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12/5/24: A message from Libby:
I learned an important lesson recently, and that is to NEVER boast! A couple of months ago I was bragging about canceling my standing reservation at Chester County Hospital, since it had been almost a year since my last stay. A record I was proud of. Then bam! Just as Joe and I were preparing to celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary, I reclaimed my bed there. It was not exactly how we envisioned our landmark year.
I have been fortunate to have found a few Ukrainian women to come in to help me. Besides taking care of me, they follow my instructions in making dinners for my family.They are also able to take me to appointments and meet friends for lunch, dinner or a movie. Your past contributions have made all this possible.
A good portion of my time I spend going to the various sporting events following our 7 grandchildren, who range from 2 to 20. Who knew how riveting 6 year old girls soccer could be!
A highlight of this past year was an annual reunion weekend at the beach with childhood girlfriends. We went on a sunset cruise on the Delaware Bay. It was the first time being on a boat in 10 years. Never to be out done, Joe surprised me with a whale and dolphin watching cruise in Cape May later in the summer. Does life get any better than that?
Of course summer would not be complete without going to a Phillies game. It was exciting season until their disappointing loss to the New York Mets in the playoffs. We can only hope that our Eagles won’t let us down and will take us to the Super Bowl.
I wish you all a wonderful holiday season filled with joy.
11/28/23 Dear Caring Community, On this Giving Tuesday, please read the heartfelt update on Libby’s health journey. Over the past two months, Libby has faced immense challenges, being hospitalized three times (each about a week long) due to a variety of illnesses. It’s been a difficult time for her, marked by moments of fear and significant suffering, while at the same time a sense of gratitude for to the Chester Country Hospital medical staff. Thankfully, she was able to celebrate Thanksgiving with the family in good health and has been feeling good since her last visit. With Christmas approaching, we hope this stays the case! Despite these hardships, your continued support has been a beacon of hope. Thanks to your generosity, Libby has received the ongoing, crucial care she needs from dedicated nurse aids. Your donations have played a vital role in helping her navigate these tough times with resilience and determination. As we reflect on the spirit of giving on this special day, we want to express our gratitude for the community that surrounds Libby. Your compassion and support have made a tangible difference in her life, providing comfort and assistance during moments of great need. Please consider contributing on this Giving Tuesday to ensure that Libby continues to receive the care and support essential for her well-being. Your generosity has already made a significant impact, and with your continued help, we can provide her with the resources to face the challenges ahead. Thank you for being a source of light in Libby’s life and for embodying the true spirit of Giving Tuesday.
Lastly, she loves hearing from you – feel free to leave a message on this site or send her an email at [email protected].
With heartfelt appreciation,
The Libby Judge Team
The Beginning:
As many of you already know, on Saturday, March 15, 2014, Libby experienced a traumatic car accident which left her with a C5, C6 spinal cord injury.
That same night, she was airlifted to Thomas Jefferson University Hospital in Philadelphia where the doctors performed two surgeries: posterior and anterior fusions of C5 & C6 vertebrae. Both surgeries were successful in stabilizing her spine to prevent any further injury. Due to the location of her injury, Libby was paralyzed from the chest down, with some movement in her shoulders, biceps, triceps and wrists only.
Libby’s recovery involved a rigorous course of acute therapy at Magee Rehabilitation Hospital, also in Philadelphia. It was a long road for Libby, however, with the love and support of family and friends, and with the grace of God, we knew it would not be a road traveled alone.
Even with insurance, Libby has had many uninsured injury-related expenses such as: co-pays and deductibles, additional therapy, monthly medical supplies, caregiver expenses, home modifications and modified transportation to allow her access to her community, along with durable equipment — just to name a few. The CDC estimates that an individual living with a spinal cord injury will have between $500,000 and $3 million dollars in lifetime out-of-pocket expenses.
To help offset such expenses, a fundraising campaign in Libby’s honor was established with Help Hope Live, a trusted nonprofit organization that has been providing community-based fundraising guidance to patients and their families for more than 37 years. All donations are tax-deductible, are held by Help Hope Live, are held by Help Hope Live in the Mid-Atlantic Spinal Cord Injury Fund, and are administered by Help Hope Live for injury-related expenses only. If you would like to make a contribution please click on the GIVE button.
Thank you for your love, support, prayers and generosity during this time.
The Judge Family
12/5/24: A message from Libby:
I learned an important lesson recently, and that is to NEVER boast! A couple of months ago I was bragging about canceling my standing reservation at Chester County Hospital, since it had been almost a year since my last stay. A record I was proud of. Then bam! Just as Joe and I were preparing to celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary, I reclaimed my bed there. It was not exactly how we envisioned our landmark year.
I have been fortunate to have found a few Ukrainian women to come in to help me. Besides taking care of me, they follow my instructions in making dinners for my family.They are also able to take me to appointments and meet friends for lunch, dinner or a movie. Your past contributions have made all this possible.
A good portion of my time I spend going to the various sporting events following our 7 grandchildren, who range from 2 to 20. Who knew how riveting 6 year old girls soccer could be!
A highlight of this past year was an annual reunion weekend at the beach with childhood girlfriends. We went on a sunset cruise on the Delaware Bay. It was the first time being on a boat in 10 years. Never to be out done, Joe surprised me with a whale and dolphin watching cruise in Cape May later in the summer. Does life get any better than that?
Of course summer would not be complete without going to a Phillies game. It was exciting season until their disappointing loss to the New York Mets in the playoffs. We can only hope that our Eagles won’t let us down and will take us to the Super Bowl.
I wish you all a wonderful holiday season filled with joy.
Mark your calendars for June 2nd, 2023, for another Love.Live.Give fundraising in-person event at The Great American Pub in Conshohocken, PA! More details to come. Auction (in person & virtual options), food & drinks, music, and much more!
Giving Tuesday is NOVEMBER 29! Help Hope Live will cover the credit card fee for all online donations for even more impact. You can make a tax-deductible donation to Help Hope Live in Libby’s honor.
ANNOUCEMENT: Tuesday, November 30th is Giving Tuesday. We still need your donations to help support health, wellness, and safety for Libby. Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to Help Hope Live in Libby’s honor. On Tuesday, November 30, Help Hope Live will cover the credit card fee for all online donations for even more impact.
We hope this message finds you and your loved ones healthy and safe. It’s hard to believe we haven’t seen many of you since the last Love. Live. Give. fundraising event held back in 2019. Many of you have asked about Libby’s health.
In the past two years, Libby has faced many hurdles. She has had six serious illnesses, including two bouts of sepsis, all resulting in hospital stays. We are pleased to report that presently she is doing well. For a while in 2020, she was the healthiest she had been since her accident! (Perhaps social distancing really worked, for a while at least!) Prior to 2020, she had been frequenting Jefferson in Philadelphia, about 45 minutes from her home. Fortunately, she discovered the many wonderful nurses and doctors at Penn’s Chester Country Hospital in West Chester, PA. This location is very close to Libby’s home, making it easier for both her and her family.
It’s been almost 8 years since Libby’s spinal cord injury. As we approach the holiday season, we want to express our gratitude to each and every one of you for being a loyal member of Libby’s loving and supporting community. As you know, the things that come so easy to many of us are no longer easy for Libby with the limitations imposed by her injury. Improving her quality of life continues to be our ultimate goal. Because of your support and generosity, Libby has benefited from having the at-home care from nurse aids to support her with day-to-day tasks and activities; a wheel-chair accessible van; and modifications to her home to accommodate her needs and accessibility. And needless to say, help to cover the many costs associated with her hospital stays not covered by her insurance. These are just a few of the examples of how your donations are put to use.
While we look forward to gathering together again in-person in the future, we want to say thank you, stay well and have a very happy and healthy holiday season.
Most recently, Libby had a significant set-back in October. She was hospitalized at Jefferson Hospital where she spent time in the ICU for treatment of pneumonia. With Libby’s diaphragm being impacted by her paralysis, coughing and clearing secretions is very challenging and scary for her. With the proper IV antibiotics and respiratory treatment, Libby was able to be released home and is doing better. And for this, we are grateful! Libby continues to get her strength back and is receiving out-patient therapy.
Hello everyone! March 2019
It is hard to believe that a year has passed since the Fifth Annual Love.Live.Give. Fundraiser in
support of Libby Judge. We are happy to report that thanks to all of your love and generous
contributions, Libby continues to make good rehabilitative progress despite enduring many medical
setbacks along the way.
It has been five years since the Ides of March 2014 when Libby suffered her life altering accident. On
her recent anniversary, she commented that no one baked her a cake, sent her a gift, flowers or an
anniversary card! Some things will never change though as Libby still seeks the humor in situations.
