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Mi nombre es Lisbet Meza. Soy una madre soltera que ha estado viviendo con una enfermedad renal con una deteriorante condicion. Como resultado de esta enfermedad, he estado en tratamiento de dialisis tres dias a la semana durante los ultimos dos anos desde quo me diagnosticaron con insuficiencia renal terminal. He luchado a traves de muchas complicaciones medicas y hospitalizaciones y un transplante es ahora mi unica oportunidad de supervivencia. A traves de todo esto, mi destino y lucha por mi vida es constante, por mi hija Valentina de 14 anios de edad, ademas de mi fe inquebrantable, me ha mantenido irmemente centrada en la supervivencia. Actualmente, estoy en la lista del trasplante de rinon en University of Miami-Jackson Memorial Hospital.
Debido a los gastos extraordinarios del trasplante, financiacion de esta operacion de salvamento es una tarea grande. A pesar de tener un seguro, muchos de mis necesidades medicas no estan cubiertos y deben ser pagados por mi. Podemos anticipar considerables costos no asegurados como medicamentos inmunosupresores de par vida, viajar desde y hacia el centro y la reubicacion en el momenta del transplante. Esto supone un reto para mi que no puedo resolver por si solos. Para ayudar a compensar los costos no asegurados, se ha establecido una campana de recaudacion de fondos en mi honor, HelpHOPELive, una organizacion sin fines de lucro que ha estado ayudando a la comunidad de trasplantes por 30 arms. Todas las contribuciones son deducibles de impuestos, y se sostienen en los gastos relacionados con el trasplante solo. Usted puede hacer una diferencia en mi vida. Por favor considere una contribucion.
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In honor of Lisbet Meza
Por favor env: a:
2 Radnor Corporate Center
100 Matsonford Road, Suite 100
Radnor, PA 19087 USA
Para las contribuciones de tarjetas de crédito, por favor llame al 800.642.8399 o seleccione el botón DONATE NOW.
Dear Friends and Family,
My name is Lisbet Meza. I am a single mother who has been living with a deteriorating kidney condition. As a result of the disease, I have been on dialysis treatments three days a week for the past year since I was diagnosed with end stage renal failure. I have struggled through many medical complications and hospitalizations, and a transplant is now my only chance of survival. Through all of this, my determination and fight for my life is incredibly strong. My love for my daughter Valentina, in addition to my unwavering faith, has kept me firmly focused on surviving.
Currently, I am on the kidney transplant list at University of Miami-Jackson Memorial Hospital. Because of the extraordinary expense of transplantation, funding this life-saving operation is a monumental task. Despite having insurance, many of my medical needs are not covered and must be paid out-of-pocket. I anticipate substantial uninsured costs such as lifelong immuno-suppressant medications, and travel to and from the transplant center. This presents a challenge for me that I cannot meet alone.
To help offset my uninsured costs, a fundraising campaign in my honor has been established with HelpHOPELive, a nonprofit organization that has been assisting the transplant community for 30 years. All contributions are tax-deductible, are held in the Southeast Kidney Transplant Fund and will be disbursed for transplant-related expenses only. You can help make a difference in my life. Please consider a contribution.
Thank you for any help you can give,
Lisbet Meza
[email protected]
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Make checks payable to:
Help Hope Live
Note in memo:
In honor of Lisbet Meza
Mail to:
Help Hope Live
2 Radnor Corporate Center
Suite 100
100 Matsonford Road
Radnor, PA 19087
Donor preference is important to us. Please specify in writing if you wish for your name or donation amount to be kept private.
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