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It has now been fifteen months post-transplant and “morning by morning new mercies I see.” Each breath I take is a miracle. Each step I take is a miracle. And my gratitude is profound.
Although complexities continue to intensify, I will not abandon faith and hope. Despite the ups and downs, my persistent attitude of fortitude remains – one day at a time. Since the reality of my lung transplant on January 3, 2015, I have required several hospitalizations, most recently to be treated for cytomegalovirus (CMV) – a donor-related viral infection. It resulted in a two-week stay, including a week of isolation, in ICU. Medical expenses continue to soar, especially the cost of medication required to control the virus in general and immunosuppressant medications in particular.
A fundraising campaign in my honor has been established with HelpHOPELive, a trusted nonprofit organization that has been providing community-based fundraising guidance to patients and their families for more than 30 years. All donations are tax-deductible, are held by HelpHOPELive in the Southeast Lung Transplant Fund, and are administered by HelpHOPELive for transplant-related expenses only. Please, consider making a contribution.
For credit card contributions, please click the yellow Donate Now button.
HelpHOPELive has been a radiant lighthouse helping me navigate a turbulent sea of financial complexities. I am extremely thankful for all who have given so generously toward my well-being. Your ongoing prayers and financial support are reassuring.
With Sincere Gratitude,
Adrian White
(813) 238-0576
It has now been fifteen months post-transplant and “morning by morning new mercies I see.” Each breath I take is a miracle. Each step I take is a miracle. And my gratitude is profound.
Although complexities continue to intensify, I will not abandon faith and hope. Despite the ups and downs, my persistent attitude of fortitude remains – one day at a time. Since the reality of my lung transplant on January 3, 2015, I have required several hospitalizations, most recently to be treated for cytomegalovirus (CMV) – a donor-related viral infection. It resulted in a two-week stay, including a week of isolation, in ICU. Medical expenses continue to soar, especially the cost of medication required to control the virus in general and immunosuppressant medications in particular. Please, consider making a contribution.
I am extremely thankful for all who have given so generously toward my well-being. Your ongoing prayers and financial support are reassuring.
It has been an incredible journey of persuasive hope in the face of perceived hopelessness...of unchanging faith in the midst of changing facts...of unwavering certainty in the frame of medical uncertainty.
As a result of your diligent prayers, encouragement and generous financial support, on January 3, 2015, I experienced the miracle of a lung transplant under the capable coordination and implementation of a highly skilled, dedicated and specialized care team at Tampa General Hospital in Tampa, Florida.
With Sincere Gratitude,
Adrian White
(813) 238-0576
On January 3, 2015 I received my new lung. Thanks to everyone for their prayers and contributions to my Journey..
Many thanks to all of you who made contributions in my honor. Because of your support, I have officially been accepted in the Lung Transplantation Program at Tampa General Hospital. I am now on the Waiting List as #32.6412.
Your continuous support is still needed; so, I am asking for100 persons who can afford to or who are willing to, to make a monthly pledge of $10 for a year. This method will help me reach my financial needs of $5,000 a month medical expenses for six to nine months.
Thanking you in advance
Adrian White
(813) 238-0576
We are seeking 100 people who would be willing to contribute at least $10 a month for one year to help Adrian reach his goal of $40,000 for his transplant-related expenses. Your automatic monthly credit card contribution can be set up by clicking the Donate Now button here on Adrian's page and following the prompts or by calling 800-642-8399. Thank you for considering a monthly pledge.
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On behalf of the members of the Gamma Eta Sigma Chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.
Daniel Smith
Our Thought and Prayers are always with you Adrian!
Bro. Dwayne and Chris Peterkin
Amalia Brooks-Peterkin
Was great to see you, Adrian!
God would not have brought you this far to leave you now.
Julius Williams
The DOS Crescent Foundation of the Delta Omicron Sigma Chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Inc. Is proud to assist with this donation to our Fraternity Brother. Keep getting strong and God Bless
Delta Omnicom Sigma Chapter
May God continue to strengthen you at this time and always. He is Love and Mercy and I know he will take care of you. I love you my friend and always know you are in my prayers!
Johnnye M. Marshall-Hall
Johnnye Marshall- Hall
At 12:01 tonight it will be the beginning of a new day. Though still dark, it is a new day and the sun will be up soon. It's the same when you pray. Your words are heard and your prayers put God into action. And though it is still during your dark time, the sun will be up soon. Give thanks for the upcoming light while it is still dark. We will be blessed in accordance with our faith. There is a set time for the light to come bursting in.
What's going on my Brother. My family and I, always praying for you and your family. See you soon...
Reginald Mitchell
When darkness overtakes the righteous, light will come bursting in...
Even though we don't see a way, God has a way.
I love you my friend.
Debra Lewis
I Love you Cuz, you are always in my prayers! God Bless You!
Sharon D White
Cuzo, you will be ok. You are constantly in my prayers. I pray to see you soon.
Pam Avery
Stay strong, let God - all things are possible through Christ - keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.
Regina Wimbley
Adrian, I pledge to be 1 of the 100 supporters that will contribute monthly to your cause. Stay encouraged!
Linda Edwards
I'm thinking of you. Get well soon.
Debra Lewis
Stay encouraged. God Bless!
