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Due to a lung function of only 18%, Marielle was recently med-flighted to Duke University Medical Center where she now awaits her gift of life — a double lung transplant. Marielle is the happiest, most optimistic and positive person I know. She is smart and motivated, earning a Master’s Degree while battling this illness. She deserves a chance to see what she can do in life.
Transplantation is life-saving, but overwhelmingly expensive. Financing this procedure is an insurmountable task and even with insurance, Marielle will have many uninsured transplant-related expenses such as: co-pays and deductibles, doctor visits, travel and temporary relocation to be near the transplant center, caregiving expenses and the costly immunosuppressant medications that she will need to take for the rest of her life. This all presents a financial challenge that Marielle cannot meet alone.
To help with these uninsured expenses, a fundraising campaign in Marielle’s honor has been established with HelpHOPELive, a nonprofit organization that has been assisting the transplant community for more than 30 years. All donations are tax-deductible, are held by HelpHOPELive in the Northeast Lung Transplant Fund, and are administered by HelpHOPELive for transplant-related expenses only. Please consider making a donation today and click the DONATE NOW button.
Your financial gifts as well as your prayers for Marielle to help her through this ordeal are truly appreciated more than words can express.
Much Love to Everyone!
Gidgette Farrell
Bill Farrell
781-915-4980 or 781-801-6333
[email protected]
A message from Marielle:
I will give you my word that someday I will pay it forward to the next person in my shoes! Duke’s lung transplant program prerequisites are extremely strict, and without your generosity, I would not have a second chance at life. Your donations make it possible for me to Just Breathe! Thank you for playing an active role as a member my amazing support team!
Another update from Marielle....
Lung transplant surgeon appt was great. He said all my testing looks good. No outlying issues other than having poor lungs. Next meeting to discuss my case is on Tuesday morning. Everything is progressing steadily. 2 more appts and this lung transplant evaluation will finally be complete. Then all of the doctors, specialists, therapists etc. can come together with all my test results and unanimously decide to move forward and list me!
A word from Marielle....
Settling into our New Apartment, Southern Hospitality and Transplant Evaluation
This week has continued to be busy and chaotic, but we have had another smooth transition. My dad flew into Boston last week and with the help of my family (thank you to everyone) he was able to pack our belongings into a moving truck and drive the truck down to NC. Chris flew into Boston as well to get some of his things, and spend time with friends and family. He drove my dad’s car down here so now we have two cars, which gives everyone a lot more independence.
Moving into our new apartment went pretty well. Now we are just trying to organize everything and put everything away. Kona is happy here because our apartment backs right up to the woods, and there are lots of places to run around. There is also a dog park for here to make some new doggie friends, but the weather has been so cold and rainy we have not had a chance to make it over there yet.
We continue to be pleased with our experiences in the south, specifically my dad. Now, I don’t mean to insult my hometown or anyone up north, but here is the latest example of something that has stuck with my dad and keeps coming up in conversation. Like I said above, it has been cold and rainy outside. My dad was walking out the door of grocery store when a woman approached him. She noticed he did not have an umbrella, so she offered to walk him to his car so he did not have to get wet. He couldn't believe it. In addition, now he thinks all the ladies want him. Oh Dad…
Tomorrow, I will spend the majority of the day at the hospital with Chris and my dad. The transplant team wants to meet both of them because they are my caregivers. Having a primary and secondary caregiver is part of the criteria for being accepted into the transplant program, and they have to attend all of my pre and post transplant appointments, along with attending educational classes about the entire transplant process from coping, stress, managing medications, providing care post transplant etc.
My appointments for tomorrow are a 6 minute walk test, blood work, lung function tests, and a blood gas. Later we meet with Duke pharmacist to learn what medications I will be on and ways to manage all of them. We meet the finance coordinator to show we are actively raising funds and will be able to afford the cost of transplant and care after. The last test of the day is a 24 hour pH probe to measure acid reflux. This will be the worst test of the entire evaluation. They place a tube up my nose to measure how well my esophagus can swallow. The tube is removed, and replaced with a new one which is fed down to my stomach and remains there for 24 hours. This test measures any acid reflux. If the test shows I have too much acid reflux, I will have to have a Nissen procedure where they wrap my stomach around the base of the esophagus to prevent any stomach contents traveling north and aspirating into my lungs, which is a major cause of rejection. I have acid reflux quite often so I will probably end up having this procedure done. We’ll see how it goes.
