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Our dear friend, Bill Wellock, was in a traumatic, life-altering accident in July that left him paralyzed from the waist down. A tree fell on him while he was riding his bike, trying to get to shelter as a fast-moving storm approached. Along with his spinal cord injury, he sustained sixteen fractured ribs and a fractured sternum; he is among the “5 percent” that his cardiac surgeon stated survives repair of a dissected aorta. Bill will have life-long medical needs and is trying to regain strength through rehabilitation therapy.
Bill, a Philadelphia native, has been a long-time resident of Wyomissing, a respected employee at Carpenter Technology, an active member of Sacred Heart parish, an alumnus of Cardinal O’Hara High School, The Catholic University of America and Villanova University. He, Ann, and their three sons all share a love of the outdoors and a sense of commitment to participate in their community and school activities.
One thing that has helped the Wellock family during the past months has been the support they have received from their community, friends, family, co-workers, and so many others. Thank you for reaching out to the Wellocks to show your support! It is greatly appreciated.
Many of you have asked how you can help. Bill is determined to return to a productive work life. This will require major adjustments in light of his physical limitations and medical complications. Extensive rehab services, modifications to his home and transportation accommodations will be needed, all of which are extremely expensive and will have to be paid out-of-pocket.
To assist Bill and Ann with these expenses, a fundraising campaign in Bill’s honor has been established with HelpHOPELive (formerly NTAF), a nonprofit organization that has been assisting the transplant community for nearly 30 years. In 2000, they expanded their mission to include those who have sustained a catastrophic injury. All contributions are tax deductible, are held by HelpHOPELive in the Mid-Atlantic Spinal Cord Injury Fund, and are administered by HelpHOPELive for Bill’s injury-related expenses only. To make a donation:Sincerely,
Friends of Bill Wellock Committee
Walter & Kate Banta Ken & Paula Christian
Denny & Judy Direnzo Andy & Jane Farella
John & Ellen Feeney Leo & Kelly Fontana
Jim & Cathy Gallagher Mike & Mary Anne Gaza
Mike Hajost Jerry & Christine Helinek
Scott & Angel Helm Ellen Horan
Jim & Jan Loomis Joe & Meg Lutes
Tim & Maureen McDonough Harry & Liz McMunigal
Mike & Kathy Napolitano Steve & Loni Pottieger
Pat & Meg Shields Mike & Tiffany Sergi
John & Patty Tschiderer Pete & Lizanne Zaleski
Letter I sent to my family and friends on July 26, 2022
Today is July 26th --- ten years since I suffered a spinal cord injury that changed my life. After my injury, I was scared about the uncertainty that lay in front of me. Words can’t express how helpful you were in creating my Help Hope Live account and how much your ongoing support of Ann, our sons, and me has meant in helping us move from uncertainty to being confident that we could move forward.
Navigating from where I was ten years ago to where I am today has been challenging, but I can tell you that I am looking forward to the future and your support has helped me get there.
The CEO of Life Is Good provided a few tips that I like to reflect on:
1. Turn on the Lights – When you wake up, make the decision to be an optimist. Focus on the good things in your life and the good things around you.
2. Trust Your Navigation System – Find “your way,” know what it is, know who you are.
3. Enjoy the Ride – With perspective, we all come to realize that the only thing we need more of is time: time to do what we love and time to be with the people we love.
My lights are on (most days!), I am enjoying the ride, and I trust where I am going. Thanks for being there when I needed you.
IM ABLE duathalon
Something to marvel about: In September 2012, Bill was just starting his rehab, barely able to do a wrist curl with a 2-pound weight. On a beautiful, sunny, Sunday, September 8th, he participated in the IM ABLE Foundation duathalon and biked approximately 10 miles with a hand-crank bike! Check out the website www.imablefoundation.org for pictures.
Thank you to Carpenter Technology for sponsoring a fund-raiser for adaptive equipment or a hand bike. Thanks to Billy and Gretchen Kaag for making a great team and THANKS TO ALL for cheering Bill on!
Catholic Univ Men's Lacrosse
On November 17th, the Men's Lax team at The Catholic Univ of America held a fundraiser - WellockStrong Capitol Dash. The men's and women's lacrosse teams and the women's field hockey team, along with friends and family members, ran the Mall to raise funds for Bill Wellock's recovery. A hugh thank you to Coach Singer and Coach Ambrose, and team members Senior, Ryan McDonough and our son, Christopher! Click on the link for more info and pictures!
