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Please Help Jennifer Get a Transplant

Dear Family and Friends,
My daughter Jennifer was born with multiple birth defects, and two of her main health concerns growing up were polycystic kidney disease and chronic pancreatitis. The first twelve years of Jennifer’s life were spent in and out of hospitals for treatments and undergoing a total of twenty surgeries throughout her life.

Updates (5)

December 6, 2013

The second life of Jenny Stiles: Battling illness in the digital age

The 26-year-old has been fighting to survive since her first breaths. Now, she has taken the battle online

October 25, 2013

Had a visit from my doctor today on dialysis, this is what we discussed. I've been doing perfect with my diet all those levels are right where they should be. On the other hand my blood pressure has been going out of control which is exactly what happened last time I was on dialysis. We are going to try to switch around some of my meds for the time being and hope it helps. Unfortunately I am also suffering from a low blood count and very low iron. If it that doesn't get better I will have to get a blood transfusion which will make it harder for me to get my transplant. I am also not getting the full effects of dialysis, my doctor thinks it's from all of the problems I am currently having. With a low blood count and high blood pressure they are unable to bring up the speed of the dialysis without it being dangerous. Hopfully in the next week or so we will know where everything stands. Until then just have to keep going forward till I get my match.


April 24, 2014

Dear Jennifer - Just wanted you to know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. I am another cousin of yours, Cherie Alvarez (Stiles). I am so sorry to hear about what you are going through and for how long you have been enduring all your health problems. I am very happy to be able to help you out and look forward to meeting you. Much love, Cherie

Cherie Alvarez (Stiles)

April 22, 2014

Dear Jennifer:
It's been a number of years since we've seen each other, but I always think of you. Do you remember when you lived in Mass., I think it was for about 2 months. At that time you got to know my son Justin, he's about 6 years older then you and you were so taken by him you used to hold his hand and look up into his face and you'd say to him "you're my hero!", I think now you are our hero.
I made a donation to help you reach your goal of $20,000, it is on behalf of your Aunts Kathleen and Helen and myself.
I'm sorry I wasn't able to be a candidate to donate a kidney for you. Hold strong you will get what you need.
I hope you know you're family on the east coast thinks of you often and has throughout your whole life.
All our love,
Aunt Kathleen, Aunt Helen & Karen

Karen Dupuis

April 17, 2014

Dear Jenny ~ you won’t remember me, but I’m your cousin, Patti Nordquist (formerly Stiles). Your father is my uncle, even though I am a year and a month older than he is! My father, who passed away, was your Uncle Clinton. I talk quite often with your Uncle Jim (or should I say “Uncle Yoyo”?), and I’ve been able to find out how you’ve been doing throughout the years. I saw you one time before you and your parents moved to Las Vegas, and I knew when I first laid eyes on you that you were very special. I have two sons ~ Garrett who is 31, and Chase who is 28. They were both with me when I saw you on that wonderful day. I heard that you and your parents need some financial help to get you through your next challenge. So, I am so happy to be able to help by sending you some money that I know will be put to good use. Please know that you have always been in my thoughts throughout your life, and I am so impressed by the way that you have managed your condition. I also know that your parents are very special too for taking such good care of you. I can’t wait to hear from “Uncle Yoyo” that you are on the road to recovery, since I speak to him quite often. I love you, Patti

Patti Nordquist