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Loralee Mills needs a heart transplant and needs your help.

Updates (2)

June 24, 2014

Hey, this is Lora. The 1-year anniversary of me being in the hospital waiting for my new heart is coming up shortly. The days are getting longer and the wait is getting harder. I know that God is preparing the perfect heart for me and I know it will come at the perfect time. I'd like to thank everyone that has supported me financially and through your prayers, cards, and well wishes. We still have a long way to go to reach our goal monetarily, but we CAN reach our goal with your help. Donating, sharing through social media, and taking the time to put together a fundraiser through HelpHOPELive are some of the things you can do to help me. HelpHOPELive is more than happy to help in any efforts you are willing to do for me (just ask Rebecca). To all my fellow #heartgangstas out there... just follow God.

March 8, 2014

If you aren't already, follow Lora's journey to a new heart at


October 27, 2014

Today is Monday, October 27, 2014. I think you are coming home to Lakeland. What a long journey of ups and downs. You are so strong in spirit and such a wonderful role model for us all. I love your smiles through your struggles. I love your heart!!! Can't wait to see you again and give you hugs!!!

Love, Holly Joyner

August 30, 2014

Hey sweet lady! You are a few hours post transplant and my new hero! I do not know you personally but have been following you since the beginning and am so overjoyed at your new chance you have been given! Keep getting stronger and in no time you will be out enjoying the things you have miussed for the past year or so...Can't wait to see your smile again!

Christina Mullins

July 1, 2014

You are so awesome and such an inspiration. I love seeing your videos!! Please know you are in my prayers♡ God bless you♡

Kelly Collins