Later next week I just have to meet with the transplant surgeon and the pulmonologist, and my evaluation will be complete on February 10!
Current health condition is okay. I do alright as long as I am on 4L O2. Otherwise my SATS drop down to about 84. It seems my stamina has greatly decreased. I am not able to do a lot of what I was able to do even a few months ago. But, that is what we expected, and the reason this entire process was expedited. I am truly grateful for that.
I want to end this update on a bittersweet note. I have joined multiple lung transplant groups on Facebook and have had the opportunity to speak with several people and learn their story whether they are pre or post transplant. Some stories are happy, and others are sad. One common theme I have read is that many are having trouble with their finances, and for this reason they cannot be accepted into their respective lung transplant programs. Some transplant centers even require their patients to pass a full credit report. I understand and respect this criteria to be accepted into their programs because it ensures you have to finances to take good care of your new lungs after surgery, but it breaks my heart that people are dying and getting sicker by the day, and cannot even be evaluated for surgery until they get their finances in order.
On that note, I would like to send a huge thank you to everyone who has done anything to help me along this road to being able to breathe. Everything and anything anyone has done is graciously appreciated.
Much Love to Everyone!
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I am so happy that you received your second chance of living life and being able to Breath Easy. So glad that I followed you through your long journey and was able to see the struggles that you faced on a daily basis. You fought with everything you had and then some without giving up. You are a great inspiration to me and helped me with my battle. Remember, live life to its fullest and Breath Easy my friend.
Mahlon Beers
Marielle. ..the fund raiser was awesome...so many people who care about you....hoping the call comes soon!
Marielle--sending lots of love, hugs, and prayers as you continue on your journey. Each day brings you one more step to the gift of life. It will be soon until then remember to Just Breathe.
Jann & Uncle Jim
Hi Marielle,
Oh what a night! Such a show of Support and Love you just can't imagine! You are so very Blessed, and Loved by many. You are the strongest person I know. Just Breathe, that's your only job! Love you!!
Marielle please know you are in our thoughts and prayers daily. Believe and never let go of your dreams : ) We had a wonderful time at the fundraiser! It was wonderful to see how strong the love is in your family, what a wonderful evening and so many thanks to everyone who made it happen. You are loved...you are blessed. With sincerest wishes for your new journey to begin.
Julie Vincenzino, Tom Rutkoswki and the Tribe
Hello my Chickie, You are in the home stretch now. All the weeks of testing will pay off. Any day now, some wonderful, loving person is going to offer you the gift of life and you are going to take a great big long breath for the first time in a very long time. I am here for you...whatever you need. You know I have your back. Remember, your only job is to BREATHE! You're my girl, I love you BIG!!!!
Gidg xoxo
Loved being at the fundraiser. Such a wonderful turn out to support such a wonderful person!! Hugs Marielle!!
Auntie Barbara & Uncle Kevin
Hello Marielle. I am a friend of Gidgette and Suzette and attended the fundraiser on Saturday. You are right to be so proud of your family. They did a wonderful job to organize an evening full of fun and hope. I met some lovely people from Holbrook and had a wonderful. My 4th grade and 8th grade religious ed classes are keeping you in their prayers as am I and my family. I have enjoyed reading your updates and can't wait to hear the happily ever after part of your story. Much love!!
Michele Duggan
Keep your chin up!! We are all here for you and love you so much!! Soon enough you will be able to "Just Breathe"
Love you, Kaytee
Hi Marielle,
I've had the opportunity to witness first hand the love your family has for you......... your a lucky woman. From what I can see you have overcome many obstacles in your life that would have stopped many right straight in their tracks!! I am impressed and in awe of your determination to enjoy life, and for that you deserve the opportunity to JUST BREATHE!! Sending loving prayers of support, comfort and for a speedy recovery so you can enjoy life and JUST BREATHE!!
P.S. The fund raiser was a blast!
Marti Keneally
Believe in yourself -
in the power you have
to control your own life, day by day,
Believe in the strength
that you have deep inside,
and your faith will help
show you the way.
Believe in tomorrow
and what it will bring -
let a hopeful heart carry you through,
For the things will work out
if you trust and believe
there's no limit
to what you can do.
