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Help HOPE Live for Libby Judge

12/5/24: A message from Libby:

Updates (21)

December 5, 2024

12/5/24: A message from Libby:

I learned an important lesson recently, and that is to NEVER boast! A couple of months ago I was bragging about canceling my standing reservation at Chester County Hospital, since it had been almost a year since my last stay. A record I was proud of. Then bam! Just as Joe and I were preparing to celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary, I reclaimed my bed there. It was not exactly how we envisioned our landmark year.

I have been fortunate to have found a few Ukrainian women to come in to help me. Besides taking care of me, they follow my instructions in making dinners for my family.They are also able to take me to appointments and meet friends for lunch, dinner or a movie. Your past contributions have made all this possible.

A good portion of my time I spend going to the various sporting events following our 7 grandchildren, who range from 2 to 20. Who knew how riveting 6 year old girls soccer could be!

A highlight of this past year was an annual reunion weekend at the beach with childhood girlfriends. We went on a sunset cruise on the Delaware Bay. It was the first time being on a boat in 10 years. Never to be out done, Joe surprised me with a whale and dolphin watching cruise in Cape May later in the summer. Does life get any better than that?

Of course summer would not be complete without going to a Phillies game. It was exciting season until their disappointing loss to the New York Mets in the playoffs. We can only hope that our Eagles won’t let us down and will take us to the Super Bowl.

I wish you all a wonderful holiday season filled with joy.


April 6, 2023

Mark your calendars for June 2nd, 2023, for another Love.Live.Give fundraising in-person event at The Great American Pub in Conshohocken, PA! More details to come. Auction (in person & virtual options), food & drinks, music, and much more!

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December 19, 2024

I’m so sorry I missed donating by the 3rd for the event but Libby Judge is, always has been, and always WILL be one of THE MOST important people in my life. She is beyond deserving of any kindness, help, and support she receives, as she has exemplified these qualities and shown them towards others every single day that I’ve known her, and I’ve been on the receiving end so I know from personal experience. We love you, Libby Judge!


December 8, 2024

Love you ,Warm regards,Maggie Henry Corcoran and family

Maggie Corcoran

December 3, 2024

All the Best, Libby

DoloresJ Maloney