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Help Hope Live for Sara White's Vehicle

Sara is a growing, beautiful 12-year-old. Her dad, family, and caregivers have been manually transferring her to and from her wheelchair into their vehicles to take her to medical appointments, family visits, and trips to explore her surroundings.

Updates (9)

January 19, 2025

Sara has been enjoying her return to school and normal life. She still has oxygen support but we're hopeful that she will no longer need it when we go to her next checkup. We have been looking hard at used wheelchair accessible vans so that they may be obtained with a lower price. We are hoping to make a purchase in the next few months so that Sara can be able to explore her world.Dad and I both have our own limitations and we have realized that if we have to transfer her to and from the vehicle and her chair that we can only take her out at a minimal level or none of us truly enjoy the experience. Getting her van will simplify the process to take her places and making each trip less exhausting and more fun.If she has a van, we will be able to put our efforts to exploring trails and nature, theaters, zoos, parades, powwows, and other events as they arise. We will be able to enjoy because we know we can easily load her up to get home afterwards each time.Please continue to help us in our efforts by sharing your prayers, donating when you can, and sharing Sara's story with others so they can join our journey. We thank each of you dearly for every effort to help.

January 1, 2025

Sara had a check up today. Cutting her oxygen support down to start weaning her off of it - she's doing much better now. We were all able to spend Christmas together and watch her get more active through her break from school. Sara also recently received her new Gait trainer and is now starting to walk around the house again which is helping build her endurance back up. 2024 was a good but tough year. 2025 still has a spinal surgery waiting for Sara but we hope to take a few months to recover and prepare while enjoying life and each other. We also are looking forward to some exploration and attending some events before we return to the hospital for the next surgery. Thanks always for any and all support to help us get a wheelchair accessible vehicle to help with Sara's travels for fun and medical purposes. We appreciate every donation, share and prayer, they all help us move towards our goal.

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