Accessibility for all: Helping people connect with who and what matters most
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On 4/21/2007, I was a passenger in a motor vehicle accident that changed my life forever. As a result of the accident, I was left with a C-6 spinal cord injury.
I underwent a spinal fusion at ORMC in Orlando, Florida. After that, I spent the next five months in rehabilitation at the Shepherd Center in Atlanta, Georgia. After that, I spent time at Project Walk located in California. Afterwards, my mom started Project Walk Orlando. The facility provides intensive exercise programs to help rehabilitate individuals with spinal cord injuries.
Since then, I can pedal a spin bike on my own, stand unassisted for up to 30 minutes and just recently began taking steps with the aid of a lift walker!
I am trying to raise, with the help of my family and friends, $30k for Bioness devices. We have two fundraisers scheduled in November to help me reach my goal.
I have chosen to fundraise with HelpHOPELive in part because HelpHOPELive assures fiscal accountability of funds raised and tax deductibility for donors. Donors can be sure that funds donated will be used only to pay or reimburse medically-related expenses.
Thank you for your support!
To make a tax-deductibe donation to help me reach my goal: Make checks payable to: HelpHOPELive Note in memo section: In Honor of Amanda Perla
Mail to: HelpHOPELive Two Radnor Corporate Center 100 Matsonford Road, Suite 100 Radnor, PA 19087
To make a credit card contribution: Call 800.642.8399 or select DONATE NOW
Matt & I have been trying to start our family for 3 and a half years now. We were so excited to meet our surrogate last summer but complications caused delays. We were finally able to transfer our 1st embryo last March and we were so hopeful but it was unfortunately unsuccessful and we were devastated. More health complications delayed our 2nd attempt until August and the transfer was again unsuccessful. A couple weeks ago, we found our 3rd embryo transfer was also unsuccessful. It's been an emotional rollercoaster but we have not given up hope... our surrogate is going through more testing and Matt & I just went in for chromosome testing. We are awaiting those results before we try again. Each attempt is very costly and we would greatly appreciate any contribution towards helping to start our family that we so desperately want! Thank you in advance.
On May 11th 2019 I married Matthew Jereczek after 9 years of dating. Matt is now my full time caregiver and the most supportive husband I could have ever hoped for!
Matt and I have been more than ready to start our family for almost 2 years now. After accessing the risks of carrying my own child, Matt and I came to the decision of using a gestational carrier (a surrogate). The process of extracting my eggs and creating our embryos started off slow because I had a hard time finding a fertility clinic that was equipped to treat someone with my condition. After almost a year of searching, we finally found a reproductive endocrinologist who could help us. I completed a successful round of IVF and now Matt and I have 8 embryos frozen and waiting for us! I was extremely lucky to quickly match with a surrogate and she just happens to live only about an hour away from me. It seems all the pieces are starting to fall into place but we'll need help to make our dream family a reality. The total cost of using a surrogate to carry our child costs around $120,000.00 but Matt and I know in our hearts this is the best and safest way to have our baby and complete our family. Please consider donating to making Matt and I a mommy and daddy!
It’s been a rough couple of weeks… getting over Covid and the unexpected loss of my uncle- but one great thing that happened this week is that Matt & I were able to meet with our surrogate and a therapist [another step in the legal process of using a gestational carrier] so we are that much closer to an embryo transfer! Also Spectrum News 13 ran a story on me, NextStep and my journey with Matt to becoming parents.
You can donate to help alleviate some of our costs for the whole surrogacy process which is a roughly a total of $120k. Or for any one who wants to pay their respects to my uncle, my family asks that you please make a donation in lieu of sending flowers. https://helphopelive.org/campaign/2943/
My uncle was my #1 fan. He threw multiple golf benefits for me to ensure I could continue my recovery after my car accident and live my best life possible. He adored Matt and was so excited for us to start our family.
Thanks to everyone's support with my therapy costs I was able to take steps down the red carpet this year without an assistive device. First time since my accident!!
Sun Day Fun Day was a Huge Success! We raised close to $12,000! And with the added support of online donations we are just $11,000 away of reaching our goal.
If you were unable to make the event and still wish to make a donation, you make click the "Donate Now" button!
Your support is a huge part of making Amanda's life goals possible!
Love to all who are making her hopes and dreams become a reality!
This new year brings a new life goal! I have decided I would like to be more independent and start driving this year. Through fundraising efforts I hope to raise enough money to purchase a handicap accessible van with hand controls. I still work out 3 days a week and nothing is ever going to stop my vision of walking one day. To all my loving supporters....here is a video to show my progress. Thank you all so much!
Amanda's progress with her new Bioness devices!
Watch Amanda at Project Walk in Orlando.
See what the New York Daily News has to say about Mets fan Amanda Perla!
In 2009, Amanda and her mother started a non-profit organization called Project Walk Orlando to help Amanda and others with a spinal cord injury reach their greatest recovery potential through aggressive exercise-based therapy.