Kim and James Mallard
Hey, Adrian.
Thanks for the cards of thanks for the donations. Humbly, please don't. Save your stamps and your energy for a much higher purpose.
Shoot me a line at [email protected] if you should want to communicate anything to me.
It is a privilege to serve you however I can.
Julius "Jay" Williams
Hello, sending donation wed . take care!!
Lori Mays
Adrian I pray God will heal your lungs completely!
Melanee Holder
Adrian - you hang in there! I will mail a small check in - all I can do at this time - but life can change so much for the better after your transplant. I speak from experience. I had a double lung transplant 2 years ago (lupus) and am doing so great. You will be amazed, just don't give up hope!
Monica Pieper Kaplan
I have neuro- sarcoidosis. Be strong. My prayers for you are in motion.
The A Song for Life Sarcoidosis Foundation & Network Family sends their prayers, love and support for you Adrian! Praying for a successful surgery & healing!
Jaz Owens, A Song for Life Sarcoidosis Foundation
Hello Adrian I have Sarcoidosis in my lungs and I am on oxygen as well. Stay prayerful, help is on the way and I will continue to pray for you. God Bless
Shelly Clanton
Hello Adrian, you are in our prayers. Please know that you have the support of the Tampa Bay Sarcoidosis Support Group for your much needed double lung transplant....
Emma Carroll, Executive Director
I will be praying for you bro Adrian, anything is possible through Christ. You also have the support from your brothers!
Stanley Adelson
May God bless you and your family Bro. White. I know everyone in GES will be praying and doing everything we can to assist you.
Bro. Bill Betts
Rest assure that your brothers of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.-Tampa Alumni Chapter will support you and we continue to keep you lifted in prayer.
Bro. Zannie Mount-Alumni Chapter Pres.
Will be praying for you Adrian...and count on me to donate as well
Joyce Baker
Adrian, You can count on me for prayer and financial support.
Your sister in Chirst.
Deb Barnes
Adrian your in my prayers, please let me know how else too help!
Michelle Conley
Absolutely Brother our prayers are with you. We believe in a blessed outcome. Stay strong in the Lord! We Love ya man.
Mike & Penny Williams
Thank you for sharing your story and educating me about your illness.
I will keep you and your family in prayer.
Talk with you soon,
Kimberly Kelsey Johnson
Hello! How r you? Chri sand i would like to visit. What is the best time and your address, We are around corner on 53rd/Sligh , I moved in Jun. I will support your cause.
Lori Mays/Chris and Gloria Mays
Hi Adrian,
Just want you to know that your Atlanta family is praying for your continued strength during this difficult time. I think about you often, and love you much!
Cynthia, Deral, Erica, and Nia (The Malcom's)
Adrian God has all power. Look to Him and he will continue to strengthen you. You are in my prayers!!!
Cynthia Downing (Wright)
Keep your head up stay strong my brother
angela black & Family
Hello Adrian and Happy Birthday my friend. May GOD strenghten you and keep you at this time. Love you my friend and I will help with what ever amount I can.
Alice Poole Williams
Adrian, stay positive and continue to be strong. My family wishes you the very best.............we love you MAN!!!
Ron Mitchell & Family
Hey Cuz,
I love you and I will always be there for you. Stay Strong and God Bless You.
Sharon White (Ann)
Sharon D White
Hi Adrian, just want you to know I will keep you lifted in prayer. You know God is in control and the master healer.
You are welcome to call me whenever you feel up to it.
Blessed Regards,
Jerry Ann Norton
Hi Adrian My prays are always with you and your family. I am here whenever you need me your friend Essie
Essie W Jackson
Our thoughts and Prays are with you cousin.You know we are here for you always. Keep your faith in God and he will see you through. Love you always.
Vicki and Curtis Carswell
Hi Adrian, as your friend and brother you are in my prayers. With our love of God and his Grace and Mercy we will succeed together.
Donald Poole
Hey Adrian, God is the source of all our needs, and without him there nothing. I pray that you get a 110% donations from our community. You have been a great inspiration to many and a big brother to some, lets pray that all prays are answered, stay strong and positive.
Phyllis Bridges
God Bless you!
John Paret
As your friend and fraternity brother of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. I have got your back. Prayers are here now and will continue to come.
Brother Craig S. McCoy, M.D.
Hi Adrian. My prayers are with you for a successful financial campaign as well as for a full recovery! I am putting this link on my Facebook page and will send it to as many people as I can so that you can get the help you need. Stay strong and positive!
Rhonda Smith Ellis
Adrian in your sickness and pain there is compassion for you….
God’s mercy is from everlasting to everlasting. I pray that God will bring healing, harmony, and unity to every cell, every organ, and every system in your body. I ask that he would heal the root of any pain that you experience and I thank HIM for repairing everything that has to do with your body.
Uplifting you always in prayer.
Linda Edwards
Hey My Brother! Stay positive and be strong, we're all praying for you and family.
Reginald Mitchell
Make checks payable to:
Help Hope Live
Note in memo:
In honor of Adrian White
Mail to:
Help Hope Live
2 Radnor Corporate Center
Suite 100
100 Matsonford Road
Radnor, PA 19087
Donor preference is important to us. Please specify in writing if you wish for your name or donation amount to be kept private.
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