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My name is Randy Shepherd, and many of you have heard parts of my story through various news outlets. I have a beautiful wife, Tiffany, and three great children: Krista 13, Kelsey 9 and Nathan, 3.
At age twelve I had rheumatic fever with a relapse at seventeen. The relapse necessitated open heart surgery to replace two valves. I was then able to lead a very normal and active life for the next eighteen or so years until I began to experience symptoms that were all too familiar.
The news from my doctor in January 2009 only confirmed the significance of my symptoms: my heart muscle was simply worn out and I would need a heart transplant. While stunned, my wife and I quickly turned our energy toward solving our situation. I received a pacemaker in February 2009, which has improved my condition and given me the necessary time to await the transplant.
Due to my medical history, I was never qualified for insurance as an adult, and therefore turned to Arizona’s Medicaid program AHCCCS (Access). These wonderful people helped me get the pacemaker and the medications needed to keep me functioning. Access also approved me for the heart transplant list in July 2009; but due to budget cuts in the state of Arizona, I was removed from the list on Oct 1, 2010.
In January 2011 I will qualify for health insurance through the Social Security Administration, which will cover eighty percent of my transplant costs. However, this will still leave me with many uninsured, transplant-related expenses that my family will have to meet out-of-pocket — a financial burden that we cannot manage alone. As a result, I must raise a large sum of money to be placed back on the transplant list.
To offset some of these expenses, a fundraising campaign in my honor has been established with HelpHOPELive. HelpHOPELive is a nonprofit that has been assisting the transplant community with fundraising for nearly 30 years. Donations are administered by HelpHOPELive for transplant-related expenses only. Please consider making a tax-deductible contribution.Faith in my Heavenly Father and the love of my beautiful wife have sustained me over the last two years. Twenty years from now, I hope to see this as just a bump in the road, a growing experience. Thanks to all of you who have visited my HelpHOPELive page and for all of the donations that I have received. I especially want to thank the many medical professionals who have helped me along the way, as well as the media outlets who brought exposure to my circumstances. May God bless all of you.
Randall Shepherd and Family
'Killing Transplant Funding Also Killing Patients'
January 7, 2011 The TakeawayNTAF Executive Director Lynne Coughlin Samson speaks to the budget cuts in Arizona, which affect coverage of some transplants. NTAF steps in to help Arizona transplant hopefuls like Randy Shepherd, of the NTAF Southwest Heart Transplant Fund -- also featured.
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The Takeaway is a unique partnership of global news leaders. It is a co-production of PRI (Public Radio International) and WNYC Radio in collaboration with the BBC World Service, The New York Times and WGBH Boston.
'One man's heart-wrenching search for a transplant'
January 7, 2011CNN American Morning
'Arizona cuts in transplant coverage spark outrage'
January 7, 2011 2:27 p.m. EST
By the CNN Wire Staff
'Heart Transplant Candidate Now a Reluctant Activist'
December 23, 2010
NPR Morning Edition
By Ted Robbins
An update on Randall Shepherd from original NPR news story, which aired November 17, 2010.
Listen to today's broadcast
Previous broadcast on November 17, 2010: 'Arizona Budget Cuts Put Organ Transplants at Risk'
'Arizona Cuts Financing for Transplant Patients'
December 2, 2010 (www.nytimes.com)
The New York Times
PHOENIX — Even physicians with decades of experience telling patients that their lives are nearing an end are having difficulty discussing a potentially fatal condition that has arisen in Arizona: Death by budget cut ... Read full story
'Death Penalty Invades Arizona'
Friday, November 19, 2010
MSNBC's Countdown with Keith Olbermann
Randall Shepherd and family are featured
Randy Shepherd has been an awesome friend for almost 20 years now. I went to visit him recently in the hospital. I thought I was doing a wonderful thing to help cheer him up, but it ended up that I was the one that needed some cheering up. After all that he has gone through, the highs, the lows and now being away from his family it would be very easy for him to sit there and feel sorry for himself. The entire time I was there he never said one thing negative about his situation. It turns out I needed him to bring me up way more than he needed me to cheer him up. As I walked out of there I was thinking to myself about how negative I have been lately about stupid stuff. I complain because I don't make enough money, don't have enough toys or whatever else I feel I should have and do not. And then here is Randy just being happy that he is now only 30 miles from home and can his kids 3 or 4 times a week instead of once every couple of weeks. I can't explain how guilty I felt leaving that hospital, but I know I was reminded of how our happiness is up to us and no one else or situation. If anybody deserves a new heart it would be Randy. He has the biggest mechanical heart of anyone I know, I hope the heart they find is big enough for him. I will change my attitude right now and start looking for ways to be of service to others as Randy has been of service to me over the years. Love you man. Get 'er done!