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The Richard family sends all our love to you and Matt! ❤️ We pray you are blessed with a child and know you will be amazing parents. We love y’all!
Brock Richard
Always thinking of you and praying for all your dreams to come true ❤️
Kylee Grizzle
Keep Up The Good Work
Amanda Perla
peter meenan
Amanda Perla is such an amazing human being. Her dedication & determination is such an inspiration. God Bless her!!!
Ernst Brehm
Hoping all your dreams come true.
Celestia Slusak
Hope you meet your goal and baby J can make their debut!
Robert Mudge
Sending you lots of good wishes, love and support .
Erin Caneza
Cheering for you!
kinsey Lallathin
To Amanda & Matt, you will be wonderful parents and, with Lisa, extended family & friends, deserve all the support you can get as you inspire others to live life the best they can be. God Bless, love from Pamela & Jennifer xx
In memory of Tony Perla, childhood friend. And in support of Amanda’s lifelong journey.
Kimberly Vuolo
In memory of my cousin Tony Perla who adored his niece Amanda. May he RIP.
Love, Carol and John Daniels
Carol Daniels
In Honor of Tony Perla
Chris Ann Campana
Glad we could help with being one of the sponsors for this years golf tournament. We wish you a fast recovery.
H3 Homes, Port St. Lucie
Amanda - I will keep you in my prayers - get well soon.
Lova & best wishes
Maryam Farooq
Hi Amanda ,
It's us Joni & Kasie just saying hi, and was good seeing you & Mom Saturday night. When the time is right we will be neighbors girlfriend . Kasie & You will go everywhere nothing will stop you or her, too funny:-) .
Love you much xoxoxoxox
Always Joni & Kasie
Hey Amanda,
Just reading all the wonderful people who send their love and prayers your way. We too want to keep uplifting you and helping in whatever way we can. The Len family
The Len family, Eustis
Hi Amanda! I get my next check on Friday and will send a check to your mom for the magnets she sent and donate some $$ here. Love you and wish you all the best!!
Joanna, Columbus, Georgia
Dear Amanda,
My name is Sal Van Casteren I am Jim and Lucille's son your dad is also my first cousin. We live in Wellington Florida not too far from you and my wife Mary Lou and I have three children Anne Marie, Sal & Michael. We all wish you strength and courage in your recovery. From what we hear you are doing great and we would like to just say keep up the remarkable and wonderful work you are doing. You are constantly in our prayers.
Sal & Mary Lou Van Casteren & Anne Marie, Sal & Michael
Dear Amanda,
This is your Uncle Jim, Grandpa Bill's twin brother. Me and Aunt Lucille wish you strength, courage and love. We think of you often, and you are always in our prayers. Keep up the good work and stay strong!
Love Uncle Jim & Aunt Lucille, NY
Hi Amanda, I only met you once, I am your Dad's first cousin from New York. You are such a beautiful girl, and we pray that you continue to remain strong and recover! All Our Love!
Lisa & Anthony Vanella and girls
Hi Amanda, Neal here, step brother of Connie. Your strength and spirit are inspiring!
Neal, Nashville, TN
Amanda, We are having a golf tournament to raise funds here at Halifax Plantation Golf Club where your Grandparents Bill and Johanna live. Just wanted you to know that many of their friends are working hard to raise money for your care. Keep up the good work. We are here for you with a labor of love and many prayers.
Bob & Janet and many other Halifax Plantation friends
Hi Amanda,
I don't know if you remember me, but I work with John and Janice. You look absolutely wonderful!!!!! Just wanted you to know that we are all thinking about you and wishing you a quick recovery.
Tracy Carter
Superior Home Mortgage
Tracy Carter
We send you LOVE with prayers and wishes for success in your continuing courageous journey.
John/Betty Peterson
Hi Amanda,
I work with your Aunt Jodi and I wish you strength of heart and mind throughout your recovery.
-Angela Minutaglio, Westfield, NJ
Hi, Amanda I'm Marielena and I know your aunt Jody and also your uncle David, I wish you a speedy recovery and you will be in my prayers.
Marielena Union, NJ
Dear Amanda: I am a golf friend of your grandfather's at Halifax Plantation. My wife and I wish you strength and grace in your recovery.
Frank C and Lynette
Dear Amanda,We hear that you are doing so good with you recovery. We put some money to your NTAF fund.
Keep up the good work.
Aunt Pirjo & Uncle Howard
Pirjo & Howard
Dear Amanda,
We wish you a speedy recovery.
Mike & Kim Brooks
Mike & Kim
Make checks payable to:
Help Hope Live
Note in memo:
In honor of Amanda Perla
Mail to:
Help Hope Live
2 Radnor Corporate Center
Suite 100
100 Matsonford Road
Radnor, PA 19087
Donor preference is important to us. Please specify in writing if you wish for your name or donation amount to be kept private.
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