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Many of you know John Smith or “Bubba.” You might have played golf with him, rode a Harley beside him, been a teammate with him, or shared officiating duties on a football or baseball field. Or perhaps you worked with him or maybe even remember him on stage singing. But you might not know that his lungs have been slowly attacked by sarcoidosis for the last 37 years. In addition to sarcoidosis, John suffers from pulmonary hypertension, another incurable disease. These two conditions have damaged his lungs and heart to the point where a heart and double lung transplant is his only hope for survival.
John is currently on oxygen 24 hours per day and has recently been put on the waiting list for a heart and double lung transplant at the Cleveland Clinic. The transplant will enable John to achieve a better quality of life and give him a chance at a much longer life. Transplantation is life saving and life changing–yet very expensive. Financing this procedure is a monumental task and John needs your help and support. There are many pre- and post-transplant related expenses that are not covered by insurance.
John has chosen to fundraise with HelpHOPELive in part because HelpHOPELive assures fiscal accountability of funds raised and tax deductibility for donors. Donors can be sure that funds donated will be used only to pay or reimburse medically-related expenses. To make a tax-deductible donation to this fundraising campaign:
Make checks payable to:
Note in memo section:
In Honor of John Smith
Mail to:
Two Radnor Corporate Center
100 Matsonford Road, Suite 100
Radnor, PA 19087
For secure credit card donations:
Call 800.642.8399 or click the “DONATE NOW” button.
For more information, please contact HelpHOPELive at 800.642.8399.
Thanks for your support!
John underwent an extremely successful heart and lung transplant on Wednesday March 13th.
Check out his caringbridge site at:
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We are praying for you. We both remember how you made us laugh. We still remember the day you pulled up front of our house on your motorcycle. What a nice surprise that was. We're sending good thoughts your way! Love, Cheryl and Reggie Daigle
Cheryl and Reggie Daigle
Hi John, wishing you a successful surgery in 2014 and a great recuperation so that you can come to SC and visit and play some golf. Many hugs to you and Beverly. Hugs, Nancy Colfels
Nancy Colfels-Colt
Hey Bubba...oh, how I remember the way you made me laugh back in High School. I hope your transplants happen successfully and you're able to laugh like that once again. Sending love and hugs and good, positive, healing energy to a very special guy. Love, ~ patti ~
Patti Zampier
Dear John: We're all pulling for you and can't wait to see you back on the golf course. All the best. Dave
Dave Crevier Wilbraham, MA
Hi John.. was thinking of you and hope you are feeling well. if you ever need info or guidance feel free to always message me .. im rooting for them lucky lungs for you .. remember excersie & hold a positive attitude . good luck and enjoy life ,its LUNGDERFUL ( LMAO)
Hi John,
I hope your transplant happens soon and that your recovery is speedy. We will do our best to sell a lot of raffle tickets (hope we all win) so you can sreach your monetary goal quickly.
Carol Houle (the one who never recognizes your voice on the phone)
Carol Houle
Hey bubba. It's Mark Durrick from Shaker. I live in Arizona but visiting Sully this weekend and he told me about your situation. God is good bro and you will get through this. I donated what I could but my prayers are worth more so kick ass baby, love Mark.
Mark Durrick
Mr. Smith I am friends with your niece. I pray that God touches you and heals you according to His will. Praise God in all things. Peace and Blessings.
G. Murray Albany, NY
Hello John,a donation was made on your behalf.My dearest, I LOVE YOU MAN!! Prayerfully.
William L Simmons,Bermuda
Hey John...my love and prayers are with you my old friend,donation has been made for you.With GOD all things are possible and i know you will be healthy and well very soon.
Michael Dale Albany, ny
Hello Jack and Beverly my thoughts and prayers are with you both. We will get through this Bubba just like all the other journeys we have gone through in life. As friends of 50 years we know what tough times are all about and with the grace of God you will get through this. Love Sully...
Jerry Sullivan Latham, NY
Hello John (Bubba)....praying for you and Beverly as you journey through this amazing trial. I am putting you on the prayer list at the church I have been attending so many more are also praying for you. Stay STRONG in your faith and intuition and always remember many of us care about you and look forward to a recovery for better quality of health for you. Love you ole childhood friend!
Carolyn Samuels Latham, NY
God Bless and Speedy Recovery
Anthony Smith Albany, NY
Hello John,
I have a tee time @ westover for 11am,if you are interested give me a call(smile).John i really do miss those battles we used to have.John and Bev I love you,my prayers are with you always.John you are paired up with God during this battle that you facing right now,He will pull you through.
William l Simmons, Bermuda
John and Bev, you are always in my prayers and thoughts. Much love to all of you as you go through this process.
Sarah Hart
Hi John, donation made. You are in my prayers everyday!! I know with God all things are possible. Please keep your chin up and focus on what Jesus can do for you. Love and miss you, Lisa Hammerle
Lisa Hammerel/Holyoke work
Big man - get better soon
Hi John, A donation has been made in your name. I'm sending you hugs and prayers for a successful surgery and better health days ahead. xxxooo
Nancy Colfels-Colt, SC
Make checks payable to:
Help Hope Live
Note in memo:
In honor of John W. Smith
Mail to:
Help Hope Live
2 Radnor Corporate Center
Suite 100
100 Matsonford Road
Radnor, PA 19087
Donor preference is important to us. Please specify in writing if you wish for your name or donation amount to be kept private.
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