The following is a condensed recap of her last year. Libby compares it to being on a seesaw - there
were many ups and downs.
Since Libby and her husband, Joe, have six grandchildren, five boys and one little girl, they spend
many weekends on the sidelines of baseball, football and basketball games cheering for them. In
particular this past year, their daughter Christy’s boys, Hayden (14) and Ryan (13) played on the same
CYO basketball team together. Their games were always very exciting to watch and Libby was so
proud of her grandchildren! She has said there were numerous times that she wanted to jump out of
her wheelchair in the midst of all of the excitement!
Although Libby’s other daughter, Carolyn’s two children, Hudson (3) and Charlotte, aka Charley (1)
are too young to play sports, they visit Libby weekly. Hudson practices on the drum set that Libby
and Joe now regret giving him for Christmas! And Charley acts as if she is in charge of their
household while she is there. :)
Alas, there is life beyond sports. Christy’s youngest son, Mason, entered first grade, joining two of his
older brothers at school. Also, last spring Ryan received his Confirmation and Logan received his
First Communion. Libby is very proud of their many accomplishments and she is so grateful that she
is able to be a part of them.
Libby tries to stay in touch with her many wonderful friends. This year she saw almost every movie
nominated for an Oscar. She foresees a future career as a movie critic. Libby greatly enjoys her
involvement with a weekly women’s bible study group, Walking With Purpose, at Saint Monica’s. She
loves the women she has met there. Also, with Spring around the corner, Libby is looking forward to
resuming strolls in the Park with her walking buddies. She tries to be considerate and not wear
them out. In the past, they have had a difficult time keeping up with her power wheelchair! She
never seems to tire of seeing and being with her friends and ardent supporters. She truly
appreciates all of their love and support.
Unfortunately, one of the many side effects of Libby’s spinal cord injury is severe muscle spasms that
frequently occur throughout her body. These spasms are quite debilitating, extremely painful and
exhausting at times. Thus, Libby opted to have a Baclafen pump implanted in her body. Instead of
taking the maximum dose of the oral medication, this pump disperses a fraction of the amount
directly into her spinal cord, bypassing the brain, liver and kidneys. Post surgery, she spent ten days
rehabilitating at her home away from home, Magee Rehabilitation Hospital. Upon completion of her
rehab, Libby acquired a viral upper respiratory infection and a UTI which sent her to Thomas
Jefferson University Hospital for many days of treatment. It is a wonder how Libby perseveres
through these medical challenges and setbacks.
In December 2018, Libby was finally able to resume physical therapy at Bryn Mawr Rehab. Shortly
afterwards though, she gradually began to feel weaker and weaker. In the beginning of February
2019, she was admitted again to the “The Hotel Jefferson”, a nickname that she and Joe have given to
the hospital. Libby’s sodium levels were dangerously low and another UTI was present. She stayed
at TJUH for six days receiving treatment.
Currently, Libby is gradually regaining the strength that she needs to get around. She is optimistic
that she will be on the sidelines of her grandsons’ little league baseball field on Opening Day!
As 2019 gets underway, Libby’s medical and rehabilitation bills continue to accumulate. Please
know that the money that is raised for Libby’s fund provides tremendous assistance in offsetting
the enormous costs of the necessary aides, physical therapy and the unforeseen expenses that
occur due to unexpected illnesses and/or emergencies. Your generous contributions to this fund
are greatly appreciated by Libby and her family since these expenses are much greater than what
Libby’s health insurance covers.
With much love and gratitude,
The Judge Family
May 10, 2019! Save the date!
We’ve just announced the date for our 6th Annual Love. Live. Give. fundraiser: Friday, May 10. Please keep an eye on your inbox for details on registration, bidding, and more.
If you’d like to contribute ahead of the event, please feel free to click the big gold Give button right on this page. Donations are tax deductible and fully accountable.
Dear Friends,
The time is quickly approaching for our fifth annual Love.Live.Give. event.
This past year we are happy to report that Libby had no major life-threatening illnesses and has stayed out of hospitals! Hooray! After last year’s setbacks she was able to do PT at Bryn Mawr Rehabilitation, which is only a stone’s throw away from her home. Once or twice a week she continues to go to Fighting Back. It is a wonderful organization started over twenty years ago by Scott Dillman to initially provide rehab and strengthening to wounded veterans.
Everyone has New Year’s resolutions. After watching the Winter Olympics, Libby is pondering which event she will participate in for the 2022 games. As part of her training she is “riding “her stim bike three times a week. Are there Senior categories? Don’t tell her that there are not.
Exciting news is that in March, Libby is scheduled to have a long-awaited hand surgery. It will give her use of a thumb and index finger, improving her hand function significantly.
The highlight of 2017 for Joe and Libby was the birth of their granddaughter, Charlotte Mary (aka Charley). She is the only princess among five princes. The second highlight was the addition of another female- Zoey. She is now Libby’s nine-month-old, 60-pound, English Cream Golden Retriever, who thinks she’s a lap dog!
April 27th is just around the corner. We hope you will join us for this fundraising event to help with the high annual costs of her care and ongoing rehabilitation. Her achievements (improvements?) would not have been possible if it were not for generosity. The majority of the funds go to help defray the huge amount paid for round the clock people to assist her. We promise a night of friendship, renewed friendships, delicious food, spirits, music and dancing. Look for many auction items, including vacation destinations. Now is such a dreary time of year, why not let yourself dream of a warm location for a respite!
We look forward to seeing many of you on this special night and thank you for supporting Libby in past years.
Team Libby Judge
It's hard to believe it's been over a year since Libby’s car accident on March 15th, 2014, which resulted in a C5, C6 spinal cord injury. Due to the location of her injury, Libby is paralyzed from the chest down, with some movement in her shoulders, biceps, triceps and wrists only. She has limited movement of her hands with no movement in her fingers.
We want to thank you for your love, support and generosity. It's not only helped Libby, but the entire family, get through what was without question the hardest year of our lives. We are very blessed to have such a large and caring community. Thank you again.
The past year+ has been extremely trying for Libby, which included 9 surgeries and 4 different places that became her temporary "home", one if which (Magee) she broke a record for being the longest tenured patient in history (hey, we'll take a win where we can get one!). Libby had to deal with both physical and emotion tragedy, many moments of despair and hopelessness, obstacles, setbacks, frustratingly slow progress, and she did so with grace, a ton of courage, a sense of humor, and amazing support from family and friends. Again, we say thank you.
About 1 month ago, she was fortunate enough to be able to move back home (although very different) to a beautiful addition equipped with modifications to help her adapt to her needs and whole new way of living with her spinal cord injury. She is happy to be home, and still adjusting to it all. Libby has full time nursing care at home and goes to therapy 3x a week. This is all only possible because of the generation donations that have been made by so many over the past year.
Even with insurance, Libby will have many uninsured injury-related expenses such as: co-pays and deductibles, additional therapy, monthly medical supplies, caregiver expenses, home modifications and modified transportation to allow her access to her community, just to name a few. The CDC estimates that an individual living with a spinal cord injury will have between $500,000 and $3 million dollars in lifetime out-of-pocket expenses.
With Love,
Libby's Family
It's been a while since the last update, and you're hungry for news of Libby's progress. But first, let's talk about the exciting fundraiser currently underway from September 11-14. It's the $50,000 Waynesborough Invitational Tennis Tournament featuring touring pros, and is presented by The Graham Group, who is providing the prize money. Thanks to their generosity and other corporate and individual sponsors, this event at Waynesborough Country Club in Paoli, PA is open to the public and free of charge. Play begins Thursday through Saturday at 5 PM with the finals on Sunday. Of special note and interest, Magee Rehab Hospital will have a Wheelchair Exhibition on Saturday 9/13 from 4-5. Please come out for this big social event and enjoy the excitement of these high level players competing. A very grateful and huge THANK YOU to all who poured time, talent, money and energy into this event, proceeds of which will be administered through HelpHOPELive.
Libby feels terribly disappointed that she can't be at Waynesborough for this benefit, and to see and greet old friends and thank her well-wishers. She's still at Magee having just received word that after 5 1/2 months, she'll be discharged soon to a skilled nursing facility. Her stay at Magee has been extended much longer than usual because of her spiking and plummeting blood pressure, a common side effect in SPI patients. She says it will be a bittersweet farewell to leave all the people there, who have become like family. It's also given her an idea for a new show called Reality Rehab, guaranteed to make you laugh and cry!
