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Donations for Peter Waddell

UPDATE: Peter received his transplant on February 28th and is doing well. Thank you for you prayers and best wishes.

Updates (1)

February 16, 2025

Last year we received news that Pete's cough, that lasted over a month, was due to pulmonary fibrosis. Lung scarring was found on a chest xray and Pete was told to see a pulmonologist. Pulmonary fibrosis was confirmed with a Chest CT. Medication slows down the progress, but there is no cure. A lung transplant is needed. Pete was approved and is now on the lung transplant waiting list. My daughter and I are fundraising for medication and travel costs not covered by insurance. Pete will need to Rehab at Falk 4 or 5 x a week for up to a month post transplant. Please donate to Help Hope Live in Pete's honor, and ask your friends and family too. Please help Pete have a better retirement and not be dependent on oxygen.

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March 5, 2025

Hang in there , Pete , you got this ! Will be keeping tabs on your progress .

timothy dias

March 4, 2025

Wishing you a speedy recovery!

Carrie M

February 28, 2025

Wishing you luck and a speedy recovery, Pete. God bless you and your entire family through these rough days. Bob Dias

Robert Dias