Thank you!
Thank you for being so thoughtful, and for your kind wishes for Bill's recovery.
Your donation to HelpHopeLive for his rehab needs is sincerely appreciated by our entire family.
Love, Bill and Ann, Billy, Mike, and Chris Wellock
Please click the link below and enter the following code to view our thank you card: 05732317407158
Thanks again!
Update - September 2013
Since Bill arrived home in October of 2012 he has gained remarkable strength, continues with therapy, had plastic surgery on his heels (which are now healed!). We have made modifications to our home - THANK YOU to all involved with the project!
Also, in May of 2013, he returned to work on a part-time basis! A wonderful accomplishment. Showing more endurance - hurrah!
Next on the list, returning to driving and modifying a car. We are very grateful to all who have helped us along the journey.
As we reflect on all the people who have helped, we can't thank you all enough.
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My maiden name is Wellock and that's how I came across your site. (Maybe we're related?)
Just want you to know that I am praying for you from Arlington, Texas.
Keep the Faith and Love Always,
Rev. Sheila (Wellock) Fiorella
You're attitude is amazing! Really all that I can say. I'm completely humbled. Definitely an inspiration to us all. Stay strong!
Bill Bihlman
I can't say that I know you, although I do
recognize your last name from St Dots.
I wish you all the best and may a miracle
be in your future.
Tad White, St Dots, '71
Dear Bill & Ann,
Just sent a donation to HELPHOPELIVE. Please let us know how we can help make a difference. Jackie keeps us posted on your progress through Billy !
George & Maryann Combs/Wyomissing
Hi Bill. Lou Scalfari posted a link on Facebook to the fund-raising run that the CUA LAX team conducted recently. You are in my thoughts and prayers this holiday season, and throughout the years to come. I have very fond memories of our college days together in PKT. You were a great leader of our group, and those traits will get you through this chapter of your life.
Pat Hurd / Atlanta GA
Hi Bill, we are thinking and praying for you, Ann and the boys. I look forward to talking to you soon.
Margaret Rittenhouse
Dear Bill and Family, I am so sorry to hear of your misfortune. I just want you know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.I know you have not herd from me in a long time,but once a friend always a friend. My wife Kim and sons Matthew and John are also praying for you and your family. God bless you. Love the Hagenbach Family.
Joseph G. Hagenbach
Dear Bill, Ann, Billy, Mike and Chris,
We are thinking about you always. We are here for you when you need us. Our prayers and God's eternal love is with you always.
With love, The Gerace family
Mary Beth has told me about the horrific accident that has occured to your husband. I think about you a lot and pray for strength and good health for both of you.
Barb (MB sister)
Barb Langan Mann
Bill, We are good friends with Ellen and John Feeney. You have been in our prayers since the accident. I know you are working hard to gain strength and continue to heal. We will keep rooting for you! Take care.
Cindy and Mike Green
Bill, you are being dearly missed at work. Not just for the heavylifting of tasks that you have been doing, but also for your warm smile and words of wisdom. You are in our prayers for speedy recovery. Take care and yell if you need anything buddy!
Just wanted you to know that we are thinking of you and wish you courage and strength through this healing process.
Sally and Mark Allen
Hey Uncle Bill, Hope that you are doing well on your road to recovery. Always thinking about all the Wellocks! Love you all! I will be definitely be making the trip up to Wyo as soon as I get back.
Rich Farella
Hey BILL you are in my Prayers everyday! Stay strong as I always remember you! I hope to see you and Help you in any and every way I can!
I know the love of all your family friends will pull you through!
Love you much Pal!
Aldo Juliano
Love you Bill, Ann and boys
Jane Farella
You have been constantly in our prayers. We hope you have felt the positive vibs coming your way! Are we the first to sign your guestbook? What a great organization. We are here for you and Ann in anyway we can help. Lots of hugs.
Cindy and Paul Rodrigo
Make checks payable to:
Help Hope Live
Note in memo:
In honor of Bill Wellock
Mail to:
Help Hope Live
2 Radnor Corporate Center
Suite 100
100 Matsonford Road
Radnor, PA 19087
Donor preference is important to us. Please specify in writing if you wish for your name or donation amount to be kept private.
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