Last week after a 4-month wait, Libby's new wheels arrived, no, not an SUV, but her new chariot, a motorized wheelchair, a.k.a. "a Quickie." She says laughingly she's only gotten one speeding ticket, which she's trying to get "fixed." According to her, they apparently fix a lot of things at Magee but not tickets. (If you know Libby, you know it's characteristic of her to throw in a lot of humor.)
Joe's busy shopping for a vehicle which will accommodate her chair, then Libby can't wait to drop in expectedly or unexpectedly on friends for lunch or dinner. After 5 months of hospital food, she's ready for new taste treat sensations, so get out your best recipes. (If you know Libby, she doesn't eat much but it has to be Delicious!)
The addition of a bedroom and bathroom is well underway, thanks to many generous and good-hearted folks. Some have donated materials, some their equipment, some their skills and others their back-breaking labor.They face continuing obstacles that have slowed progress, completion is still weeks away. There's a long list of special equipment which will be necessary for Libby's care, for example a motorized lift, a shower chair, a special bed, etc., and much of this has already been ordered. As you can imagine, she's tremendously excited about the idea of going home, and that day can't come fast enough.
In the meantime, five days a week Libby's schedule consists of physical and occupational therapy in the morning and afternoon, with recreational therapy sometimes on the weekend. Recreational therapy has included some instructions on how she might drive a car some Very Distant day in the future. Very Distant for now.
Recently started and very exciting is the electrical stimulation bike Libby's begun using to build muscle. On alternating days for her arms and legs, electrodes are placed specifically on targeted muscles, causing them to fire. Libby brags that with her arms she rode 5.67 miles, and with her legs 4.4. She chuckles saying she pictures herself training for the Tour de France. The e-stim bike is another piece of equipment that's been ordered now for home use, and she's very enthusiastic about her progress and the hope it holds for her future.
In July, the women at Waynesborough held a Ladies Tennis Member/Guest to benefit the HelpHOPELive fund in honor of Libby. Libby and Joe and the entire Judge family are hugely grateful to these wonderful friends and former teammates of Libby's for their support. The donation from the event will go towards the purchase of some necessary equipment, already on order.
Libby sends love and thanks to all for thinking of her, for prayers, phone calls, cards, gifts and donations. Your concern and faith in her have kept up her spirits.
Libby's accident on March 15th sparked an outpouring of love and support from her community. A deep love for Libby brought us to where we are today.
The Graham Group pledged funding to Libby's fundraising campaign with a challenge to the community. Huge thanks goes to The Graham Group for their financial commitment, time and energy.
This tournament is the result of that challenge. There has been a contagious and inspirational wave of goodness in response to our event. Your gifts have been overwhelming.
And so, we say Thank-You one and all for your kindness in expressing your LOVE FOR LIBBY! http://www.wcc-tennis.com/
With less than a month away to the $50,000 Wayneborough Tennis Tournament, we are nearing our goal, but need your support today to get there for Libby. Every little bit helps -- large or small donations gratefully accepted. Together, we can do this for our Libby!.
August 4, 2014
It’s been a while since we shared news, so this will be a long post. Settle in with a cup of coffee and pretend you’re visiting with Libby. You’ll then notice that she wears the pink bracelet “Believe…Libby” from the night of her first fundraiser. It refers to Magee’s credo “Believe in a way back.”
Firstly, the June “Live it up Libby” fundraiser at the Great American Pub sold out and was a big success. Tremendous thanks to all who worked so hard and to the many hundreds who supported it! Secondly, warm thanks also to the 30 women who rallied to support Libby’s cause at the Waynesborough Ladies’ Tennis Member/Guest in July. And thirdly, thanks to the staff at HopeHELPLive for all their behind the scenes assistance.
Libby is not comfortable as the center of attention. She wants you to know that your generosity humbles her but your caring uplifts her. She is deeply grateful. (Thank-you notes are slow in coming, but they are coming!)
August 1st marked Libby’s fourth month at Magee Rehab on Race Street in Philadelphia. She feels very fortunate to be there for this length of time and to be receiving such wonderful medical care from her incredibly skilled and caring team of six doctors, numerous nurses, therapists, and nutritionists. Nowhere else would she get this level of care. She’s very much hoping to be there another month.
Libby wants you to know that she’s made progress during her recovery, but not without some discouraging setbacks. She’s had to leave Magee for tests, procedures, and several surgeries at other hospitals, before being readmitted to Magee. Each time she’s readmitted, she’s very grateful and relieved to be back there benefiting from their expert care.
Over the course of the last few months, her respirator and then her traec have been removed. She’s also been measured for her custom wheelchair, which hopefully will be delivered this month. Libby and Joe have been advised on all the medical equipment purchases that they eventually will have to make to help with her care once she returns home. Plans to add a hospital room and handicap accessable bathroom on their house proceed slowly, but are underway.
You’ll be glad to know that through this long ordeal, Libby retains her trademark sense of humor. A recent visitor was heard to exclaim, “Libby, you look amazingly beautiful! What’s your secret?” Without pause, Libby quipped, “bedrest.” Those of you who know her will not be surprised to learn that she has shown amazing grace during these many trying months.
Libby’s daily routine consists of physical therapy in the morning for 1½ hours and occupational therapy in the afternoon for 1½ hours, with education classes incorporated throughout the sessions. These therapies are vital to her timely progress.
Libby continues to fight on, but she’s had several serious setbacks that have interrupted her therapies. The first was her bedsore. We'll spare you the details, but after many weeks of it not responding to treatment, Libby had flap surgery at Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital in Camden. Upon returning to Magee, the bedsore responded to six weeks of IV antibiotics, four weeks of complete bed rest, and Libby’s being turned very carefully every two hours so as not to tear the staples. Success, thank goodness! This sore would have taken two years to heal on its own.
Libby is getting up to speed now and learning to adapt to the curves and bumps along the road, literally and metaphorically. A highlight of her time at Magee was her roadtrip outside the hospital. After strapping her into a wheelchair with meticulous care, her therapists took her out to negotiate the sidewalks, cross the streets and feel the uneven movement of her chair on the grass. While out, Libby was thrilled to buy a cup of coffee at a corner café. And she talked hopefully of a day in the future when she would wheel herself across a field to watch her grandsons play ball.
Libby’s therapies have recently been interrupted again as she now battles extreme and frightening fluctuations in her blood pressure, and body temperature, called autonomic dysreflexia. This condition is defined in the Paralysis Resource Guide as “a potentially dangerous reaction that includes high blood pressure, sweating, chills, headache, which may occur in persons with Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) above the 6th thoracic level (T6).” These episodes, besides being scary, are restrictive, debilitating, discouraging and disruptive when they interfere with her therapy. She’s anxious to make every moment at Magee count and take every advantage of being there.
Libby thanks everyone for his/her support, kindness, cards, gifts and messages. Each of you contribute to her faith and hope in a happy future. Please keep her in your prayers.
Mom's "flap" surgery got moved up to May 22nd, instead of May 29th as originally scheduled. All good!
Hello! Mom is doing well. The surgery on her wound on May 1 went well, they removed all dead tissue. They are taking care of the wound to keep it clean and healthy. She will get a 2nd surgery on her wound, a "flap" surgery, on May 29. They basically take healthy tissue and muscle and place it in the wound to help with healing. The nurse mentioned she will likely have to stay in bed for about 6-8 weeks for the healing to take place-- which will be a challenge to say the least. Her spirits are up, she is doing her best every day. Rehab takes a lot out of her, but she enjoys her sessions and is working hard. She loves all of your cards filling her in on what's going on outside of Magee! They keep her in the loop. Thanks for your continued support. You are all a big part of her recovery.
Hope to see many of you on June 6th at her Live it Up! event!
All: If you plan to attend Live it Up on June 6th, which we really hope you do, we ask that you please purchase tickets online in ADVANCE of the event. Thank you!
Live it Up! in honor of Libby Judge
Friday, June 6th
Great American Pub
Conshohocken, PA
Fundraising Event for Libby Judge
Friday, June 6, 2014, 6pm-11pm
Great American Pub in Conshohocken, PA
Silent Auction & Door Prizes
Featuring Chico's Vibe!!!
Surgery got moved again to May 1.
The infection is in the bone. She is on medications to help rid the infection.
Please keep saying prayers!
Mom's surgery got moved to Tuesday of next week when the hospital has vacancy.
Hi All,
Hope everyone had a very Happy Easter.
Update on Mom:
There has been no change in the status of her paralysis.
She has been upgraded to an electric wheelchair and can get around a little bit more within Magee.
She is on a regular house diet now, she can eat and drink normally again.
