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Dear Angels for Kevin,

We would like to express our deepest and most sincere gratitude for your support, both financially and spiritually, throughout Kevin’s journey. We continue to be amazed by the ways God is working to further Kevin’s journey. We are so close to what we hope will be Kevin’s miracle! During our last trip to Texas Children’s Hospital in Houston, we were given some extremely encouraging news. We have heard from doctors throughout Kevin’s life that, “he is a unique and complex case”, so he has been difficult to accurately diagnose and treat. The doctors at TCH Houston have done thorough and exhaustive testing to try to accurately diagnose our Angel. The results prove that Kevin has multiple Neurological diagnoses beyond Autoimmune Disorders and Autism. This is the first time that we have received Neurological diagnoses that can be, and have previously been, successfully treated with miraculous results through Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS)* – see below for detailed explanation!
