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Family and friends of Mike Sampson are raising money to pay for uninsured medical expenses associated with transplantation.
Mike had his heart transplant on July 27th. He is recovering well and is expected to be discharged from hospital either thursday or friday of this week. He is to stay in LA UCLA area for approximently 3 months. Currently able to book a hotel for $139 a night not including hotel taxes, food, or other non-insured medications that will be needed at this time. Insurance doesn’t cover these requirements for his recovery so ANY donations are appreciated.

Mike has chosen to fundraise with HelpHOPELive in part because HelpHOPELive assures fiscal accountability of funds raised and tax deductibility for donors. Donors can be sure that funds donated will be used only to pay or reimburse medically-related expenses. For more information, please contact HelpHOPELive at 800.642.8399.

Thanks for your support!

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