She has not been on the ventilator in weeks. Her trach will be removed in the near future (timing TBD, maybe week(s)?). She needs to get strong enough to cough on her own, then they can remove it.
She has a concerning pressure ulcer (bed sore). The doctors have been monitoring this sore closely. It's now very deep and at the bone. They will perform surgery this week. This is certainly another bump in the road and very discouraging.
The OTs & PTs spend a lot of time stretching her body and working on her upper body balance. She is limited on certain things due to the severity and position of her pressure ulcer. The OTs are teaching her ways on how to use her phone, iPad, etc. This is a very slow recovery process.
She loves the docs and nurses - everyone is great and has a positive attitude.
Many of you may have questions about the fundraiser and HelpHOPELive.org in general.
Good link to visit is FAQ: http://www.helphopelive.org/about/faqs.cfm
If you need specific information about the fundraising campaign we set up to help cover Mom's uninsured medical expenses, please let me know and I likely have paperwork to provide.
Email: [email protected]
Thank you all for continue to care, love and pray.
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I’m so sorry I missed donating by the 3rd for the event but Libby Judge is, always has been, and always WILL be one of THE MOST important people in my life. She is beyond deserving of any kindness, help, and support she receives, as she has exemplified these qualities and shown them towards others every single day that I’ve known her, and I’ve been on the receiving end so I know from personal experience. We love you, Libby Judge!
Love you ,Warm regards,Maggie Henry Corcoran and family
Maggie Corcoran
All the Best, Libby
DoloresJ Maloney
We love you Aunt Libby!!!!
Phil and Holly Pegg
Love from Pat, Dave and Mary Givey.
Still remember tennis at the Paoli Y, and Capt Joe’s boat in his mothers back yard.
Patrick Givey
Dear Libby:
Joe and I send you love and prayers always.
You continue tp be an inspiration to us.
Blessings to you and Joe and all the family.
Big Hugs and xoxooxox
Peggy and Joe
Margaret Lynch
Keep fighting, my friend.
PS Hopefully your husband will be back on the WCC dirt next season.
Tim & Nancy McAvoy
Dear Libby, sending lots of love your way, Melinda
Melinda Carlisle
Sharing much love & affection for Libby
Melissa Givey
my friends name is also libby judge so you are a huge inspiration to us, pls dont die
John Doyle
Dear Mrs. Judge,
You are always in our thoughts and prayers. Wishing you continued health and happiness in 2024. Happy New Year!
All our love and support,
The LeSage Family
Wayne LeSage
Libby is beautiful inside and out
Joan & Leo Judge
Libby Judge has always been my 'go-to' person for warmth, positivity and , of course, great laughs! She has been a blessing in our lives. Sending prayers and love every day to Libby and all of the Judges.
Anita and Andy Nardone
Anita and Andy Nardone
Lots of love lovely Libby
maggie henry corcoran
Love and Hugs Libby
Bob Thomas
Robert Thomas
Libby- My prayers and hopes are for you every day.
Harry Pennewell
Wishing you health and happiness Libby!
Christine Sturgis
Love you Libby. You are our hero.
Blessings and prayers and love always.
Joe and Peggy Lynch
Joe and Peggy Lynch
Libby, you are amazing ! Sending tons of love and good vibes.. Love, Kelly Spillman
Kelly Spillman
Keep hanging in Libby. We know you will.
Chris and Murf Aceto
Wishing you all the best Libby!
Nancy & Tim McAvoy
Love you all!Thinking of you and sending love at Christmas and always!
MAGGIE Henry Corcoran
Joining with sooo many who love you, Libby...and sending love and prayers for a healthy Christmas and 2023.
Anita Nardone
Libby, Wishing you and your family a wonderful Christmas and a healthy 2023!
Tom and Deirdre Koerick
All the best to you, dear Libby, and the entire Judge family. Peace and Love to all!
Shelagh Bradley
Stay strong Libby! We love you! xoxo
Lorraine Hoffner
We love you Libby and hope to see you over the holidays!!!
Love - Phil, Holly and the kiddos
Phil and Holly Pegg
Good luck Libby!
Wishing Libby and all my extended Way family a wonderful Christmas and a blessed 2023.
Much love, Melinda
Melinda Carlisle
In honor of Libby Judge and her loving family.
Elizabeth Hardie
we love you Libby and grateful for you too!
Meg McKenna
The McCool- Herman prayers of support and love for you continue. Keep cheering those wonderful Grandchildren!
Mary I. Herman
Stay Strong..Trust in God..you are a beautiful woman!
Jeanne Pegg
Love to Libby and Joe all the Family. You continue to be an inspiration of hope and courage. Prayers and love always. Joe and Peggy
To Libby the strongest and most wonderful woman I know..Prayers and love are with you each and every day. Much Love .Jeanne
Jeanne Pegg
Hope you all have a great holiday !
Arleen Daly38 MeadowView Lane
Merry Christmas Libby!
Judith Owens
Sending love and prayer to Libby
Kerry Wiley
Big , big hugs Libby and family .... Lots of Love xo
kelly spillman
We all love you, dear Libby!
Shelagh Bradley
Hi Libby and Joe, Love and blessings for a wonderful Christmas season having fun with your beautiful kids – inside and out as the pictures show such a loving spirit - and adorable grandchildren and wonderful extended family and friends. It will be great to party once again at the Pub when we can. Until then, prayers for good health and happiness to all. Love you, xo Joanne
Joanne Meyers
We love you, Lib!!
XO, Cheri & Pat
Cheri Mitchell
Hope Life Live is a wonderful organization helping people like Libby have a better quality of life.
Libby is certainly our hero.
Joan & Leo Judge
I pray for Libby and the Judge family. Pam and I missed you in our life during the last 30 years. All the best to you Libby and God bless the Judge family.
Bob Thomas
Robert Thomas
Love you Judge Family!
Lauren Murray
Sending love from Michael and Trish McNamara
Patricia McNamara
May the holiday season and the new year bring hope, health snd peace to so many who are in need.
David & Stevie Andrew
Hi Libby:
Joe and I think of you all the time. You are grace and an inspiration to all of us.
May you have peace and happiness each day and love forever from all your friends and family.
Much love always, Peggy and Joe
Mrs. Judge, I love reading your updates, especially when there are highs. I’m so sorry you are always having to overcome the hurdles but you are the strongest person I know, who fights with grace and humility. We love you and are always thinking of you!! Love, The Chila Family
Bridget Chila
Love you Aunt Lib!
Nelson Way
Our prayers are for you now and always.
Frank and Marie Scanlon
Marie scanlon
In honor of Libby and her amazing family.
Elizabeth Hardie
Libby, you are such a fighter both on the courts and from your wheelchair. Keep up the fight. We continue to root for you.
Janeen and Bob Dahlhausen
Janeen Dahlhausen
Love you, Libby!
Cheri Mitchell
In honor of Libby Judge
We're delighted to be able to support you, our dear Libby, even during this lockdown. Sending you lots of love and courage!
Jeannette and Hanspeter
Jeannette and Hanspeter Regan and Tschäni
Love ya Aunt Libby!
Matthew Judge
God Bless Libby and the entire Judge family
Liam Sweeney
Love to Libby and all of the team! Peter and I will be moving permanently to North Carolina at the end of May, so won't get a chance to see you again anytime soon. We have always enjoyed the fundraiser and are sad not to get a chance to attend one final time. Good luck, and STAY WELL!
Elizabeth Unger
Elizabeth Unger
I’m honored to be a friend of Libby and the Judge family. ♥️
Dennis Chiccino
Love you, Libby!
D.Jane Maloney
Dear Libby & Joe, Hope this finds you all well and safe during this world wide crisis. We know that other needs continue even though we are all going through this world wide craziness. Love to you both and your family!❤️
David & Stevie
David & Stevie Andrew
I love you, Libby! ❤️❤️
Cheri Mitchell
Libby You are grace in our lives. Many blessings to you always.
Love you dear heart. Peggy and Joe
Peggy Lynch
Blessings and love to Libby..Jeanne
Jeanne Pegg
Wishing Libby, Joe and their beautiful family a very Merry Christmas and good health in the New Year!
All our love,
Trish and Mac
Patricia McNamara
Keep fighting Libby!
Sandie Lezanic
We love you, Libby. You are an insipiration to us all. Thank you.
Marley Dolente
Much love from the Flaherty-Caproni family!
Patricia Caproni
Sending prayer and strength to Libby!! Love, Kerry and Bill Wiley
Kerry Wiley
Go Libby!
Christina Watson
We are sorry to miss an always special night.
Lee Ann Leary
Love to you and your family. Sue Riley
susan riley
All the best to you Libby for healing and peace and comfort.
