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Get Katherine out into the community and world again!

Katherine has lived with Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis (PPMS) for over 40 years. She began using a scooter in her late 20’s, then transitioned to a power wheelchair a few years later and required a wheelchair accessible vehicle for transportation. She has gradually lost functionality over the years and started needing home care in her very early 30’s. With Primary Progressive MS, once you lose functionality you do not get it back. 

Updates (3)

February 8, 2025

We’ve raised $850 in the last 2 days! That leaves, $4150 to go for the $5000 dollar for dollar match through the end of the February. We want to thank all of you who have donated so far during the “match” campaign! Have fun watching the Super Bowl on Sunday. How about pledging so many dollars per point for your favorite team?

February 5, 2025

Hello all,We are about 1/3 of the way to the goal of $100,000.00!❤During the month of February, one donor will match dollar for dollar donated up to $5,000.00!❤Melinda posted an update along with Kathy’s campaign poster on her Facebook page and made the post “shareable.”Please consider “sharing the post to your own page” if you are comfortable with that. Look for Melinda Burns from McFarland, WI on Facebook.If you are having trouble finding her and would like to post the update & campaign poster, please leave a message for Melinda in the guestbook on this page. She checks the website daily.We are looking for 4,000 people to donate $25 or 2,000 people to donate $50 each. That’s a lot of people and we greatly appreciate your help in spreading the word to as many people as possible.To those of you who have already donated: Kathy is overwhelmed with emotion at your generosity. Some of you have even donated more than once! Both Kathy & Melinda have tried to live their lives by helping others when they were/ are able to. They have always told those folks to pay it forward to someone else in need when they are able to do so. Both of us never dreamed that Kathy would be in a place of having to ask for other’s assistance. It is incredibly hard to ask for help. Your outpouring of love & support just blows us away. We thank you from the depths of our hearts.Happy February and Happy Valentine’s day to all of you!Kathy & Melinda (campaign manager)

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February 27, 2025

Hello from Florida and a reader of the Lesbian Connection magazine. I hope this small donation finds you having a wonderful day! Take care Sister. Your friend, Cara

Cara Glenn

February 27, 2025

May you soon be blessed with a new van. In solidarity with the Lesbian community worldwide.


February 23, 2025

For the love of music, of beauty and shared friendship of kindred souls. I wish you well.

Laurel Verissimo