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After three surgeries and a long stay in ICU, Jon arrived at Craig Rehabilitation Center in Denver ready for the hard work and challenge it takes to recover from a spinal cord injury. During his four month stay, he made amazing gains in his strength and mobility, but still has a long way to go to reach his potential. Jon is happy to be back home, and we are fortunate to have Project Walk, a spinal cord rehabilitation center only one hour from our home. Jon has started a specialized therapy program there, and is continuing to make progress. Research has shown that the first six months are critical to making the most of rehab efforts, and that people continue to make gains a year and a half to two years after the initial injury. He now has movement in all four limbs but is still unable to stand, and has limited use of his triceps and hands. Intensive therapy will give Jon the opportunity to regain the strength he needs to stand, and hopefully walk again. His drive and positive attitude are nothing short of incredible. His goal is to gain enough independence to return to teaching biology in the fall.
Even with insurance, Jon will face many uninsured injury-related expenses such as: Project Walk therapy, specialized durable equipment and home modifications –all necessary to allowing him greater independence.
To help offset such expenses, a fundraising campaign in Jon’s honor has been established with HelpHOPELive, a nonprofit organization that has been assisting the transplant community for 30 years. In 2000, they expanded their mission to include those who have sustained a catastrophic injury. All contributions are tax-deductible, are held by HelpHOPELive in the Southwest Spinal Cord Injury Fund, and are administered by HelpHOPELive for injury-related expenses only. If you would like to make a contribution, please click the DONATE NOW button.
Thank you in advance for your love and support during this time – together we can make a difference for Jon.
Jennifer Atwater
May 24, 2014
A Special Day at the SEALFIT fundraiser
When we arrived at 10am, SEALFIT headquarters was packed both inside and outside with people pushing their physical limits on the Workout Of the Day (WOD). All the people working out were SEALFIT members that I had never met before, who were there to support my cause. As soon as the workout was finished, people began introducing themselves, and offering words of support and encouragement. Mark Divine gave introductory talk and demo before the next WOD, and when the workout began, Jenny and Hannah jumped in with the seasoned Crossfit athletes. If they only knew then how sore they would be the next day!
Family and friends began filtering in to take part or hang out and watch. Most of Jenny’s family was there, as well as friends of mine from high school and college that I haven’t seen for years. Colleagues from work were there, as were friends from our old neighborhood in La Jolla. My friend and brewer from La Jolla Brewing Company was there, and Hannah’s ballet instructor and her husband came to show their support.
A SEALFIT member who is also a fisherman brought fresh fish he caught and grilled up incredibly delicious fish tacos for everyone. At noon, Mark and the SEALFIT coaches put on a SEALFIT demonstration. SEALFIT training goes beyond the strength and endurance training of Crossfit, incorporating flexibility, meditation, mental toughness and teamwork. After the demo, Cathy Divine led a group guided visualization and meditation to send healing energy to me. It was an emotional and powerful experience.
During the afternoon WODS, lots of friends and family took part, and Jenny and Hannah did a second workout (probably not the best idea, but they couldn’t help themselves). In between WODS, it was my turn to workout. I got out of my chair onto some benches, and Coach Divine helped me with some strengthening exercises. Mark started receiving reports, pictures and videos from other Crossfit gyms across the country (and even Canada) that were participating in the event and doing the same WODS. It was another emotional moment watching a video on Mark’s phone of kids in Alberta Canada rooting for my recovery. After the last WOD, it was time to clean up, put away the weights. Those of us that were still there relaxed had a few beers and reflected on the day.
On May 10th at the SEALFIT fundraiser, I had a feeling that I’ve only had once before in my life. The first time was our wedding day in the big red barn in Idaho. It was a feeling of true community; filled with love and support. There was a powerful, tangible feeling in the air. I couldn’t stop thinking about it the next day. The feeling of “how could I be so unlucky to be paralyzed twice?” was replaced with “how could I be so lucky to be the recipient of so much love?”
A HUGE THANK YOU to Mark and Sandy, Cindy and Rich, Cathy, all the SEALFIT employees, all the SEALFIT members that participated, all the friends and family that came to the event, all the friends and family that couldn’t make it to the event, all the people that donated items for the auction, all the people that bid on auction items, all the people that donated directly to HELPHOPLIVE, and all the other gyms and athletes that participated! It was a huge success, and with all your help, OUR GOAL WAS REACHED!