Bob and Pam Thomas
Bob and Pam Thomas
You\'re in our thoughts, Libby. Wishing only
the best it can be for you.
Donna & Tom Isola
I still remember our trip to North Carolina. I Love you and pray for continued recovery - Laura
Laura Curtin
Libby, you inspire so many and remain a champion of the human spirit, remain steadfast towards your goals, one moment at a time. Xo
Christine Sturgis
Sending tons of Love, and a big gynormous hug xooxox
Kelly Anne Spillman
Hi Libby and Joe,
I am so sorry I could not make it this year to the friends and family gathering of love for the two of you and your family ... especially because I missed seeing you, Libby. 'Wishing you both the very best in the next year and to your beautiful family with Princess Charley to add to your joy. (I have 11 great nieces ...still waiting for the prince in my family!) I will look forward to joining in again next year. Much love and good luck, Libby, with your training for 2022! xo Joanne
Joanne Meyers
Our prayers and love are with you.
The Buchanan family
Carmie Buchanan
We are so sorry that we can\'t be with you on the 27th and we send our best wishes for your continued recovery and improvement in your mobility. All the best Libby. We miss you and love you.
Bob and Pam Thomas
Johns Creek, Georgia
Bob and Pam Thomas
It was so wonderful seeing you yesterday at Paddle. You are such an inspiration and great example of faith, your spirit has never shined brighter.
Jean Kane
Go Libby Go! Thinking of you in NYC and remembering your considerable kindness always. Love, Missy
Missy Givey
Hi Libby,
I have reached out to all our fellow Great Valley (& East Whiteland) Swim/Dive Team Members to support you through this site and Mary "Ducky" Ditton's fundraiser later this year.
Ted Howard
Hi Libby, Since Lois Eagan told me about your accident I have been holding you in prayer, carrying you in my heart. May you embrace the abundance of God's love and allow it to burrow into the inner landscape of your life. I send much love and peace your way. Recently I made a pilgrimage from Notre Dame in Paris to Notre Dame in Chartres, walking for you and several others. Had the privilege of attending a jewelry event in your neighborhood,my husband, Steve and I look forward to sharing the evening with you and your family on the 19th. I have been keeping abreast of how you are doing through Anita. Julie Berlacher, my dearest friend, sends her love. My design career is ending, thinking I could help you in some way this autumn. I live in Brampton Chase, very close to you. We are away for the summer. Blessings and hugs!
Susie Powers
dear libby,
you are always in my thoughts and prayers please stay strong you are so loved.
joanne tyluki
Hey Libby - Magee is proud to be on your team !
Ron Siggs, Magee
Hi Libby,
Hoping you are home by now. Ran into Joe I hope he sent my regards. You are in thoughts and prayers !
Eva McKendrick
Hi Libby
Thinking a lot about you and hoping you are enjoying the beautiful Christmas season! Would love to hear an update.
Your friend,
Laura Curtin
We would love to have an update on Libby! We are hoping she is now home.
Hi Libby, Joe and family! We've been thinking about you all quite a bit lately. After reading the update from Sept.12, we are so happy that you have so much support from your community and family. It sounds like everything is moving in a positive direction! That is so good to hear!! And it was so good to hear that you, Libby, haven't lost your sense of humor during your recovery and all the hard work that it requires! You all are in our prayers daily and we all know that prayers are answered. God bless the Judge Family! We love you all!
Dave and Stevie Andrew
hi Libby, the tennis event was wonderful and it was awesome to see all your supporters and the children--(ball boys and girls) wearing the tee shirts that say Libby-believe! We all believe in your strength and endurance. So appreciated the update too on your HHL page, are you popping wheelies yet in your new chair
XO Dabney and Scott
Hi Libby, I just heard about your accident yesterday from Laurie Hissey at Radley. I am so sorry about what you have been going through. Even though I haven't seen you in several years, I still remember how friendly and beautiful you always were when we would occasionally meet up in the contract time at Brandywine. I am planning to be at the tennis event this weekend. Please know that I am thinking of you and wishing you the very best.
Cara Malone
Hi Libby. I think about you and your family daily! XO
Mary Crouse
Libby - got your beautiful thank you note in the mail. I loved reading your words and seeing your smiling face. I hope you are gaining strength every day. We are all excited for the upcoming tennis tournament and look forward to the opportunity to continue to support you. You are always in our thoughts & prayers. Big Hugs
Deb Oberly
Dear Lib - I think of you so often, and you are always in my prayers. Dona has kept me updated on your progress, and today I spoke to Susan Barnes about how you are doing. Stay strong, and I so look forward to seeing you when the time is right. I'm also looking forward to the Waynesborough event. Love you!
Leslie Altomonte
Hi Libby,
Thinking of you, still from Avalon. I know how you loved it here, and know that you will get back one day. It's a very therapeutic place! Caroline's latest update was so good...continue to stay strong.
Cathy Rapp
Hello Libby, you don't know me but I work with your daughter. Carolyn is one of the most lovely individuals I've ever encountered. She's fallible (who among us isn't?) but I would absolutely count on her when the chips are down. I have a 13-year-old son (he's darn near perfect ... just enough mischievousness to keep him from being creepy!), so I know what it takes to raise a caring, thoughtful, intelligent person so I wanted to congratulate you. She is poised beyond her years, fiercly loyal, funny, passionate and independent, loving and loved. Exactly what I think you may have asked for if you'd been asked. She loves you very much ... but I'm sure you already know that. ;-)
Take care and know that you carry the best wishes of many SAP'ers.
Love You !
Tammy Sage Spa
Dear Libby, I don't know who wrote your update, but we sure do appreciate it. Thank you. I am happy to read that you are continuing to be a fighter. You go girl!!! We loved your line about getting enough bed rest. Keep up that Judge sense of humor. Things at the Comstocks are moving along. The kids and their families are all doing well. Billy and Christy, and their families, shared a place in Sea Isle for a week. Kevin was about to spend some time with them but stayed with Corey's parents. I went down for 3 days and had a ball. They sure do keep busy. Needless to say, I was in bed very early my first night back. Ha. Take care my friend and continue to heal.
Love you, Betsy
Libby, I hope to have a great turnout at my Jewelry Open House in Hersheys Mill Estates, to honor your medical fund!! It will be held July 23 and 24 at my home, from 4:00 to 7:30. 30% of sales will be dedicated to your medical expenses through HelpHOPELive. I think of you every day and pray for your smooth recovery. I live at 1536 Tanglewood Drive. Thank you!!
Judy Quenzel, (610) 812-8473
Dear Libby, Haven't heard anything for awhile but hoping things are going well. You remain in our hearts and prayers. Please tell the family that we want to help in any way that we can. Love you, Betsy
Dear Libby,
You are beautiful and kind!
Accidents happen, but so do miracles.
Thinking of you and wishing the very best.
Kiki & Charley Ross
Dearest Libby
I heard of your accident through Laura. I want you to know that I will be praying for you and I will put you in our prayers at the chapel. I remember the first day I met you....I was immediately drawn to your beautiful smile. I was lucky to get to know you and consider you a dear friend. We all need each other, especially now. Love you so much
Hi Libby, Thinking of you. Today's quote may be old but still true "Slow and steady wins the race." I/we are prayerful that you are continuing to make steady gains. XO
Dabney and Scott
Hi Libby,
We had an amazing time at the fundraiser and enjoyed seeing so many old friends from st monica's! Your family did a great job organizing. I think of you everyday. Keep working hard. Love to you.
Carol Cottone
Love you roomie!!
Rose Anne (aka, Suzanne :)
Dear Libby, wow, I must say you had friends coming out of the woodwork at the Great American Pub. The Hemcher family is wonderful, always supportive and giving. I went to school with some Hemchers. I hope you got a lift that night, it was all about you! And you were missing. Joe and I had a great time, loved seeing all your children. We have been running into Kennan ever since. Most recently at Charlie Tarloski's wedding. Continued good thoughts and prayers, with Love,
Deidre Cervini
Hi Lib - the event was such a testament to you and your family!!!
What a turnout!!! It was great seeing people I hadn't seen in a long time! You were on our mind and on our wrist:))
Roe Hartman
Hey Libby,
It's Laura. My prayers and thoughts are with you and your family. I just found out. I feel totally gutted. I know what a strong woman you are and we have had many talks. God is with you. I am at a loss for words.
I love you Libby and wish you all the best.
You saved my life once, remember?