Randy Shepherd is an amazing person, his children look up to him as a father and a brave man who went through this. His daughter now age 16 loves to spend time with her father just hanging out and enjoying spending time with him. All three of his children love him very much and love he sound of his artificial heart. They wait patiently for him to get the heart transplant he has been awaiting for years. His family loves him and his great attitude toward the trials in their life,not be together.
Randy, what is your street address? Call me!
Ron DeLong / Mesa, AZ
My sister lives in Mesa Arizona has liver and pancreatic damage needs a shunt to save her life, no insurance can u help?
Renata Remeikis Lemont Illinois
i was in a similar sitution with only medicare nothing else but with the help of the good lord and the financial cordinators at emory hospital in atlanta ga i received a heart on good friday in 2009 emory's cordinators got the balance removed because of my financial situation. may god bless and i hope you will get your heart
melvin cheatwood i am a ntaf participant
Hi Randy. I am also an NTAF patient and am on Social Security Disability. I was so happy to read that your disability claim was approved. I took me 4 years! I live in Florida, with a new Governor whom I fear will be making the same kind of cuts here. I have Medicare, and what they call "Share of Cost" medicaid. My medical bills have to total in excess of $835 each month before medicaid will kick in. Our governor elect has already announced that he wants to enact legislation to require all recipients of "welfare" funds, including food stamps and medicaid, to be drug tested. Talk about profiling! I'm not worried about the tests, even though I think it is a violation of my rights, but I am worried that he may take the same approach with respect to diagnosis that AZ has. I have liver damage due to Hepatitis C. Thank you for sharing your story. I will be checking your patient site from now on. Again, so happy your SSD was approved! Good luck and God Bless.
Debra Ireland, Jacksonville Beach, Florida
Hang in there. You will be FINE. I'm only contributing here to make myself feel better.
Mark / Marina Del Rey
I was watching Fox News this morning and couldn't believe what I was hearing. Our family donates money to organizations versus buying gifts--I have talked to my wife and we will donate to you to start and will get our family and friends involved to help you reach your goal. The funding for you is one thing but taking you off the list is ridiculous.
James Wright, Pearland, Texas
Can we send the funds to a local fund set up in your behalf?
Brenda Priddy / Chandler, AZ.
Randall, saw your story on FOX & Friends this morning and felt I needed to donate. Just got back from the mailbox and hopefully my donation along with others from this story this morning will help. I'm 54 with an 8 & 6 yr old and was 11 myself when my father passed away. You need to live a long life for those kids, and me & my family will keep you in our prayers.
Randy Olson
Randall, wishing you the best. I saw you on Fox and had to contribute.
Troy, Wisconsin
I will spread the word to people I know in Boise. May God bless you with everything you desire.
Winnie Morton/Boise, Idaho
I will spread the word to people I know in Boise. May God bless you with everything you desire.
Winnie Morton
Dear Randall,
After hearing your story on Fox and Friends this morning my donation to your medical needs are a challenge to everyone out there that has the financial means to help you and the rest of the needy patients. I lost my wife at the age of 34 from cancer when my children were 4 and 6 years old and remember the pain. I want you to live to see your family enjoy life. May you receive your wish and may God watch over you and your family.
Kevin, Richfield, WI
God bless you and your family. You will be in our prayers.
The Keramidis family/Loveland, Co.
Dear Randall, I just saw your interview on Fox News and felt our family should do what we can to help you receive the necessary heart transplant you need. Just four years ago my daughter Katelyn who was 10 at the time decided to raise funds to purchase AED's for schools in our county by making travel pillows and selling them. Within a year she and her many friends made enough money to purchase 13 AED's for local schools. She wanted to help in some small way to save lives. I hope our donation will help you too.
