he's limited to one pureed food item a day and just ice chips. He's not a fan of any of it, especially the NG tube, so please keep fingers crossed that he can pass his swallow study either tomorrow or Saturday! This is the last tube left in his body and he's really ready to be free of all the restrictions and tubes.
The word on the floor is we might graduate out of ICU and go back to the step down floor in the next couple days (could be today yet also). This would mean better sleep, more freedoms, and less poking and prodding so he's super excited about this news. Being in ICU for months is very tough on mental health. It will be really good for him if this happens soon.
All in all, we are taking things one day at a time, and are just so darn grateful he's alive and doing well. He's getting stronger every day and the gains are big and noticeable. It's so great to watch him recovering instead of diminishing.
There's no words to express my gratitude towards the hidden hero whose heart now beats in his chest. We will honor them forever.
Thank you for continuing to follow our journey and for all the support. We've still got a long road ahead of us, and it will have its ups and downs, but we're here for it. I'm so glad to have all of you here for it too. Love yas.
Update on Anthony:
Anthony is out of surgery, and his new heart is beating!!! There were a couple minor complications during surgery (primarily some bleeding) which led to the decision to leave his chest open for the time being.
He's currently back in ICU, sedated, intubated, and most importantly...stable.
They are hoping to keep him sedated and intubated with his chest open for a couple days to allow time for his body to do some clotting and adjust to the new heart. They will work to close his chest within the next day or two.
The surgeon we spoke to truly believes he will pull through this and be okay but may face a couple additional problems later on in life. He's just got very friable and frail vessels that made surgery more challenging than they were expecting. We will be working with additional specialists and geneticists to determine future needs prior to leaving the hospital.
I'm a mess today, full of all the big emotions. I will do my best to update everyone and respond to all the love and support we are receiving, but I ask for your patience as we navigate the next 24-48 hours.
It's sure fitting that today is the start of organ donation awareness week because.... we have exciting news to share! Early this morning we received the call we've been waiting for.
Thanks to a selfless human and their beautiful family, Anthony has a heart coming! Pending all the tests (they've been running labs all day) and whether they can procure the organ safely, and if it is for sure deemed a good match for Anthony, and barring no complications on the donor side, he will be going in for his transplant surgery around 6am tomorrow 9/10/24!
We do not have any way of knowing if the surgery will actually happen, or what complications may arise. However, we are staying in high spirits and our thoughts are with Anthony's donor, their family, and the extraordinarily hard day they must be having. We are forever grateful for the gift we are about to receive.
I will keep everyone updated as the next 24-48 hours progress. All your thoughts, prayers and support thus far have not been in vain. Please, please keep it all coming!!!
We love you all.
The last week has been extremely difficult for Anthony. They have had him maxed out on multiple high potency inotrope and diuretic medications to try and support his heart and remove fluid as quickly as possible. It's estimated that he has roughly 40 additional pounds of fluid left that they have been unable to remove safely.
Unfortunately, his kidneys are no longer able to keep up. For the first time since we got hospitalized, the kidneys are showing signs of their own decline. Due to this, they cannot move forward with ultrafiltration - the type of dialysis they were considering. After consulting with a team of Nephrologists - it was determined that going this route would make it heavily likely he would need to continue dialysis AFTER transplant. We would be trading heart failure for kidney failure. As transplant medications tend to destroy kidneys to begin with - they will not do anything to put his healthy kidneys at risk before surgery.
Anthony is circling the drain, and we have not yet found the right heart for his body (there are a ton of factors that go into selection). The doctors have determined that the only option left for Anthony is to go back on ECMO - which he was on once before in 2020.
ECMO (extracorporeal membrane oxygenation) is a type of artificial life support that can help a person whose lungs and heart aren’t functioning correctly. ECMO continuously pumps blood out of your body and then sends it through devices that add oxygen and remove carbon dioxide. It then pumps the blood back into your body.
ECMO (again) will increase his antibodies which make rejection of a new heart more possible, which is why we were hoping to avoid this route. However, it will *hopefully* keep him with us long enough to find a good match.
It will mean also mean he will be bumped to status 1B on the transplant list - which means his life saving gift will hopefully come a bit more quickly.
Thank you all for your support, and for continuing to hold us close in your thoughts.
Update on Anthony:
Today was a BIG day!! We are super excited to share that Anthony's exception status was approved by the Regional Review board! He will remain listed at Status 2e until his two week window passes (next week). They will reapply if needed, for another exception then.
Because he's stable-ish again on all his IV meds, they moved him out of ICU! This means way less poking and prodding, a bit more freedom to move about, and a quieter sleeping environment. These are big wins. Fortunately, Anthony has charmed every single person in this hospital, and so they are working super hard to make sure he keeps all his comforts. It's been hard to adjust and big moves like this can shock the system. I appreciate how much these nurses are pulling strings to get him things to keep his spirits up.
Your gifts have started to arrive!! We've received a few cards, a giant banner, an awesome poster, and nearly every single thing we had on our wishlist. I am speechless and quite emotional about the response we have received.
I have a need to say a giant thank you for all of the support, love, comfort and care that Anthony and I have received in the last few weeks from all of you and your loved ones. I've been a bit of an emotional mess, so I haven't had much in the way of spoons for responding and updating and I apologize for that. It really does mean the world to us though, even when im not able to say it properly!
From the bottom of our hearts... THANK YOU.
Please consider sending cards, little notes, pictures (especially of you and Anthony if you have them!!), drawings, etc to help me create the 2024 wall of love! We need a bit of cheer around here.
The address to send stuff to:
9200 West Wisconsin Avenue
Milwaukee, WI 53226
Attn: Anthony Mead
On Monday 8/12/2024, Anthony underwent a procedure to insert a heart pump called an Impella. This device was supposed to help his heart pump better while he waits for a donor heart. Unfortunately, due to Anthony's anatomy, they were unable to successfully insert the device. His blood vessels were just too small. Without the device in place, he could not list at Status 2 without an exception. His medical team has requested the exception status (2e) and we are awaiting a response from UNOS. If approved, he will remain listed as 2e. They will need to reapply for the exception every 2 weeks. If denied, he will list at Status 3, which could increase our expected wait time.
Four short years ago, in March of 2020, our small family life was upended. Whilst the rest of the world was entering lockdown for a global pandemic, we were entering a version of lockdown of our own. Anthony, who had been a relatively happy and healthy boy, was in multiple organ failure. We were rushed to Children's Hospital in Milwaukee, where we spent 51 days undergoing treatment. We learned his heart was failing. Anthony had emergency open heart surgery, where they removed over 200 blood clots from his heart and lungs. He was placed on an advanced form of life support called ECMO for 10 days, during which time he was sedated and given a paralytic. During this time his heart and lungs were bypassed, and machines did the work while his organs got some rest.
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Saying prayers for Anthony and his family.
Jodi Schwalbe
Get well soon! We got some more DnD to play! -Jaimie and Collin Klemm
Jaimie Klemm
You Got This!
Bailey Tran
Rooting for you, Anthony. You got this. ❤️
Cassandra Donovan
Prayers and Hope to Anthony Mead
Nancy Konecny
We are pulling for you Chicken Ham Brian!!! :)
Carrie Corrigan
We will get through this together!!! Love you so much! ❤️❤️❤️
Barb Menne
Make checks payable to:
Help Hope Live
Note in memo:
In honor of Anthony Mead
Mail to:
Help Hope Live
2 Radnor Corporate Center
Suite 100
100 Matsonford Road
Radnor, PA 19087
Donor preference is important to us. Please specify in writing if you wish for your name or donation amount to be kept private.
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