Laura Curtin
Dear Libby,
I have been thinking of you constantly, and so admire your strength and courage through this horrible ordeal. I remember just a year ago so enjoying sitting next to you at a PCC member-guest lunch, getting to know you a little better, and thinking how you share so many of Carol's fabulous qualities. I wish you the best and hope you are buoyed by all the love and support in your court.
Marjorie Shiekman
I understand that the event was a big success. May this success provide some relief for you and your family.
Keep up your good progress.
Prayers and positive thoughts,
Dear Libby-- You are always in our thoughts & prayers, and
we know you are Fighting to get well-- we are too with you! God Bless You, and Christie, and all the family. Love you.
Louisa and Kate Sweeney
Dear Libby, I was so sorry to hear about your accident......my thoughts and prayers are with you for a strong recovery. It is so nice to see all the support you have from your family and friends ..and I am sure that gives you great comfort and strength !!! My best wishes to you and your family !
Janet O'Brien
Hi Libby, I wholeheartedly second what Dabney wrote just below. The Live It Up for Libby event was a smash hit! The only ingredient missing was your smiling face, but we will look forward to when you CAN be part of the festivities in the near future. Did they show you lots of photos? It was utterly amazing all the great stuff that your family and team organized for the event. TONS of silent auction stuff, so many WONDERFUL raffle baskets full of great stuff, cute "LIBBY" magnets and bracelets etc etc... Plus the delicious food and drinks that the Hemcher family provided in addition to that fantastic party space - I certainly hope (and expect) that lots of the people who attended will go back to Great American Pub in Conshy or Malvern and support them after this. I have always been a fan, but will certainly make an effort to patronize them more often now. And finally, the band seemed great, but unfortunately Peter and I didn't get to stay very long after they started. Our daughter Sarah and her husband flew in on Friday night from Boston, so we had to run off to the airport before getting in any dancing. Even so it was such a fun party, and everyone was buzzing with good thoughts of you. I hope that you felt all that positive energy!
I'm off to NC for the summer in a couple of weeks, so probably won't get a chance to see you until September. I'll be keeping up with your progress via the website and emails, so don't let up! I know that you will keep fighting to get back to WCC to be with all your gang. See you in the fall!
Big hugs,
Elizabeth Unger
Hi Libby, I just wanted to tell you that your beautiful family put together an amazing event last night. So many people have you in their thoughts and prayers which is such a testament to the positive affect you have had on others. Today's quote for you is "Every day may not be good..but there is something good in every day." Keep your mojo going! XO
Dabney and Scott
Dear Libby,
You have been in my thoughts and prayers since March 15. I am so very sorry. I was going to come to the event at Great American Pub tonight, but am disappointed to see that it has sold out and I can't purchase a ticket. I hope you take comfort in knowing how many friends and supporters you have. So sorry that I will not be there tonight. Hugs to you, Joe and your beautiful family.
Trish Cleveland
Libby, Joe & Family,
Thinking about you daily. Know that you are in our prayers non-stop. You are strong. BE STRONG!
Our Love,
Peter & Jo Moore
Libby we are keeping you and your family in our daily thoughts and prayers. We are sorry to miss the party but will be thinking of you and Joe and all the Judges. XXOO Kim and Rich Devine
Kim and Rich Devine
Dear Libby,
Wishing that each day brings your renewed strength, brighter times and a healthier, happier you! Get well soon!
Christine Scholl (Ocean Reef Club)
Libby and family, You are constantly in our thoughts and prayers.
With love, The Hardies
We have just learned about your accident and were saddened to hear the extent of your injuries. Libby, please know that you and your family are in our thoughts and prayers.
- Donna and Michael Brown
Our prayers and hope for recovery and peace go to the Judge and Way families. Libby, what a beautiful soul to honor.
Michael and Marley Dolente
Libby hope you are coming along well and know how many people are praying for you!!
linda spinelli
Jim and I will miss the party but wish you all the best and will be thinking of all the fun everyone will have with you. Best wishes,
Jim and Linda Beisty
Libby (and family)....i just now found out about your accident from the facebook post for the fundraiser. Gail Weingarten here.....we played tennis together on occasion some years back. I dropped out of the tennis scene because my then 19 year old son was in a terrible car accident, leaving him with a traumatic brain injury. as a family, we have been though and continue to go through many of the same things that you and your family will face. i'm stunned by the news, but i'd be honored to help in any way that i/we can. i know the medicaire, medicaid, social security, "insurance wars", home modifications, handicapped van, home nursings, independence waiver,.....and the list goes on. i'm glad to hear that you are making progress. please be in touch if there is ANYTHING i can do...610-405-9994
gail weingarten
Hi Libby, Hope you are healing well from your surgery. We continue to think about you everyday and know that you are making steady progress. Keep at it! We are all waiting to have the chance to see you in person and give you a big hug. XO Dabney
Dabney Blackwell
Dear Libby,
Hanspeter and I are thinking of you and sending lots of love. We can't be at the party in person on the 6th but will certainly join everyone in spirit.
Cuz Jeannette
Hi Libby, I just found out about your accident today. Our thoughts, prayers and good vibes are being sent your way from Key Largo. With love,
Christine Scholl and your friend in Ocean Reef Club Membership
So glad to hear that things are progressing, even if it is slowly. Thanks so much, Carolyn, for sharing information with us all. Libby, I think about you every day! So many memories of raising our kids! All the fun they had, and yes, all the fights, too! But it all just made our families better friends! Your strength and positive spirit are going to get you through this! We will continue to send our prayers! Love to you and the whole family, Stevie & Dave Andrew. PS- Ryan & JP send their best to you also!
Dave & Stevie Andrew
Dear Libby & family,
You have been & continue to be in my prayers every day since the accident. You were always one of my favorite parents & field trip moms. PLEASE tell your children to let me know if I can do anything. Kennan knows how to reach me. Even my CCD students are praying for you so stay strong. Love, Maryellen Cuozzo
Maryellen Cuozzo
Thanks for sharing the lovely photos. How did I know you would still be smiling even after such a difficult time? You are as beautiful as ever! Sorry Bob and I will miss your event since we will be far away but close in spirit. We think of you everyday and wish you only the best for the future and your recovery.
Barbara and Bob Heck
Not a day goes by that you are not in my thoughts and prayers. May God bless you and protect you especially today during your surgery~
Patrice Belfi Young
Libby, Thinking of you extra today and sending up prayers for a speedy recovery from your surgery.
A big hug to you, Julie
Julie Mercer
Thinking of you today during your surgery. Praying that all goes well and recovery continues at light speed. xoxox Wendy
Wendy Civitella
Hi Libby! I have been busy with things, a nephew's wedding, sisters visiting and taking care of Fred Pierce so Lorrie could spend Catherine's Birthday with her in Minnesota. There is always work, wish I could retire but Joe would want to also so we can't have that! I am looking forward to going to the Pub in your honor! It will be good to see your family! My prayers are with you, with much love and good thoughts, Dee Cervini
Deidre Cervini
Hi Libby, I just heard about your accident and am praying for continued healing each day. You have always been a kind and gracious person on and off the court. Be encouraged,God is a miracle worker and works miracles everyday!
Past Cup Tennis Player
Hi Libby and family -- I am grudgingly going to have to miss the par-tay on June 6 as I am out of town that week, but I think about all of you every single day. I'm so happy to see that the surgeries and rehab have been going well, and I hope the Benefit event is a huge success! I'll be there in spirit!!
In other news, as I'm sure you've heard, La Salle got a new volleyball coach, so I assume the team will be among the ranks of Penn State shortly.
Take care!
Abby Means
Hi Libby!!! I hope you are feeling better and stronger everyday!! I pray for you often and I am looking forward to a visit. We are currently Philly neighbors as I work 4 blocks away from you…. I hope to see you soon!! XOXO, Cheri
Cheri Mitchell
Hi Lib, so glad to read that things are progressing. Keep it up! The Comstocks are good, and I'm thankful for that. Billy and Mimi just got a black lab puppy- Ruby. She is so cute and keeping everyone on their toes. Kyle is busy with baseball and lacrosse. He seems to really enjoy all sports, but I want to interest him in golf or tennis cuz then I could travel with him as is chaperone to all those beautiful warm places. Ha. When you are ready for visitors we would love to see you. Love you, Betsy
Betsy Comstock
Not a day goes by that I don't think about you and pray for your strength and for your family. I recently heard this quote and thought of you…"God gives his greatest warriors, the hardest battles."
Deb Sawin
Libby, our thoughts and prayers are with you. Sending you our love!
Lorraine, Trae and Bryce
Praying to St. Jude for you every day and wishing you the best.
Joe DeBarberie and family
Libby- hoping that you are feeling better with each day and return home to your lovely family soon. Thoughts And prayers with you all!
