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Beth Nutter
HelpHOPELive Mid-Atlantic Lung Transplant Fund
Updated September 1, 2009

Family and friends of Beth Nutter are raising money to pay for uninsured medical expenses associated with her lung transplant. Beth lives in Parkersburg, WV and is being treated at University of Pittsburgh Medical Center.


October 14, 2009

Beth has always been one of the fiesty members of our large family. She's given me many laughs and childhood memories. I look forward to hearing her laugh again soon.

Sandy Barker/Parkersburg, WV

October 5, 2009

Beth is my cousin and will always remain a huge memory of my childhood! I remember running around from aunt's house to aunt's house with all of my cousins and several of us visiting our Grandma's house at the same time. I think I saw her everyday in the summer when we were young. Beth, I wish you a speedy recovery and many happy days ahead with your children, grandchildren, husband and other family members. Love and prayers to you.

Jill McGary/Columbus, OH

September 17, 2009

Beth is the daughter of my sister and I have memories of her as a happy healthy little girl. With all my heart I pray for her recovery and wish her a long happy life with her children and grandchildren.

Beth`s aunt... Diana Harper

Vienna WV