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Hey everyone! My name is Yazmin Rivera Colón, I’m 38 years young, I have Bronchiectasis, a condition in which damage to the airways causes them to widen and become flabby and scarred making it hard to clear mucus and hard to breathe. I had received a double lung transplant on June 4th, 2016. Had an amazing and fast recovery. I enjoyed my new lungs and loved them too the fullest. Unfortunately due to having had COVID, both of my new lungs were re-damaged and Im on the waiting list once again. Currently, I need help for travel to Boston for constant appointments, checkups, parking fees, tolls etc. Sometimes my appointments are so back to back that requires me booking a hotel nearby for the night. Simple tasks such as walking to my car, going up the stairs and even showering have once again become more and more difficult. I am a mother to a wonderful 7 year old, Damian, whom is my miracle baby. I found out I was expecting when I was about to be placed on the list initially. Multiple doctors advised me to get an abortion due to the severity of my condition. I chose to have my son and postponed the transplant.
– Life Can do Funny Things –
Just when I was about to give up, when nothing but darkness filled my mind, a blessing was placed upon me, I discovered I was expecting, 2014, was the BEST year of my life. There I was thinking and truly believing that my life was over, a special little angel was gifted to me from above, a special little perfect gift from God Himself. It was then that I realized my life had just begun. I needed to fight and do everything in my power to be here for my baby to be, even if that meant losing my life in the process. Just like that my life had a meaning. I was not afraid if I had to lose my life in order to give another. What I knew and still know now is that I had to do everything I could to deliver a healthy baby. I was fortunate enough to carry to term, 37 weeks to be exact.
– December 18th, 2014: A Special Little Gift –
After a long and difficult pregnancy, despite my very high risk pregnancy and even higher risk delivery, I delivered a healthy baby boy, Damian. Nothing on this Earth can compare the joy that filled my heart the day I met my son, my beautiful, beautiful son. Is this real life or is it just a dream? Yes, it is real life! Wow, what a feeling, being a mother for the first time and what a timing! God knew exactly when to send him my way. It is with him in mind I get thru day by day. Aside from being an awesome mom, I am a kick-ass aunt! I have not one, but two handsome nephews, Dwayne and Dylan. My boys, Damian, Dwayne and Dylan are my life.
– The Reality –
Even with insurance, I have many uninsured transplant-related expenses, such as co-pays, deductibles, doctor visits, and costly immunosuppressant medications that I will have to take for the remainder of my life. To help with this financial burden, a fundraising campaign in my honor has been established with Help Hope Live, a nonprofit organization that has been assisting the transplant community for over 30 years and counting. All donations are tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by law, are held by Help Hope Live in the Northeast Lung Transplant Fund, and are administered by Help Hope Live for transplant-related expenses only. Please consider making a tax-deductible donation today. Any amount will help me and my family cover these very unexpected finances.
Thank you so much for your support, and thank you for taking your time reading this.
Yazmin Rivera Colon & Family
#RestinPeaceMom, you are my guardian angel
Hello, finally Im on the list, im excited and hopefully with your help I can keep on going with my appointments and keep fighting for my life, my son is already
8 yrs old. Thank you for all your help.
Hello everyone,
I just want to let you guys know that I'm doing really good and enjoying my second chance in life with my son Damian, Fiancé Pedro and my family. I'm super happy that soon it's going to be my first Lungiversary
Hi everyone, I just want to let u guys know that im doing fantastic and feeling great, it feels amazing been able to enjoy the little things in life like; brushing my hair, take a hot shower, etc. And more important I can keep up with my son Damian. Thanks to God and my Donor.
Hello everyone just want to say that thanks God I had my double lung transplant on June 4,2016 and I CAN BREATHE AGAIN and is I can't explain how I feel,thanks for the prayers and donations. God Bless and one step at a time♻
Yazmin just received her new lungs and is doing well. Now she is anxious to get better and see her little boy.
Thank you to the donor and may you rest in peace.
Hey it's Yazmin's sister.
Prayers for her she is getting her new lungs today.
Loving all the messages on my guestbook.
Guess who is officially on the transplant list?
#fight2breathe #doubleLUNGtransplant #recycleyourself
Hey peeps, on 2/22/16 I had a Cardiac catheterization. I am finally home, exhausted. Those long trips from Holyoke MA to Boston sometimes feel like too much for me :(. But it has to be done. I have to go back on the
25th. I am already tired just thinking of it.
So what is a Cardiac catheterization?
Is a procedure used to diagnose and treat cardiovascular conditions. During cardiac catheterization, a long thin tube called a catheter is inserted in an artery or vein in your groin, neck or arm and threaded through your blood vessels to your heart.
Welp, with that being said I had mine done on my neck.
#justbreathe #doublelungtransplant #fight2breathe #damiansmommy
Hey, I have finally updated my page :)
I feel like my transplant will be here soon. EEEEK!
Page under construction, need to update info. Been so busy with appointments. Thanks.
I need some ideas for a fundraising if you have any ideas please don hesitate to share it with me. Thanks
I haven't forgot about the fundraising, I'm just waiting for the weather to get better
Please donate
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Just saying hey cousin-hope your good.
Psalm 34:7; The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him, and He delivers them. Our prayers now are for a speedy, miraculous, and divine recovery. God continue to bless you!
