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Dear Friends and Family:

Be a part of a Real Miracle!


July 2, 2014

Uncle Boobie,

I love you man, you are a encouragement to all people dealing with this problem and your and encouragement to me especially in and outside of church.

Gary Striggles

January 4, 2014

I was at a fund raiser for Greater Life. Your brother said you needed a transplant. I was diagnosed with chronic kidney disease this year and the doctor said eventually my kidneys will fail and I will need a transplant. It hasn't happened yet and I am too praying for a miracle.
I went over to your table at the end of the fund raiser to pray with you, but you had gone home by then. So I prayed with one of your brothers for hope and healing. You have been on my heart ever since. I got some extra money for Christmas and it's now in the bank ready for use. So, here's my donation. I would love to pray with you sometime. I feel like I can identify with what you are going through. You have my contact info from this website. If you'd like to pray, let me know. Otherwise, I will definitely keep you and your situation in prayer. May God bless you exquisitely as you go down the road he has prepared for you. He has us in his arms and that's the best place for us. Amen.

Judith Hall

December 11, 2013

God Bless you my brother. My church and I will continue to keep you in our I prayers. I pray that the seed that I have sown continues to multiply through the giving of others.

Pastor Al Platt- Nia Fellowship Baptist Church