SEALFIT CEO Helps Paralyzed Friend at Chance to Walk Again 2014-04-30 • SAN DIEGO, CA (April 28, 2014)
Rarely does life deal a tough hand twice, especially when it means coming back from a devastating injury; only to be injured again. For Jon Atwater, 55 that scenario is his reality as he was paralyzed in 1991 and over a decade later, is dealing with a second and identical injury that occurred in a freak accident that left him fighting to walk again.The story touched the hearts of those closest to him, including SEALFIT CEO, Mark Divine. Divine and Atwater met 15 years ago when Atwater agreed to be the Master Brewer at the Coronado Brewing Company. Divine says, “I became fast friends with both he [Jon] and his wife, Jenny.” Divine adds, “I know he will walk again. He is truly an ‘Unbeatable Mind Warrior’ and his spirit is unbreakable.”
Today, Atwater is on the road to recovery thanks to his time at the Project Walk Paralysis Recovery Center in San Diego, CA. Based on The Dardzinski Method, Project Walk is the pioneer in activity-based recovery with nearly two decades of experience working with spinal cord injuries. It’s the Project Walk mission to provide an improved quality of life for people living with a spinal cord injury, paralysis or mobility-related disorder through intense activity-based recovery backed by research and technology. Divine is the Founder of SEALFIT and Unbeatable Mind, a program that combines training for elite athletes with mental toughness. With the help of the SEALFIT community, Divine has organized a SEALFIT benefit on May 10th in which 98% of the proceeds will be donated to HelpHOPELive in honor of John to assist with Jon’s recovery at Project Walk and any home modifications needed for day-to-day living.“
We are thrilled to mobilize the SEALFIT / Unbeatable Mind Community to help Jon walk again,” says SEALFIT CEO, Divine. “Strong tribes help teammates in need.” For more information on the SEALFIT fundraiser in honor of Jon, please visit: For more information on Project Walk and clients like Jon, visit the Project Walk website at
April 24, 2014
OK, so I have finally set up a Vimeo account where I will post videos of therapy etc. Here is the link: There are 2 videos currently posted.
I had a minor surgery on April 3rd. I won’t go into any more detail than to say that it was literally “a pain in the butt”. Following the “minor surgery”, there were complications; I continued to bleed and lost over a liter of blood before it was discovered and I was rushed back into surgery. Everything is fine now, but(t) pain and weakness kept me out of therapy for 2 weeks. In the long run, I’ll be better off for having the surgery.
The SEALFIT fundraiser is coming up on May 10th at SEALFIT Headquarters in Encinitas! (See the flyer on this website) The SEALFIT team has put a TON of work into this event, and it is going to be amazing! They are offering 20 min workouts every hour starting at 8:30am and ending at 4:30pm. There will also be a SEALFIT demo at noon, local vendors and an incredible silent auction. They have secured some unbelievable donations! They are also going to have an online silent auction on the SEALFIT website ( I will be at the event all day to take on all comers and to demonstrate amazing feats of strength! Please come see me and check it out if you can.
Having to ask for financial help has been one of the most difficult things I have ever had to do. So we are extremely grateful to all our friends, family and even people we have never met who have donated to this campaign. And special thanks to Mark and his SEALFIT team for organizing the upcoming event. And of course special thanks to “The Boys” who have been there for us every step of the way whenever the need arises.
Aside from the medical expenses, there are one-time and ongoing expenses associated with healthcare, rehabilitation and getting back to work. We have used some of these to determine a basis for a fundraising goal.
Expenses to estimate fundraising goal
Used Wheelchair accessible van with hand controls 30,000
Wheelchair accessible bathroom modification 17,000
Home therapy equipment 3,000
Ongoing expenses (6 months)
Project Walk therapy 17,028
Homecare help 5,000
Catheters 3,600
Total $75,628
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Jon is not only a lifelong friend, but an inspiration and role model. I hope my kids are able to take on adversity and challenges, whatever they may be, the way Jon has. So proud and so blessed to call Jon my friend.
Kevin Gitre
Sending positive thoughts and prayers your way Jon.
Sincerely, Brenda Wurtz (a friend of Pam's)
Brenda Wurtz
We are all pulling for you, and send our love and support.
John, Mel, Christina, Jon and Caroline
John Gaffney
The fight is not over Jon, stay in it!
-CrossFit Five Plus
Hooyah Jon! My friends and I raised $845 for you. We are all thinking, praying and sending positive thoughts! All the best
Tom Rowland
Keep fighting the fight, Jon! Heard about you from Coach Divine and wanted to wish you the best of luck. Hooyah!
Rooting for you with all my heart!
M Donovan
I learned of your story via Mark Divine's blog. Keep up the good fight... you have lots of people pulling for you.
God bless
Jorge Ferragut, Jr.
I trust Mark Devine! If he believes in you, its enough for us
God 's blessing for you and your familia from Apple Valley, California
The Castrillon Familia
Keep the faith John, and God bless!
JK Nunn
I pray for a full recovery for you and support your efforts. Stay strong in mind and spirit, sir!
God bless you and your family..
D. Murakami
Wishing a quick recovery!!
