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As many of you already know, for the past few years, our father, John, has been courageously and positively battling end-stage renal disease. Since April of 2011, he has been on dialysis three days per week, five hours a day. Dialysis is the one thing that keeps him alive; even though at times it seems to make him feel worse. Though dialysis is strenuous and wearing on Dad’s body, he never ceases to get up and go into the business he continues to run every day.

Since the time Dad was placed on the active transplant list, he has received several calls that a matching organ was available to him. Unfortunately, these opportunities turned out to be less than perfect matches. When all has looked hopeless for us and our family, Dad has stayed strong through it all.

Updates (6)

February 24, 2014

Kingston Community News on John and his kidney transplant journey (and upcoming fundraiser).

February 5, 2014

John and Jonathan are both home and recovering. John travels back to Virginia Mason on Monday and Friday mornings to have his blood tests done and all test have come back looking very good!

Photo Galleries (3)

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April 3, 2014

Read your article in the World Fence News. Sending lots of prayers and blessings from a fellow fencer in St. Paul, Minnesota.

Diane Caruso - Premier Fence

February 5, 2014

It's great to see you doing well and on the rebound. I'm looking forward to making that fishing trip that your kidney donor Jon O., you and me have been talking about for the last few years. Congrats on the Seahawks Super Bowl victory. Take care and I hope to see you soon.

Mike Fink

January 27, 2014

Get well soon! Your friends, The Heringtons. X

Susan & Josh Herington.