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Doctors at the Cleveland Clinic are overseeing my care, and I know this transplant will give me a new lease on living, and a quality of life I have yet to experience. Unfortunately, the transplant that will save my life does not come without cost.
Even with insurance I will have many uninsured transplant-related expenses such as: co-pays and deductibles, doctor visits, travel and temporary relocation housing for three months to stay close to the transplant center and the costly immunosuppressant medications that I will need to take for the rest of my life. Erika will have to leave her job so that she can serve as my caregiver – an additional loss of income. All of this presents a financial challenge that Erika and I cannot meet alone.
To help with these uninsured expenses, a fundraising campaign in my honor has been established with HelpHOPELive, a nonprofit organization that has been assisting the transplant community for more than 30 years. All donations are tax-deductible, are held by HelpHOPELive in the Great Lakes Lung Transplant Fund, and are administered by HelpHOPELive for transplant-related expenses only. If you wish to make a donation, please click the DONATE NOW button.
Erika and I are truly grateful for your support in helping me get my second chance at life!
Travis and Erika Poland
[email protected]
This is all so overwhelming folks! After just one week of campaigning on Facebook, we essentially reached our original goal! Our compiled total after one week is $9,185, with more coming from those who mailed checks! As we still have several events in the works, we had to raise our goal! Stay tuned for updates on our upcoming events, and how you can help. To all of you who donated, shared our page on Facebook, and gave us your love and support, you are all AMAZING! Thank you all so much!
Holy cow folks! I'm blown away! It has only been a few days into our Facebook campaign, and so far we have raised $6,515.00!!! And that doesn't even include those of you that mailed in checks! I would like to thank everyone who donated, shared the link with their friends and family, or just shared your love and support with us! I'm in shock!
In memory of Gabe, and in celebration of your shiny new lungs. Go get 'em, Scandalous Travis!
Travis and Erika, sorry about your loss!
Don (Dad)
Hey Travis! My boss Pete caught me checking on your page here at work and he decided to contribute to the fund as well!
Time to kick *** and chew bubblegum!
Rob H.
Yo, Travis! Stay strong.
I'm not surprised (as you seem to be) by the support you've received. It's easy to help others when they are genuinely good people and deserving of it like you are. ♥ you man
Godspeed, Travis 2.0!
You both are in our thoughts and prayers. Let us know how he is doing.
Charles n Jamie Dell
Travis--apparently a note a left you was removed as suspected SPAM. Odd... :)
Anyways--I'm pumped to be checking up on your status and seeing that you are killing it on the campaign trail--you may have a run at politics after the surgery!
Hope the little I could give goes a long way. Thinking of you pal. Kick some ass.
Nic Daubenmire
Erica, I'm thinking and praying for you and your husband! We'll miss you at work!
Many prayers for your family. We hope your campaign is successful and your quality of life improves.
SSG and Mrs. Jason Rhoads
Hey Travis. Wishing you the best of luck with things. We'll be praying for you guys.
James DeFrancesco
I have a 10 year-old grandson who was diagnosed with CF at three months of age, so your story is very dear to me. I wish you only success in your fundraising efforts, and I pray you will receive the lungs you so desperately need.
Judi Yevtich Gerdes
Good luck man. I have a friend who went through the same thing. He ended up getting the lung transplant and his quality of life greatly improved. It was like night and day!
Matt Affolter
Thanks for sharing your story, Travis! Stay strong and keep the faith!
Chris Hartney
Best of luck, Travis!
Julie and Parker Metz
Hope our donation helps and we will continue to try to make it a continuing one. Hope you reach your goal! Best of luck to you and many prayers!
The Cunningham Family~ Jb,Amy & Jabe
Travis, I know how beautiful your soul was after reading what you wrote in dads book. Cystic Fibrosis hits close to home. I truly wish they find a cure. Until then..enjoy those new lungs. I will continue to think of you and your family. Sending love and positve vibes your way.
Kelsey Lunn
I can't wait to hear about your progress!! You got this! :)
Renee Reed
Travis, miss high school hangouts with you and our group. Loved laughing with all of you! Will be praying for you, and let us know if we can do any more to help!
Good luck Travis and Erica.I pray for you everyday! May GOD bless you and keep you
Wendy K. Mehan
You may not remember us but we remember you. We will be thinking of you and praying for you. You have had a very hard life and I know that things will get better with this transplant. I wish you all the health and strength that you will need to get through this. Much love.
Terri and J. T. Bowman (Ashley's parents)
Travis I hope I will be able to join the walk in June, but for now I will help your fund. Love you both. Auntie Sue.
Sus Bender
You have obviously made a significant impact on my wife's life and she has expressed her belief in this cause. You are in our prayers and hope that this donation helps! You are in our prayers!
Keith & Shannon Lehker
Travis....Shannon Lehker is my daughter. We're going to try to find a way to help. I wish you the very best.
Deb Schenk
Good luck Travis and Erika! I hope that your transplant is successful and long lasting.
Cory Easler
Travis: I am keeping you, Ericka and your family in prayers. I wish my donation could have been more but I hope this helps. I do not believe I have seen you since your graduation party. You may not remember me. Your mother and I worked together at the radio station. I pray you are able to receive the transplant and enjoy additional years. May God give you the strength and faith needed.
Sandy K.
You're such a good guy Travis!! I hope my little donation helps :)
Isiah Tweedie
Travis you are in great hands at the Cleveland Clinic... My nephew's specialist is there too. My thoughts and prayers go to you and Erika.
Anne Parmelee
Best of luck Travis...you're in my prayers!
Stefeni R.
Hang in there Travis, all the best to you and your family.
JJ Rodeheffer
To victory, Travis!
Best of luck to you and your family Travis.
I hope you guys get a ton of donations! <3
Jocelyn Kocik
Wishing you and Erika the best of luck with everything! Hope you get your transplant soon and recover quickly :)
Amanda Spitler
Even though we don't know you, we are sending up some prayers and good vibes! Best of luck to you!
Jim and Stacey Murphy
takin care o' bidnez, mrb!
best of luck, travis!
kevin b.
You have been an inspiration to me for all my life; teaching me how to fight and love every second.
You are my brother and no matter what I am in your corner. I will be supporting you the whole way.
This goal will be reached.
Luke Routzon
Don't know you but don't have to. One world, baby! I wish you and your wife all the best. Sending healing vibes.
Best of luck dude!
scott h.
Word man. Let's do this! ~spud
Chris Howard
No fun to be sick. I know I didn't give much, but I hope it helps.
Abe T.
Every little bit helps, but I wish I could do more. Wishing you wellness!!
Praying for you and Erika that you will raise the amount needed. I saw your story from my friend Val Kurkas and felt like I needed to help.
Todd W.
to many more years my friend!!!
ryry meganz
Tossed some bucks in the pot, and will be setting up a monthly donation as well pretty soon!
Love you buddy!
Rob Heckman
Make checks payable to:
Help Hope Live
Note in memo:
In honor of Travis Poland
Mail to:
Help Hope Live
2 Radnor Corporate Center
Suite 100
100 Matsonford Road
Radnor, PA 19087
Donor preference is important to us. Please specify in writing if you wish for your name or donation amount to be kept private.
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