God Bless you and your Family,
Bill, Lori, Ashley, Katelyn & Lily Edwards
Edwards/Fort Pierce, Florida
Just saw you on Fox and Friends, my prayers are with you and your family, I'm sure God will fulfill your prayers.
Indeed Az needs to cut fundings but they should focus on other programs.
God Bless and good luck.
Vangie Steinbrenner, Tucson Arizona
I just saw your interview on Fox and Friends. We made a donation to your fund and we hope and pray that you have your new heart soon. Our best wishes to you and your lovely family.
Jan Gulsvig/Wausau, WI
Hi Randall, I saw you on Fox News a while ago. I will keep you in my prayers. I can't donate much as my husband is currently unemployed, but I know that every little but helps. God Bless you and your family.
Michelle, Rockledge, FL
Just saw you on the Fox and Friends show. Prayers for you and your family. Wish there were a way for the leadership of AZ to understand this horrible dilemna. Funding cuts should not involve cutting the lives of honest and caring folks short.
Barbara Loomis/Greenville, SC
We are so sorry for the stress you are going through worrying about money. We hope our donation helps you reach your goal. You have a lovely family. God Bless You!
George & Judi Foscarini
Dear Randall, Saw you on Fox News. Our prayers will go with you for a speedy recovery. My donation goes out with the hope you will one day be able to hold your 'grandchildren' in your arms.
Elaine Stab, Hazlet, New Jersey
Hi Randall, I saw you on CNN yesterday and was touched by your story and need. Making a donation today and know you are in my prayers.
Gregory Gray/St. John, US Virgin Islands
Randy, I watched your segment on CNN and was touched by your story. At the end of the segment I immediately went to the NTAF site and found your page. Although my finances didn't allow me to make a contribution today. I will return here on my payday to help contribute to my cause. In the meantime the MOST IMPORTANT THING TO REMEMBER IS THAT WHO EVER YOUR HIGHER BEING IS (MINE IS GOD), HAS THE LAST WORD AND STILL DOES WORK MIRACLES. I will keep you and your family in my prayers and will make my contribution next week. If I had the money to fund it in whole, God knows I would. God Bless You and Your family.
Randy J Harmon - Atlanta, GA- [email protected]
I am apalled that we have cut State funded medicaid and we still spend $400 million a day in Afghanistan. Seems like this message has to be spread nationally, stop the wars!!!!
Norman Golm / Northport, Mi.
Hi Randy; I am a father and a grand father. I am not wealthy or even employed. But I have one power. God's power to keep you alive and surprise your doctors and AZ state.You will not need the transplant, God willing. You will start seeing some difference in less than 30 days. I pray to the all mighty God and his Mother Mary. Today is our Christmas, the birth of Jesus Christ.(Ethiopian Orthodox)Should I succeed, You will tell the Glory of God. Be kind to let me know how you feel. God Bless you and your family, we will celebrate Christmas (orthodox) together next year.
Getachew Amae [email protected]
Dear Mr. Shepherd,
I saw your story today on CNN and was so touched by it. I was particularly impressed by your appreciation of the efforts that others had made in helping you, your not blaming the healthcare system that had failed you, and your unselfish requests for funding for all transplant patients, not only yourself.
I sent a donation of $50 and wish that I could afford to donate more as you are certainly somebody that we need to keep on this earth.
You have a beautiful family and I pray that you will receive a heart transplant in the very near future so that have many years to spend with them.
Chiara Jaffe, Rockville, MD
Randy> My husband and I saw the CNN program this morning and, even there're a lot of patients in the same conditon, we really felt moved by your "unselfish" statements, not just asking for you but for anyone in the list. We are sending our donation us$100.oo to NTAF into your name today.
All the best for YOU and your family.. GOD BLESS U ALL !! AND SO IT WILL BE..
Pete & Pili Strader, Woodbridge, VA
My husband and I saw the TV program this morning and, even there're a lot of patients in the same conditon, we really felt moved by your "unselfish" statements, not just asking for you but for anyone in the list. We are sending our donation us$100.oo to NTAF into your name today.
All the best for YOU and your family.. GOD BLESS U ALL !! AND SO IT WILL BE..
Pete & Pili Strader,
I was touched by your spirit and attitude toward what is happening to you. You have peace in your heart and God loves that. I am praying for you and I know that God will answer. You have many people praying for you. Keep your faith and never doubt. I look forward to seeing you again on CNN after your surgery. May God Bless You.
