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Jonathan Wesson, current resident of Orange Park, FL. was diagnosed with Lupus back in the 2000, but did not have any serious problems up until 2006. In early 2006, Lupus and high-blood pressure caused progressive damage to his kidneys. By March of 2006 he would later be diagnosed with End-Stage Renal Disease, which caused him to have to start Dialysis immediately and would be in need of a Kidney Transplant.
Now at the age of thirty-seven, Jonathan is doing very well thanks to all the prayers, family and friends support. He recently received a Kidney Transplant in July of 2010 and has had minumun complications up to this point. He still being monitored by numerous physicians at Baptist Medical Center in Jacksonville, FL and has recently started a new position with the company he works with.
Because of the extraordinary expense of transplantation, funding this life-saving operation and the immunosuppressant medicication which he’ll take for the rest of his life, it is a monumental task. Even with medical insurance, there are numerous uncovered expenses such as healthcare monthly premium payments, deductibles/co-pays, and the cost to see specialists as well as potential Emergency Room visits..
To help offset Jonathan’s uninsured costs, family and friends have started a fundraising campaign through Help Hope Live.
Help Hope Live is a nonprofit organization that has been assisting the transplant community for over thirty years. All contributions are administered by Help Hope Live exclusively for uninsured transplant-related expenses. Donations are tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by law.
To make a charitable contribution:
Make checks payable to:
Help Hope Live
Note in memo section:
In Honor of Jonathan Wesson
Send to:
Help Hope Live
Two Radnor Corporate Center
100 Matsonford Road, Suite 100
Radnor, PA 19087
To make a credit card donation, please call Help Hope Live at 800-642-8399 or select the DONATE NOW button above.
Family and friends are planning a series of community events to benefit this cause. We can use your time, energy and creativity in any and every way. Please call or email one of us listed below with any questions, to volunteer your time or to request additional information. It’s never easy to ask for help and now is certainly no exception. Jonathan has touched the lives of many and we deeply appreciate the support he has received. At times like this, the assistance of family, friends and the community is crucial to help ensure a positive outcome. Your prayers and support are greatly appreciated.
On behalf of the Wesson family, thank you for your kindness and generosity.
Jonathan Wesson
[email protected]
Natasha Mays Wesson
[email protected]
Anita Browne
[email protected]
Stephen Wesson
Quetta Nared
[email protected]
Contributions are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. This campaign is administered by the Help Hope Live, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit providing fundraising assistance to transplant and catastrophic injury patients. Information: 800-642-8399.
It's been 9 years and the journey continues, feeling blessed to have been given this opportunity and doing the best I can to stay healthy. Each year brings up new challenges, my goals are to conquer those challenges head on with the support of my family.
Well it's been an 8 year journey living with a donated kidney from my brother and things are still going strong. Every now and then I think back to when I was spending up to 18 hours a week commuting back and forth to Dialysis and now majority of my time after work is spent with my children. I'm blessed to have that time back for myself and with my family.
Well it's been 7 plus years since my Kidney Transplant in 2010 and quite a learning experience. Since my last post my family has grown to 3 beautiful girls and my lovely wife, who makes sure I'm staying on top of my health. Since day one I've been working towards living a healthier lifestyle by making changes in my diet, attending annual doctors appointments, and continuing to have a positive attitude through it all.
Along the way there has been some ups and downs, just recently I found myself in the hospital for 3 weeks dealing with old scar tissue from previous surgeries. Gratefully, I have a support system in place built on love, generosity and the strength of my family, friends, caring coworkers and donors. I was able to make a quick recovery and return home.
Life has shown me that a touch of kindness goes a long way and because of that same kindness I have been given a second chance. Thank you for all your prayers, kindness and well wishes. Wishing you all the good that the world has to offer.
Thoughts, prayers and love to my brother and his family.
Soulful Saxes
Fall 2000
James Dantley
The members of the Collegiate Heights Church of Christ in Dayton Ohio made A financial contribution. Thank You Brothers and Sisters in Christ.
Stephen Wesson
Jonathan throughout your life I've watched as you have meet every challenge laid at your feet. Back then, illness accelerated you to be responsible, consistent and accountable. I couldn't imagine what you were going through back then until I was presented with the same health challenge. Dialysis is hard and at the same time it generates new hope during every treatment. Everyday I use the example of how you've walked the walk through years of dialysis and now as a recipient of a donated kidney. Your attitude through it all has been impeccable. Over the years you've grown into being a man of intregrity and strength. Your patience, stamina and endurance are gifts that are critical as you take care of yourself, your family and the work you are doing in Jacksonvile. You have become a great family man, you've been blessed to have a tremendous, supportive wife and your children are as smart, beautiful and well behaved as an I have known. God has truly blessed you all these years. Continue to be a blessing to him. God is available to you all the time. Matthew 7: 7 Ask and it will be given to you; seek you find; knock and the door will be opened to you. Sincerely, your father.
Stephen Wesson
Hi Jon,
I'm so proud of you. You have grown into such a wonderful man and father. I see God's light shining through you each day. Know that God answers prayer and many are praying for you. He is building a powerful ministry in you. Be blessed
Anita Browne, Snellville, GA
Make checks payable to:
Help Hope Live
Note in memo:
In honor of Jonathan P Wesson
Mail to:
Help Hope Live
2 Radnor Corporate Center
Suite 100
100 Matsonford Road
Radnor, PA 19087
Donor preference is important to us. Please specify in writing if you wish for your name or donation amount to be kept private.
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