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Family and friends of Kirk Pedersen are raising money to pay for uninsured medical expenses associated with his spinal cord injury. Kirk lives in Northville, MI.
Kirk has chosen to fundraise with Help Hope Live Catastrophic Injury Fund in part because Help Hope Live provides both tax-deductibility and fiscal accountability to his contributors. Contributors can be sure that funds contributed will be used only to pay or reimburse medically-related expenses.
To make a contribution to Kirk’s fundraising campaign, click the “GIVE” button. To share this page directly to others in your community, who might wish to learn about Kirk’s campaign, see the page sharing on options under that button.
For more information, please contact Help Hope Live at 800-642-8399.
Thanks for your support!
October update
The 25th seems to have come fast this year. Either that or I was late with my previous update. [I think that is more likely!] It has actually become a little harder to keep track of, but I’m pretty sure this is the 16th anniversary of my accident. The amount of years really doesn’t matter though. Kind of like how many years old we are or how many years we have left, it’s just how we spend them.
I read something the other day where two ghosts were observing some humans getting upset over something trivial. One ghost comments to the other, “do humans ever enjoy life while they are alive?”
The point they ended up making was that we really should do a better job of being thankful for the “right now.” What’s happening in our lives right now. And most of us have lots to be thankful for. I know that I do! Overall, my health is pretty good. The cold weather snap has been tough and made it a little harder to get outside, but I am doing it though, and will eventually get used to the temperature. My parents are still doing pretty well also. They have more ups and downs with just the everyday living and growing older, but they continue to be amazing. They just persevere through all of it while still taking great care of me. They were even able to get away for a week’s vacation. Thankfully my sister-in-law could come and help while they were gone and give them a much-needed break! My sister also continues to selflessly help both my parents and I every day in many ways. We have a house, plenty of food, and friends and family all around us. So, “right now,” I am doing pretty well.
We were also able to add a new caregiver to our team! This has been a huge reassurance to us. It takes a lot of pressure off of my main caregiver and my parents. She does not live far, and is pretty amazing! She is extremely caring and has been a big help right away.
A side note from my health update, I am reading a book called 438 Days. I won’t give you a full book report of course, but there were a few parts of the book that I felt were very relatable to what I went through with my accident. It is a true story where a fishermen gets stranded on the ocean and must survive with minimum equipment. It is an incredible story of will and determination. As the story goes on survival experts explain the physical and mental battles that he goes through. The initial panic and horror of the situation must be followed by the will to figure out how to survive the new situation. This is filled with ups and downs. The survival experts explain how these highs and lows are accentuated greatly. The successes seem like the greatest thing ever, while the failures bring despair and depression.
We definitely experienced this the first several years after my accident.
The experts also describe one of the great milestones in any survival situation as the time when the individual regains their sense of humor. I am not sure when it happened for me, but I believe it wasn’t for several years after my accident. [I so wish for all of those who were with me that it hadn’t taken so long]. Up until that point, nothing was or could be funny. Soon after that, I began to enjoy parts of my life again.
I found it comforting to read these diagnoses and explanations. It was nice to know that I/we were using similar survival skills to make it. I also often look back and am amazed and thankful that I had so many good people around me to help get through these tough times. I was never alone, I had an army. All of you were part of it!
Blessings and thanks to you all until the next time.
Hello everyone!
I do most of my updates on Facebook, and forget to keep this website more updated. I apologize for that. I am actually rarely on Facebook anyway, so I should probably use this more.
Anyway, I just wanted to thank everyone again for their continued contributions. And, just support in general. I am grateful for the continued love that is sent my way and my family’s way.
I am very grateful that Spring is right around the corner. It will be nice to go outside without my usual pile of blankets.
I also wanted to just share with you some of the things that I have recently purchased that have been made through contributions from all of you.
Along with my pile of blankets, I have now a heated vest that is battery powered. It is pretty amazing, and really makes it possible for me to stay out a lot longer when it is cold.
I have also been able to purchase some shoes that have a zipper that goes all the way around the front of the shoe. This allows the shoe to be put on me with much more safety. We used to have to worry about my toes getting folded under. We unfortunately have also snapped a couple toenails off going into The top of the shoe.
I had to also purchase a new hospital mattress a little over a year ago. It has been key in keeping my pressure, sores, healed, and safe!
Not to mention many of the basic things that I often need that are not covered by insurance. Different types of bandages, other medical supplies, and, of course care.
Thank you again everyone for your continued love and support!
I love you all back!
Our newest fundraising goal is to raise money so that the Pedersen's can build an apartment in their basement. The apartment than in return would house a caregiver whom would provide a certain amount of hours of care in exchange for room and board. The hours of care can be exhausting at times, and this is a permanent solution for alleviating some of them! It has been a long-term goal, that finally seems possible. With your help, we can get this done! Merry Christmas to all!
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Mr. Pedersen - thanks for being an amazing role model for all of us back at Glengary. I hope you and your family have a great thanksgiving!
- Josh ("Mr. Robinson") Glengary Elementary 5th grade class of 1999
Josh Robinson
Keep your head up Mr. P we all love you and are pulling for you!
Stephen Hamilton
I hope this helps:).
Miesha Tipton
On behalf of Drew Clayborn and family and the Drew Crew
LeDon Clayborn
Dear Kirk,
I remember your kindness to Stephanie and all of the other children from her class at Glengary. We will join our prayers to all the rest.
Marsha, Paul, and Stephanie Ebaugh
Marsha Ebaugh/Commerce/Nov. 2010
Today I was cleaning out school stuff and saw you with my kids at Glengary and remembered what a blessing you have been to all of us!!! It's our prayer that you are strengthened each day on this new journey in life.
Jennifer Buzonowski/Commerce
Hi Kirk,
You and your story are bringing hope and encouragement to those who afflicted by catastrophic injury. Your strength and perseverance are amazing.
You will be in my prayers for support and guidance as you take your journey to a full recovery!
Laurie Pokas (Kelly & Jimi''s Aunt Laurie)
Everyone here in Walled Lake is behind you, my friend. We''ll see you back here at WLC in the fall of 2009!
The Waltz Family, Michigan
Hello Kirk,
We miss you at Frazier! Janel and I still talk about you everyday. How are things and how is your new outpatient facility? Have you had the chance to see your dogs yet? Your such an inspiration and we look forward to hearing from you! Never give up, you''re AWESOME!!! We love you!!!
Jennifer Edwards, Indiana
Kirk, Jan, Rick, & family, Just a quick note to let you know that each of you are in our thoughts and prayers daily. We are so happy that you are at Frazier and that you have the additional support of the Catastrophic Injury Foundation and an avenue for others to also help in some small way. Keep the faith!! The Anderson''s
We admire the outstanding effort you''re making toward your recovery.
Joyce & Cliff Mendel, Virginia
Please know that you''re not and will never be alone in your fight. We are all here fighting with you!
The Attisha gang, Michigan
Kirk, I wish I could contribute more right now, but I will give more. I''m looking forward to participating in the fundraiser at your high school. I continue to pray for you, and if anyone can do it, I know you can.
Todd Wriska, Birmingham
Make checks payable to:
Help Hope Live
Note in memo:
In honor of Kirk Pedersen
Mail to:
Help Hope Live
2 Radnor Corporate Center
Suite 100
100 Matsonford Road
Radnor, PA 19087
Donor preference is important to us. Please specify in writing if you wish for your name or donation amount to be kept private.
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