Mattie Whitley, Greensboro, NC
I was touched when I heard you on KFYI last month. First, because my daughter underwent lung transplant surgery in 2003. My greatest fear was that there would be a medical option for her that we could not afford. I am so grateful that, through private insurance, she had every treatment that was available. She survived and thrived for only 2 1/2 years after her transplant but we are so thankful that she had that wonderful time. Second, I was touched because you did not "blame" the governor or the government for not being able to pay for your needed transplant. I do not believe the governor of Arizona or anyone in the legislature is so cold, callous or heartless that they would choose to deny you this live-saving surgery. Any one of them would pray for you to have your transplant. But the state has no money and cannot fabricate it, no matter how sympathetic the cause. As a state and as a country, we have not prioritized our needs over our wants. That mentality is what has gotten us into the problems we are in now. So it is now up to the citizens, your family, your friends, your neighbors, and strangers like me, to help meet your need. Isn't that the American way? Isn't that the Christian way? Isn't that how we used to look out for one another? I pray that your support network continues to grow so that the next interview I hear will be you, talking about how life-altering your transplant has been.
Like many others, I first heard your story on Keith Olbermann's show and was so touched (and furious at the same time) that I wanted to help in any small way possible. I can somewhat imagine what you are going through because I have just been placed on the heart transplant list here in Miami, FL. I'm 49 years old and have had CHF for the past 7 years. Fortunately, I have Medicare and Blue Cross to cover most of the expenses but if not, I would be in the same situation as you my friend. Still, I have faith that there are enough good, kind-hearted, generous people in this country who believe health care is a right and not a privilege reserved only for those who can afford it. And I believe that those of us who share that believe will come through for you. All the best to you and your family.
Adam Rogers / Miami, FL
I hope this message finds you and your family well. I am 27 years old and a year and a half ago had my second transplant, a kidney. At 16 I had my heart transplant due to heart failure and my pacemaker that was not effective anymore.
I am in Chicago and during my kidney transplant, the hospital refused the transplant twice. This was due to insufficient insurance and if we could not pay I could not get my transplant. At that time I was in renal failure with my kidneys working at less than 10%.
I was lucky that my sister took over and started a fundraiser on GiveForward.com which saved my life. To this day they are the reason why I was able to get my kidney transplant. They helped us fundraise and raise awareness and gain media attention so that I could get my new kidney. They are truly an amazing organization.
Please take a look at my story and I hope that I can talk to you a bit more personally.
All the best wishes.
Jess, Chicago, IL
I heard your interview on NPR this morning Randy. You are in my prayers. I hope what little I can contribute helps you to a new heart. I am so upset by what Arizona has done that I can barely find the words, but I hope that this fund raising site helps you and all those who are so greatly in need. I wish you and your family the best.
Annonymous / New York, NY
Hi Randy - I heard your interview this morning on KFYI. Thank God for this type of fund-raising vehicle. I love your attitude. Merry Christmas to your family from ours.
Salceda Family, Mesa, AZ
Hi Randy, I saw your story on Channel 4 news in the UK tonight.I find it beyond belief that a developed country such as the US can allow this situation to occur! This would not happen in the UK. We have a simple system, healthcare for everyone! Yet I recall US politicians criticising our health care system during your big health care reform debate! Your Governor should be deeply ashamed. I have made a donation to your fund and wish you all the best in raising the funds required. Happy Christmas to you and your family.
Simon Prime, UK
Dear Randy,
I saw your story on Channel 4 News this evening in the UK. Words fail me that a country so wealthy can allow its citizens to die, purely because they cannot afford insurance. I wish you and your family all the best, and i will spread your story via facebook and at work. I am not able to afford much, but i have decided to cut back this christmas, and donate $100 to your fund instead. I only wish i could give more. I hope that a transplant finds its way to you, and that you have funds to pay for this.
Earl Clendennen, UK
I am praying for you to get the heart transplant you need and deserve. I OPPOSE the decisions by the Governor of Arizona to cut off your coverage and believe she should be impeached. God bless you and your wife and your beautiful children. I wish the United States put the health and safety of our citizens first, pulled out of all foreign wars and stopped wasting our money sending our children overseas to die and/or kill other people's children. Our military-wasted trillions of dollars should be spent here at home so we could easily afford to treat you and everyone like you who needs and deserves medical treatment. Your wife and children need you and I admire your strength and fortitude in fighting to survive. God bless you.