Lachezar Kutsarov
We are with you all the way! ...Let's make this happen, brother... You are a mighty soul, and we send our blessings...
Richard and Xia Gannaway (and Lawson, Corey, Winter)
I live on the east coast, far from Encinitas… but code #4 of the Spartan please states; A Spartan gives generously.
Bill Nash
Jon: We know that you will fully recover and you are in our prayers every night to do just that. With a loving supportive family and friends around you, there are no limits! We hope to see you and Jenny soon.
Mark & Dee Elliott
Jon stay strong we will get you up and walking in no time
Jon - You have been in my thoughts. I was so happy to see Jenny and get the updates. Keep up the hard work and see you May 10th!
Best always,
Kim Patton Plotkin
Jon, you and Jenny and Hannah are always on our minds and in our hearts. Here is a JPEG link to the flyer for anyone wanting to post it: /Users/cameronabel/Desktop/SEALFIT-fundraiser-1-2.jpg
Hi Jon and family. I usually give tithe but, I pray The Lord will use my gift to bless you and your family.
Michele, my name is Joni and I am Jon’s Patient Services Coordinator at HelpHOPELive. Email me at and I will be happy to share information that you can easily post on Facebook to promote Jon’s May 10th SEALFIT fundraiser.
Joni Henderson, HelpHOPELive
Is there a good way to share the SEALFIT fundraiser with friends on facebook? I didn't get a picture to show up when I shared the link
Hi Jon - I don't know you, but your story was posted on my facebook somehow. I was hurt at c4 in 2010 and like you was discharged after 2 months with only a small about of return back. I desperately needed more therapy - and had to move away to get it. I went to a place in Utah called Neuroworx for 17 months that was pretty affordable. I was very fortunate with my injury and am now walking. Project Walk is fantastic too if you can afford to be there long term. I recently visited the PEAK center at Craig hospital - I was under the impression they offered therapy with cutting-edge tools after insurance expired. I'm curious as to why you have decided to choose PW over PEAK seeing how it is local. I'm am a huge advocate in making affordable post acute therapy and wellness more available and I would love if you could get back with me.
Best of luck to you in your journey.
Chris Leeuw
Chris Leeuw
Sending positive thoughts your way and wish you a quick recovery!
John Frager
Hi Jon,
Just stopped by to say hi. I continue to read Jen's reports on you and I am happy to know that you are home now. It must feel so good to leave the medical setting and continue your recovery from home. Let me know if you feel up to having coffee one of these days. I'd love to see you!
Best wishes for you and your family,
Gabi Mansfield
We're so happy that you are settled in at home in San Diego. We continue to keep you all in our prayers and wish you success in the Carlsbad facility.
Pam, Steve and Austin
Pam Bellamy
We have been praying for the three of you daily. I am so glad you set this up because we were struggling to find a way to help from across the country. We love y'all and look forward to seeing you back in Hesperus as soon as you're ready. Blessings.
Jay and Mini Irwin
Your Southwestern friends wish you quick recovery and to come back to teach in the fall semester.
Hi Jon, Jennifer and Hannah, We are thinking about you all every day. Please know we are here to support you and help you should you need anything. Love when we get to see you at dance rehearsal.
Amy, Bret and Lucy
Sending your campaign out to lots of people!! I hope we hear from a lot of Gaucho's from the past. We will get you well don't worry!! We love you....
Liuzzi' Family
The Mack-Baker family sends our prayers for healing and encouragement to Jon & family!!
Jane, Aleyna & Sharleen
hey dr. B. you still owe me $20 and arent getting out of it this easy. pay up. - philthy
jim snyder
It was so great spending time with you at the new house and seeing Hannah dance! The best part was seeing Jon do his thing at Project Walk. Incredible!
With love from Pam, Jeff, Laine and Keaton
Uncle Jon- It was amazing to see all of your progress live and in the flesh over Christmas. Seeing you and listening to you talk about tackling this challenge was so uplifting. You are amazing and such a wonderful role model for our munchkins (and everyone else around you!). We love you
michele (rick, savannah, and abigial) lewis
We love you! Wishing you all of our best!
Jeff, Debbie, and Jett
Your Southwestern family is all on your side and wishing you the best. We can't wait to have you back teaching and brightening our days!!
We are thinking of you guys and sending our wishes a speedy recovery!
Dennis Daly and Family
I hope you all had a very happy Christmas, and that 2014 will have even greater strides in Jon's recovery. You are a strong and loving family.
Love and miss you all.
Make checks payable to:
Help Hope Live
Note in memo:
In honor of Jon Atwater
Mail to:
Help Hope Live
2 Radnor Corporate Center
Suite 100
100 Matsonford Road
Radnor, PA 19087
Donor preference is important to us. Please specify in writing if you wish for your name or donation amount to be kept private.
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