Sandie and mark Lezanic
Hi Libby, Thinking of you today and every day. My quote for the day is: Obstacles are things a person sees when he takes his eyes off his goal. Keep working toward your goal of getting to go home. So many people are rooting for you. XO
Dabney and Scott
Hope you had a good day today. I am sending you healing thoughts.
Mary (Regan)
Happy Mother's Day Libby!!! I am sure it is a wonderful day filled with your children and grandchildren. (oh yea, and Joe too!! HAHA) Hope we all get to see you soon!!!
PS...with our move, I came across our HS yearbook....we were HOT numbers!! HAHA
Mary Ellen
Libby dear, Hanspeter and I hope you can enjoy your beautiful spring day. Our Mother's Day Sunday is also springy, as in spring showers. We hope you're being showered with lots of love, especially today.
Hi Libby, I just NOW learned about the accident from Connie....Damn if that girl ain't always a day late and a dollar short!
Happy Mother's Day. You have been one tough, little momma ever since I first laid eyes on you--when Connie dragged me from CHC to a small, suburban hospital to meet you and newborn Christy.....
Sending love and prayers your way.
Sandra Panitz Haley
Happy Mother's Day! Your strength is inspirational to so many!❤️
Hi Libby, We just wanted to touch base with you to let you know you continue to be in our prayers. With that spirit of yours I know great things will happen. Please tell the fam to let us know what we can do. Love, Betsy and Geord
Betsy Comstock
Libby, May all of our prayers and your family support give you the strength to overcome your injuries and make your healing as quick as possible. With prayers and love,
Bev and Mike Owsik
Our thoughts and prayers are with you!! You are a strong person and will get
Lois and Bing Bortle
Libby - Now that the surgery is behind you, hope you are back to focusing on a full recovery! We think of you daily and pray for strength to guide you through this and with determination to make a recovery! The Lord is overwhelmed with prayers for you - he has to have heard all of us!!! God Bless, Elaine and Dick Bailey
Elaine and Dick Bailey
Wishing you all the positive energy that you always give to others.
Aralisha & Rob Newbold
Libby - The Daly Family are all pulling for you - our prayers will keep coming for your recovery!
Libby, I was impressed by your strength and beauty when I met you at the Dining for Women event in Mt Airy. So glad that my cousin Patti brought you. You are a generous soul, and I wish you courage as you persevere through your recovery. My thoughts are with you, and your family.
Pat Spross
love and support from the Rhode Island Griscoms (Walsh cousins)
andy and family
Hi Lib - we're all still with you in prayer. You're at the top of the list!! I just read of your infection. Aaah just what you don't need. So sorry to hear of this. God's blessing and graces on you as you go through your rehab. We love you:))
Roe Hartman
HI Libby, Think abou you all the time and hope you are doing better every day. This is tough but you have an incredible support from family and friends that when you think you can't know that we are all behind you saying you CAN
Bobbie Morris
Hi, Libby! It was really good to see the photo that Carolyn posted. You look happy and ready to do whatever it takes to recover! I hope the recent surgery went well. We keep you in our prayers every day. Stay strong and rely on your family, friends and faith! Love, Stevie & Dave Andrew
Stevie & Dave Andrew
Dear Libby, our thoughts and prayers are with you daily. Hope you know not a day goes by that you are not thought about. With your courage and determination, you will win this battle one day at a time.
Tom and grace Tarloski
I hope you are recovering quickly from your surgery. You are in my thoughts and prayers continuously.
Libby, Greg and I think about you daily and hope your surgery went well this week.
Diane Campbell
You were and will always remain beautiful both inside and out. You and your wonderful family are in my prayers and thoughts everyday. All my love,
Sue Walsh
Dear dear Libby, so much love & prayers to you-- to Christie, Carolyn, esp. Joe & all the family, lots of thoughts & prayers--- hugs, hugs--from- Louisa & the Sweeneys
Louisa Sweeney
Hope your surgery went well yesterday -was thinking of you.
To a speedy recovery so you can get back to your therapy.
Keep the faith - our thoughts are with you
Sallie :) & Randy
May your recovery be speedy. You're in my thoughts and prayers.
Warmest regards,
Randy McFall
Our prayer group prayed for your comfort and successful surgery. May your healing be comfortable and progressive, Libby.
Libby, Lisa and I are in your corner and with Prayer, Hope and Hard work you shall continue your journey and recovery. Always remember that you and Joe and your entire clan are in our hearts, our prayers and thoughts. Please tell Joe to call or text me if there is anything we can do, we are always there for you and Joe.
Billy and Lisa
Hi Libby, we appreciate seeing the photos Carolyn posted on this site showing your beautiful smile in the midst of your strenuous rehab. Hope your surgery helps you feel better and more comfortable. We think of you daily and continue to send prayers your way.
Dabney and Scott
Good morning, Libby! So glad to hear about all your progress with your wheelchair and trach. Your ulcer is just a bump in the road- this isn't the first one Magee has seen! It's a pretty good bet that they are using the latest therapy in wound care. Sending lots of prayer that it heals quickly. It's heartwarming to hear about all the people who are there for you!!! At the WCC ladies golf opening, there was a moment of prayer for YOU- hope you felt the love! So, so proud of Carolyn for her wonderful updates and coordination of website. Sending lots of love to you and your whole family! xoxo
We played your team today and I thought of you throughout our match and the last few days when I heard about your accident. Use your competitive nature to fight through setbacks, rejoice in every win along the long road of recovery and remember you are not alone....so many people are praying for you; many who have never met you and God answers prayers!
Ginger and John Sabia
Be careful with that speedy wheelchair. Do you have a license for that?
Thinking about you quite a bit.....keep on working. we also are praying. God works in mysterious ways. God Bless .
Eileen Mullray
Hey Libby, I have been away and it is good to come back to hear you are upgraded to electric wheelchair and can eat and drink now. I am sure you are working really hard to have made so much progress. I will be thinking about you on May 1st and can't wait to be able to talk to you.
Dona T
To Libby and the Judge family ~ we wish you all the best for a speedy recovery. You are in our thoughts and prayers.
Suzanne and Dennis Dunphy
Team Judge -
Stay strong. We are thinking of your Tennis and Recreation friends are thinking about you here at The Reef.
Mic O'Keeffe
Thinking of you, and your family everyday.Sending you lots of prayers and love your way. Keep fighting , stay strong, and most of all stay positive.
mary lou tarloski
Just got an email for our first tennis cup match and it made me think of you. How crazy lucky were you to get to play with Christy all those years? The only mother daughter duo I know that played cup 1, and you 2 were unbeatable!! Very jealous!!! Use that same strength and never lose attitude to win this battle one shot at a time. Thinking of you and yours. xoxo
Sharon Yonker
Libby, please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers. We are thinking of you and the entire family. Joe and Libby keep positive thoughts as we are for you too. Let us know throughout your recovery if there is ANYTHING we can do for you. Lots of Love!
Greg and Sally Whiteman
Hi again to Libby and Family!! We are still thinking about you every day and will continue to until you are back at WCC enjoying your friends. You have no idea how nice it is to get updates. Please keep them coming so we can be there with you every step of the way. As always, it will be the little things that we will celebrate!! You go girl!!!
Mary Ellen Smith
Hi Libby, We've never met but I am from the vast tennis playing group of women in our area.
Suzanne Olsen is a good friend of mine and shared with me the news about your accident. I wanted you to know that my thoughts and prayers
are with you on your road to recovery. Stay strong and positive every day and know that you have the love of your family, friends and even those you don't
know who are cheering you on. With love from afar, Ginger Lewis
Ginger Lewis
To Libby and the Judge family and friends. Betsy has her friends at the Pink Sisters in Philadelphia on the case. We are praying our hearts out for Libby and send tons of love her way and to all of the Judges.
Betsy and Bernie
Hey there, Libby.. Heading to see the Macdonald family for the weekend but carrying a satchel filled with love and prayers for you and your family. Keep on traveling in that chair of yours, spreading your beauty and your determination to those around you. Tons of love, Helen and Dick
Helen and Dick
Libby, sending thoughts and prayers to you and your family.We know your positive outlook and strength will get you through this.
Suzanne and Jim Olson
Libby, You and Joe and the whole family are in our prayers and thoughts on a daily basis. I know with your always positive attitude and spirit that you will keep fighting.
Nick Wolfe
Thinking of you everyday and sending love and prayers for your recovery
Donna Beers
Libby and Family, sending love and prayers every day!