Fabrice. San Anslemo, CA.
Randall and family, as a nurse i am aware of the horror stories. A good friend of mine was very touched by your story and asked we donate instead of gifts this year. Our thoughts and prayers are with you!
Jeanne Goss -Tucson Az
Hi Randy, Today while watching Keith talk to Tiffany Tate, I remembered you and Francisco Feliz. Three Arizonans completely forsaken by their republican governor. Those of us who listen to Keith will not forsake you!
Bonnie Shelley, Santa Rosa, CA
keep faith--we are all pulling for you
rabbi alvin sandberg, ny
To the Shepherd family: I heard about you via Countdown with KO. It touched my heart, as did the situation with Mr. Felix. I've sent a contribution (for both families) via NTAF. Stay strong.
Karen Sonleitner/Austin, Texas
Dear Randy: I learned about your situation through Keith Olbermann on Countdown and an article in the NYTimes. I sincerely hope that the donations raised through this organization will help you to receive a successful heart transplant and I wish you and your family all the best.
Michael Ford/New York, New York
While I disagree with Keith Olberman's premise that this constitutes a "Death Panel" but is instead just another insurer (the government in this situation)denying a claim, thank god we have fund raising efforts like this one. Because if the government ever gets full control of our healthcare they will ration care (not just the insurance) and many will not get the care they need no matter what money they have or don't have or how much they raise through efforts like this one. God Bless and prayers to you and your family.
David Ihde, Steamboat Springs, Colorado
Your governor may not be taking care of you, but Americans have your back. Keep strong and don't give up hope. My best to you and your family.
Kathy, Pennsylvania
I'm a retired nurse and was moved by your situation. Hope this helps towards a successful transplant & for a happy productive life with your lovely family. Praying for you. God bless. Jean Avila
jean avila, Mount Laurel, N.J
We are a fixed income couple (62 & 57) from Montana. We offer you our prayers and love, & wish we could give much more. Our love to you and your family. John and Janice Hammerel.
John and Janice Hammerel
The governor and legislature in AZ may be heartless, but your fellow Americans are not. I am making a donation to your transplant fund in the hopes that you can be there for your family.
Sherry/Washington DC
I am making a contribution to you today. I watched your story and saw your family on Keith Olbermann's show. Please keep the faith, you must know God IS WITH YOU AND YOUR FAMILY, and becuase that is a fact, you will have all you need soon. God Bless.
Darlene McDaniel / Munster, Indiana
The amount of my donation is odd because $32.00 is the cost of a dessert I was going to buy for my extended family to share with them on Thanksgiving Day. Then I heard of your situation. As we sat around the table, I told them your story and explained that I thought it was more faithful to the spirit of gratitude to share this small amount of money with you and your family than to waste it ourselves. Never lose hope. You are in our prayers.
Ron Parks, Harrisburg, PA
Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Scotty and Family
Scott Andersen, Riverton Ut
Please know that many are hoping the best for you and your family. There will always be government. It will always have alot of money to spend -- the question is, what will we choose to spend money on. I'm hoping we'll choose to spend it on our people and making life better for all who live here. Evidently, this is not the choice currently being made in Arizona. How can it possibly benefit anyone to deny you a transplant? The answer to that might underscore what a cold decsion this really is. Stay strong and the best to you and your family.
Janet Walker, Chicago, IL
Although I am unemployed and have donated what I can, because I believe that the wicked prevail when good men do nothing. Is this what they mean by "trickle down"? Is this what they mean by "compassionate conservatism"? Best wishes in your struggle for good health.
Dennis O'Keefe/Dunellen, NJ
Randy, I hope they find a heart for you soon and I'm so sorry about what the Governor has put you and your family though. It is truly criminal. Vote Democratic and pray for a public option in future health care reform bills! Your family is in my thoughts, take care & rest well.
Faith, Beaverton, OR
Randy, I just donated to your cause, thought I wish it could have been much more. Please hang in there and stay strong, my friend, and know that I, my family, along with Keith Olbermann, and many others, wish you well.
