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On 4/21/2007, I was a passenger in a motor vehicle accident that changed my life forever. As a result of the accident, I was left with a C-6 spinal cord injury.

I underwent a spinal fusion at ORMC in Orlando, Florida. After that, I spent the next five months in rehabilitation at the Shepherd Center in Atlanta, Georgia. After that, I spent time at Project Walk located in California. Afterwards, my mom started Project Walk Orlando. The facility provides intensive exercise programs to help rehabilitate individuals with spinal cord injuries.

Updates (10)

November 28, 2022

Matt & I have been trying to start our family for 3 and a half years now. We were so excited to meet our surrogate last summer but complications caused delays. We were finally able to transfer our 1st embryo last March and we were so hopeful but it was unfortunately unsuccessful and we were devastated. More health complications delayed our 2nd attempt until August and the transfer was again unsuccessful. A couple weeks ago, we found our 3rd embryo transfer was also unsuccessful. It's been an emotional rollercoaster but we have not given up hope... our surrogate is going through more testing and Matt & I just went in for chromosome testing. We are awaiting those results before we try again. Each attempt is very costly and we would greatly appreciate any contribution towards helping to start our family that we so desperately want! Thank you in advance.

October 19, 2021

On May 11th 2019 I married Matthew Jereczek after 9 years of dating. Matt is now my full time caregiver and the most supportive husband I could have ever hoped for!

Matt and I have been more than ready to start our family for almost 2 years now. After accessing the risks of carrying my own child, Matt and I came to the decision of using a gestational carrier (a surrogate). The process of extracting my eggs and creating our embryos started off slow because I had a hard time finding a fertility clinic that was equipped to treat someone with my condition. After almost a year of searching, we finally found a reproductive endocrinologist who could help us. I completed a successful round of IVF and now Matt and I have 8 embryos frozen and waiting for us! I was extremely lucky to quickly match with a surrogate and she just happens to live only about an hour away from me. It seems all the pieces are starting to fall into place but we'll need help to make our dream family a reality. The total cost of using a surrogate to carry our child costs around $120,000.00 but Matt and I know in our hearts this is the best and safest way to have our baby and complete our family. Please consider donating to making Matt and I a mommy and daddy!

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May 31, 2024

Always thinking of you and praying for all your dreams to come true ❤️

Kylee Grizzle

November 30, 2022

Keep Up The Good Work
Amanda Perla

peter meenan

November 30, 2022

Amanda Perla is such an amazing human being. Her dedication & determination is such an inspiration. God Bless her!!!

Ernst Brehm