Jean Johnson
Keep up the positive attitude Marielle, you have so many people working so hard and praying for you, it's going to happen soon!!! You are amazing. Love ya
Nani and Papa
Positive thoughts Marielle ♡ in my prayers.
Just wanted to say keep smiling Marielle, it seems no matter what , you keep smiling .You are AMAZING !!! In my thoughts and prayers .
Love ,Lisa & Danny
Good morning Marielle, be happy your down where it's warmer, Keene, NH is minus 14, and it's 14 degrees here, brrrrr. You should be getting the final word soon and the wait won't be much longer. Keep up that positive attitude and beautiful smile. Love ya
Nani & Papa
Hi Marielle,
This is Gigi, Pat Pungitore's sister from Indy. I remember you as such a cute little girl who loved animals. I think the last time I saw you, you were working at Petsmart as a groomer. What a lovely young lady you have grown to be with a full life ahead of you. I will keep you in my prayers as you continue your journey to good health. With love and prayers.
Gigi Caito
Hi Marielle!
Sending lots of good intentions to you, your family, and your friends!! :)
good morning Marielle, hope the weather is a little warmer today. Won't be long before your dad and Chris will be back and you'll be in your own place . Keep up that positive attitude, everything is falling into place with so many people praying for you. You've always gone after what you've wanted and this is no different. Won't be long before you'll be dancing and running and breathing normal. We love you more than you know.
Nani and Papa
Marielle, just want to let you know I am thinking of you and praying for you during this difficult time. May God be with you and allow you to make it through this with no complications.
David Burke
Marielle you, your Mom and your Dad are in my prayers during your struggle.
Deb Deering, Tara and Michele Grasso, Henrique
Hoping my contribution can help out .. Sending my well wishes and hope your able to make your dreams come true.
Suzanne Keene
Praying for you and your family. Keeping up to date with all FB pposts and the ones on here
Marsha Clouse(Laurie Gelo's oldest sister)
Sending lots of positive energy your way ~
Katherine Richardson, AUNE staff
Lots of love, positive thoughts and prayers sent your way!!
Auntie Barbara and Uncle Kevin
I also need a double lung transplant. I know just how expensive it going to be. I know that you can win this battle and come out a winner. I have been following your posts on FB for a while and have been praying for you since. You are a very big inspiration for me and I wish you the best. You help to keep me going everyday and restore my faith and hope. God bless you and all who come in contact with you. I feel that having to go through this that it is God taking care of one of his angels.
Mahlon Beers, Jr
Dear Marielle:
Hello from Holbrook! I actually grew up in North Weymouth with your Mom and aunts and Uncle Leo. Ironically we met up again in Holbrook. I just wanted to say that I am getting all the updates from your Aunt Gidgette and you are one strong lady. I wish you the best and I hope and pray for two beautiful lungs for you and your beautiful soul! Lots of prayers and best wishes. You deserve them all.
Paula (Pleach) Donovan
Sending love, hugs, and healing thoughts to an amazing young woman! Marielle's courage, positive outlook and grace are a shining example to us all! You go Marielle!
Ken and MJ Keenan
I'm a friend of Bill Farrell's. You are very special in his book, so you are very special in mine! Prayers and love are with you as you travel this journey.
Paul Foley
Hi Marielle I worked with your Mom at BFDS many moons ago-wonderful lady. Anyway, saying a prayer for you and wishing you all the best!
Sheila Malasi
Sending prayers for health and joy.
Susan Cummings
Wishing you the best! Expect a visit soon!
You have the spirit and strength I have never seen before. You are an example of Faith, Hope, and Love. Stay strong, you are almost there!
Cheryl of Fambello
So many prayers out there for you and so many people anxious to help, you must certainly be loved. Keep that positive spirit and that beautiful smile on your face!!!! Love ya
Nani & Papa
Sending love and support for you....stay strong.
Praying daily for a successful transplant and the beginning of a life long ability to Just Breathe! Lots and lots of love and strength!
Auntie Sue
Make checks payable to:
Help Hope Live
Note in memo:
In honor of Marielle Livesey
Mail to:
Help Hope Live
2 Radnor Corporate Center
Suite 100
100 Matsonford Road
Radnor, PA 19087
Donor preference is important to us. Please specify in writing if you wish for your name or donation amount to be kept private.
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