Charles and Chris Miller, Longmont, Colorado
Dear Randy & Family,
I've been following the ridiculous situation you have been put in, as well as Francisco Felix and the 96 others in Ari-what-the-heck-izona, on Countdown and am appalled, though not surprised, with the way things are going for all but the super-rich lately. I'm contributing as soon as I finish signing this to both you and Francisco. I only wish I could afford to give you much more. Hoping for the best for you and your family.
Vicki Brownlee, West Virginia
We have been praying for you and your family since we learned about you on Keith/Countdown. Phone lines still jammed...but WILL keep trying and contribute to you and Mr. Felix...many blessings jeanie & Arthur Friedberg
Jeanie Friedberg New Hartford, NY
Hi Randy- I made a contribution for you- we need to make sure you are around to be with your family, I know how much they mean to you & you to them!! I wish you the best of luck.
God Bless You
Rachael (Kaleb's mom), Mesa, AZ
Dear Shepherd family,
I heard on Countdown about the crime committed by telling you that you could get a transplant and then -- oh! sorry! -- we can't keep our word. I wish I could have sent much more money but I had to quit work because of health problems and have my own battles to get the prescriptions I need to keep alive. Good luck to you and your family.
Kath Buffington, Rochester, NY
Dear Shepherd Family, I also saw your story on Keith Olberman's Countdown. I made a donation. I hope it helps. Denial of coverage because of the inability to pay is shameful. As was mentioned on another show it appears Health Insurance only covers those who are healthy. My thoughts and prayers are with your entire family.
Les/New york
Dear Shepherd Family,
My prayers goes out to you and I hope that this small contribution along with many others will help you obtain your goal for a bright and healthy future. I was so moved by your and the Felix family's story that was presented by Keith on Countdown that I felt that I had to do something to help. I am not a rich person but I have much to be thankful for...especially my own personal good health and good health insurance! I pray everyday that every American will be able to say the same SOON!
Linda Merrins /St. Louis, MO
Randy, My husband and I saw your story on Coundown and were so touched by it that we had to donate to you and your family. You will be in our thoughts and prayers. You and your family keep the faith. Thank God for Keith. Everyone in this country deserves healthcare. May God bless you and your family. Richard and Sandra Hammond of Columbus,Tx.
Richard and Sandra Hammond of Columbus Tx
May God bless you. I saw your story on Keith and was moved to help. Our God is great and you hang in there, you got a lot of living to do! Thanks also to Mr. Olbermann for getting your story out there. Happy Thanksgiving:)
Amy Pena
Saw you and your beautiful family on Countdown. I told my husband that a contribution to your healthcare would be the perfect birthday gift from him to me. I hope to hear your good news soon as part of my gift.
Gina Hofner/Fernandina Beach, Florida
My contribution is small, but I do hope it will help. I do know how it feels to need healthcare and to have no way to pay for it. Have a blessed holiday season.
D Crouse/Phoenix, AZ
Good luck, Randall ... you have a very valuable ally in Keith Olberman!
R.Chelius, New Jersey
Randy, my husband and I saw Keith Olbermann's "Countdown" report on you and Mr. Felix. We are mailing a small check today, and hope that your transplant can occur very quickly. Best to you and your family. I grew up in Arizona and think that that state is working to win the Worst State in the Union award.
Don & Judy Bennett; Rociada, NM
I wish I could give you more. God bless you and your lovely family. Hang in there - you're going to make it!
R. Kleinberg, United States
I'm one of the many people who heard about your story on Countdown. I hope that you and your family are doing well and staying strong during this difficult time. We are all standing with you.
Michelle Carmon, NC
Learned about your healthcare problems on Countdown.Everyone deserves healthcare. Wish you the best.
Kavi Family, Dallas, TX
Everyone in our country deserves adequate health care no matter what the situation. Arizona and it's governor are wrong and misguided. Best of luck. My wife, Adrienne, and I will keep you in our prayers and will send a small donation.
Dan Montoya, Parker, CO
My son and I are also on AHCCCS.
I'm an Army vet, and we were taught in the Army that, after a firefight is over, if you come across any wounded enemy, you MUST medically help them and bring them to a medic.
How is it that the Army teaches to treat the wounded and dying, no matter what side they may have been on, yet our own state government is willing to let its own citizens die? I was shocked, disgusted and deeply ashamed!