Doug and Leslie Grayson
Libby, you and your family are in our hearts and prayers every day. We are totally confident that your indomitable spirit, loving family and devoted friends will get you through this! Even on your toughest days, be assured that so many are thinking of you and sending hugs!
Bev and Lee Ahrensdorf
Praying for you and thinking of you all the time. A friend is heading to Lourdes next week, and a petition for your recovery will be placed by her at the Grotto. Sending love.
Jean Kane
Libby, your grace and beauty are an inspiration to all of us, we are with you every step of the way and our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Many hugs and kisses to you Libby! xoxo
Christine Sturgis
Hi Libby!! I am praying daily for you and your recovery. I love you! ❤️
Cheri Mitchell
Libby, We think of you all the time. So glad to hear that your recovery is going so well. You have so much support and love from so many people.
Kim and John Hildebrand
Hi Libby- Peter and I have been thinking of you and your family daily and continue to pray for your continued healing! I have always admired your positive spirit and I know that it will help enormously with your recovery! xoxo
Peter and Ellen Blommer
Dear Libby, Loved seeing the pictures. Keep fighting with that competitive spirit of yours. You are one strong lady. Our prayers continue. Look forward to a visit when you're ready. Love, Betsy and George
Betsy and George Comstock
Libby I am thinking and praying for you everyday! Keep up the good work! XO
Mary Crouse
Helen was just in the shop and told us (Bryan and me) of your progress w/phone etc. One can't keep a great gal down!
Hugs to you and to your beautiful family.
Hi Lib, Kip and I are thinking of you every day. We send love and support and encouragement to you and look forward to working with HelpHopeLive to help ease your transition back home. Love, Nina
Nina D'Iorio
Libby, You still look as beautiful as ever! It is great to see the progress that you are making! You go girl! You will be outta there in no time!
Cathy Carr
Dearest Libby,
I think about you every day! Stay strong and know all of your friends are behind you. xoxoxox
Cindy Kienzle
Know you are trying & working hard with your rehab. Have patience. We think of you so often & pray for you - hoping there is some progress in your efforts & determination.
Keep the faith - everyone is rootng for you.
Sallie & Randy
HI libby, Checked out Magee's web site. They have a really strong committed program that will definitely drive your potential and get you going. You will inspire us all to look at the world as what" I can "not what "I can't."
I going to make it my mantra. Prayers flowing your way xoxo
Bobbie and Joe Morris and family
Dear Libby,
We are thinking about you and praying that your beautiful spirit stays strong and vibrant!
Pat and Barb Ryan
Barb Ryan
Dear Libby,
We just found out about this site today. Katie Alana, Heather,me, my parents, Maura and her family have been praying for you daily!! We miss seeing you and hope we can see you when the time is right. We sent a card down with a picture of Alana on it. We love you!
Love The Flanagans
Paul Heather Katie Alana
Libby......Just a note to say that you remain very much in our thoughts and prayers....We think of you constantly and sincerely hope that you are making good progress..
Joe and Sandy Hullett
Libby, my thoughts truly are with you daily.
I wish I could take some of your rehab time away from you…Carol is a favorite from my seashore days and that is when I met you with her. Be a strong lady, Libby.
Hi Libby - Mark and I think about you all the time and know your faith and family are helping you recover and face the challenges ahead. Lots of love coming your way! :)
Mark and Morgan Ray
Libby, we have know the way family for years - they are strong and faithful - I pray this carries on. You and your family are in our prayers
Linda Jim Spinelli family
Dear Judge Family,
My thoughts & prayers are with you daily. I hope that you & Libby can draw strength from all of us that care. We love you & are here for you.
Maryellen Cuozzo
Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your beautiful family. You are not alone in this fight. Faith and Love
The Hodgens Family
Libby & Family,
Prayers and thoughts your way. Please hang in there. So sorry to hear about your accident. You are in our prayers.
Mike Spillman Family
Dear Libby,
Our whole family is carrying you close to our hearts in prayers every day. You have such a beautiful, strong spirit that we know you have what it takes to persevere and come through this. You are already such an inspiration to so many and will continue to share your love and energy with a world in need of your unique message. I will be visiting Mary Alana and Rob in just a few weeks and will come by to visit you for sure. May God bless you with undaunted hope. Sending love and prayers -
Mary Cunningham Agee
I am so sorry to hear about your accident , but if any one can triumph over this , it is you! You are so blessed, with a husband and family that loves you with all their hearts. We who count ourselves among your lifelong friends adore you and we all will be here for you and your family.!! Count on us for prayers and help. Whatever I can do,?
Joe I have a very dear friend who has been through this with her daughter, who has overcome so much.. I know they can help assist you in alot the knowledge of how to get the house refitted, who to have come to house. etc. Call me 610 2208734.. I will give you her name and do whatever I can do help.
Lots of Love and Prayers
Chrissy Becker-Brown
Libby - I am praying that your recovery continues. You are a beautiful lady with a great family - I just hope to see you all at Waynesborough soon.
Patrick Ryan
Libby, I've been thinking about you constantly and know you have the strength and courage to fight through this. You have so much work ahead of you but because of who you are, you have the support of so many. We are all here to support you through your recovery process. I love the beautiful pictures of you and your family!!! xxoo
Beth Downey
Hey Libby, There is a lot of love and prayers constantly coming your way. If you need me I will be there.
Hi Mrs. Judge,
Thinking of you everyday. I'm just a few blocks down the street from you on 17th and Arch- we're neighbors again! Hoping that every day gets a little bit better than the last.
Hi Libby! We're sending lots of prayers and hugs your way and have you in our hearts always! I am so moved by the endless outpouring of love and support that I see every day from a wonderful community that adores you. What a great testament to the amazing woman that you are for all the people in your life. Wow!! I am not surprised, of course. You are limitless and unstoppable! I hope you have time to find a window and enjoy the sun today - it's cold out but brilliant. Love you!
Karen, Ethan and Cara
I'm a neighbor in HME and am thinking of you and praying for your recovery daily.
Patti McCabe
Libby, Just want you to know we are thinking of you, praying for your recovery, and sending light and love your way--today and every day. God bless.
Sandy and Mike Claus
Libby you are a courageous person who has faced one challenge after another and always came bouncing back with a smile on your face. Your buoyant spirit will win once again. Whatever it takes, YOU can do it. I think about you and pray for you and the family every day. Big hug. Love you.
Hi Libby,
There is not a day that goes by that you are not in my thoughts and prayers. There is not a day that goes by that I don't think of the incredible person that you are, your beautiful smile, your incredible spirit and dear friendship. You are so loved by so many and we are all cheering for you. Sending you strength, hope and the biggest hug!
Patti Lennox
I am praying God will give you the the courage and strength to continue fighting with all you have. You are blessed with the love and support of family and friends. Know that you are never alone. With love and prayers!
Kate Corr
Libby, I'm just another of your Waynesborough tennis/paddle family who is thinking of you and praying for your recovery. Sending positive energy your way.
Donna Boorse Fabius
Hi Libby, just stopping by the new site. I hope it was a good day for you. Lots more rain today and more debris to clean up in the yard. I went to Home Depot this past weekend, it was about 80 degrees. I saw all these happy shoppers loading their spring annuals into their cars. I did not mention to anyone "it's too early to plant", now that we have had snow flurries tonight and freezing temperatures, I'm feeling a bit guilty. Hey they'll learn for next year! take care Lib, and keep up the good work! with love and prayers, Deidre
Deidre Cervini
Hi Libby, Saw this quote and thought of you.. I know it seems hard sometimes, but remember one thing, through every dark night, there's a bright day after that! We are sending you hugs and continued support as you work so hard on your recovery. Love
Dabney and Scott
wishing you the courage to fight for all you have; a beautiful family and many friends that are all on your sideline cheering you on. Thinking of you and sending lots of positive energy everyday!
Kristen Prachar
Big hugs and love to you, Libby! All of us at WCC are missing you every day, and rooting for your recovery.
We continue to pray for you daily and are sending healing thoughts your way.
With Love, Gwynne & Brian Walker
Prayers and thoughts are with you Mrs. Judge, I have no doubt you have the strength to overcome this. Love you
Tom kurek
Hi Libby,
We continue to pray for you everyday!We are sending positive thoughts your way as you progress with your therapy at Magee. You are so strong and so courageous!!! Please know that you are loved by so many. May that love and support comfort you each day.
With our love,
Carol and Chuck
Sending tons of positive thoughts and prayers your way. Stay strong!
Andrea Dutton
God bless you Libby!! Stay strong and keep the love from all of your family, friends and God in your heart!!! We are praying for you ... You can do this!!! ❤️️U!!
Stephanie Frost
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In honor of Libby Judge
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