Your uncle Rey
Hey Yazmin! It was beautiful opening my fb page and seeing your post that you can finally breathe!! Nothing makes me happier than to know you got thru your surgery and your on the way to a speedy recovery. Beautiful things happen when u let go and let God handle everything. Love ya cuz!!
& then she took a deep breath!
I cannot believe you can finally breathe with ease. Dwayne is astonished that titi has "new air" and cannot wait to hug you. You're amazing and strong. I miss you.
Hi baby girl, God has blessed you with a second chance of life,you are loved by so many people and you are still in their prayers. Your a super women, we love you and we pray to God for a good recovery which we know that's how it will be stay strong, love you
mom and dad
Hey cousin you made it! Stay strong, I love you, talk to you soon.
I love you
Hey yambo titi Luvs u god bless you Damien en jay my prayers are with you just think of that handsome lil boy get the rest u need. I'm here next door
piquin(aka titi eve)❤
Soon u will be able to breath on your own again cant wait to have u all healthy back to normal love u and blessings and prayers ur way love always
-jacko johnson
Jacko Johnson
I cannot believe you're already on the list.
Almost there.
hi sweetheart, I know that your not feeling well today I know you had a happy Mother's Day with Damian and the whole family I have you in my prayers and the whole family does to
love you verrrrrrrrrry much you mom who loves you !
wow i just read your story.you will be in my prayers hun.Keep your head up,You are a strong woman,and a great mom.may God bless you and your beutyful family.
Hi, Yazmin,
Good luck with everything. I wish the best for you.
Scott Hughes
Hey Yazmin, I'm a friend of your sisters. I've seen her post on Facebook for you. She cares so deeply for you. To have people like that is such a wonderful thing. Stay strong and keep the faith. God will provide. I can't imagine what you are going through but getting up everyday takes strength. You are showing a lot of strength. I will be praying for you. Being a mother gives you strength. Keep your baby in mind, with that and God you can get through anything.
Heather G.
YaZmin u are a strong woman u got this baby girl god keep blessing u in everyway
Jacko Johnson
Stay strong, there's still much more to we haven't got to experience
James W. Gray Jr
Hey there!! I am a friend of Marie and she has always said how much she loves her big sister!! Your almost there just take it day by day and just like God gave you your son when you needed him the most he will give you your lungs when he knows it's the right time!! Praying for you!! Rest up!!
Hey Yazmin! I just wanted to stop by and tell you I loooove you ! You are so strong and I know you will get through this. Every day that goes by is a day closer for you to get that surgery. Me Alex and baby Ricardo send our love and your always in my prayers.
Delixa ❤
Hello :) im a friend of Marie. Im sorry i couldnt donate anything but i do wish you the best of wishes! I hope everything goes in your favor. Get better soon!!
You got this beautiful!
Just Breathe
Hi Yazmin your so close to be put on the transplant list, Thursday I think will be the last test you need to have done and we will meet the doctor who will be doing the surgery I think we could see a little light at the end of the tunnel, this month Febuary has been filled with so many test but it is worth it, smile God loves you and your mom and dad do too your my tough cookie
Rafael and miriam aka dad and mom
Hi Yazmin I just wanted you to know that I love you very much happy Valentine's Day I know that you are still in the hospital at this moment and that the surgery for the lung transplant is moving forward hang in there you are a tough cookie and all of your family and friends love you very much you are in our prayers and baby Damian sends you hugs and kisses.
your mom who loves you Miriam
Hi baby! I love you so much sence the first day we saw each other. I knew you were the one that would bring ever lasting joy into my life. I will never give up loving you Yaya
Pedro rosado
Yazmin ya la familia aca en Puerto Rico estamos recolectando para darte una ayuda para tus gastos que incuriras en tu trasplante.Confia en nuestro DIOS q todo va a salir bien sabes q en lo que podamos vamos a estar mano a mano con ustedes Te amos y confiamos q El senor siga proveyendo para q se alcanse recolectar lo nesecitado un fuerte abrazo y beso DTB
Tu tia Nelly Rivera y familia
yazmin we love you very much we are there for you .leave in Gods Hands whi
chiquin, whitey
Todo va a salir bien. Estas en nuestras oraciones, mucha fe. Dios te va a sanar.Dios te bendiga
Los viejos locos. Besosxxxxxxxxxxxx....
Noemi y Rafi
love you very much from mom and dad! God bless!
Miriam and Rafael
Te quiero mucho amiguita, Se ganaras la batalla, eres un ser muy valiente y especial. Estas en mis oraciones.
Put everything in God's hands, he'll take care of the rest!! We love u very much!
Melissa, Enrique, Isaiah, Ricky and Jayden
I love you titi Yaya!
Dwayne A. Lopez
Te amo mucho mi hermana del alma siempre estare aqui para ti cuando me nesecites....te amo
Tu hermano Rafael Rivera aka Rafy
we all praying for you and we love you.
Rivera Colon Family
Make checks payable to:
Help Hope Live
Note in memo:
In honor of Yazmin Rivera
Mail to:
Help Hope Live
2 Radnor Corporate Center
Suite 100
100 Matsonford Road
Radnor, PA 19087
Donor preference is important to us. Please specify in writing if you wish for your name or donation amount to be kept private.
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