I'm sorry I could only give a very small amount. But I hope and pray to God all the small amounts can add up to a new life for you and your family! :-) God Bless!
Briana Warner/Scottsdale, AZ
Randall, I made a small contribution with the hope and prayer that you will eventually raise enough to have your heart transplant. I've also sent a request out o my friends. You have a lovely family. Stay strong and God Bless
Joe Gurrieri/Mesa AZ
Was amazed and upset to learn of your heart transplant issue, thanks to the Olberman show. Onward and forward always.
Mike McNickle/Joshua Tree, Ca 92252
It is so wrong what the state of AZ has done to you and the other people awaiting transplants. I hope you are able to receive your heart and regain your health. Blessings on your and your family. Thanks also to Keith for bringing this tragic situation in AZ to the nation's attention.
Galen Gregory/St. Louis MO
All the best to you and yours, dear Randy. So very sad to hear about this. Thanks to Keith Olberman, many are now informed about the very serious issue.
Lene Maxwell, MI
Randy, you said you agree you're too expensive to insure. I disagree. Everyone deserves health insurance, not just the healthy or super rich. I lost my insurance after a cancer diagnosis and death sentence. I managed to stay relatively healthy for 2 years (on disability). I now have medicare and am back on track with treatment. My prayers are with you and your lovely family.
Cheryl Pasque/Eureka, Montana
Good luck, Randy, to you and your family. Thanks to Keith for bringing this to light.
Nino & Laurie Bonura, Covington, LA
Dear Randall, I forgot to say thanks to Keith, we watch him every day. He is one of GODS' ANGELS.keep praying!!!
margaret and barry stoddard, northridge, CA
dear randall, I trust the Lord will provide you with a heart and enough funds for the surgery. I am going to tell my Life group at church about you. Hopefully they will all help. I will keep you and your family in my prayers. Love and Gods'blessings.
margaret stoddard, northridge, CA
God bless you and your family. My family is doing what we can to help. It is horrifying that something like this can happen in the United States. We wish you the best and hope you get to grow old with you wife and children by your side. Thank you Keith and MSNBC for bringing this to light.
Matt Radico, Springfield, PA 19064
Keith rocks! And so do you Randy. Love, Hope & Luck and all the best to your beautiful family.
Regina H., St. Charles, Mo. 63301
Hi Randy,
I saw you on Keith's show and while I don't have much, I hope this little bit helps.
God bless you and hang in there, help is on the way!
Good Luck!
Deborah Graham, Bolingbrook, Il 60440
Randy, I saw you on Keith's show and as an insurance agent in CA, I would advise you to buy a Medicare Supplement, Plan F, when you get Medicare. This plan will pay the 20% including all hospital expenses. You have an open enrollment opportunity with no pre-existing condtions questions when you get Medicare Parts A and B.
Good luck to you and your lovely family.
Cindy Hopp/Sacramento
Wish it could be more. My hope is that you do well. Thank Keith
Kathy Wrest
We wish you the wherewithall to fully recover. I'm glad you appeared on Keith. Your story inspired us to contribute to your fund.
Elizabeth and Rich Larson Mesa, AZ
I am not working right now, and can not afford a larger donation, but I hope this helps. Good luck and best wishes for a speedy resolution to your heart condition. And thanks to Keith O. for brinnging your story into my home.
Jason Keston, Los Angeles, CA
Mr. Shepherd,
My name is Cathy Olive. I am a resident of Florence, Al. My husband, Tom, and I just saw your segment on the Keith Obermann show. Our hearts go out to you and your family. We are appalled at your circumstances. But admire your graciousness. No citizen of the United States of America should be having to go through what you and your family have had to endure.
We are sending a modest donation. I am currently awaiting my disability claim, and have not worked in two years, but I felt compelled to help as much as we can.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. And I pray that you have your heart as soon as possible. You have a beautiful family.
My God bless you,
Cathy Olive
Cathy Olive, Florence, AL
Make checks payable to:
Help Hope Live
Note in memo:
In honor of Randy Shepherd
Mail to:
Help Hope Live
2 Radnor Corporate Center
Suite 100
100 Matsonford Road
Radnor, PA 19087
Donor preference is important to us. Please specify in writing if you wish for your name or donation amount to be kept private.
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